Life Hacks/(Inf/Lox)-(Preg)/(Wells House/Danica-Everybody-Gathered)/Tell her to put that idea on hold for now

From All The Fallen Stories
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You couldn’t take your eyes off the little naked five-year-old, her bare hairless little slit drew your eyes like a magnet. You just couldn’t take your eyes off it, you felt your cock harden with the thought of enjoying the little girl. But not yet, you need to see where Trish was planning on taking this. You and Ronnie walked over and took a seat on the couch as Siobhan and Danica came down the stairs. “So how do you want to do this?” You asked Trish.

"Hmmm, well, that all depends on what you feel comfortable with doing sweetie," she says to you. "I don't want to push you into anything you aren't comfortable with." Something about her talking to you like that gives you a moment of pause. Sweetie? Well, you presume she likely got your age from Roni, and you're younger than Siobhan who you suppose she probably calls sweetie as well. It seems she wrapped you up as being a child right along with the rest of them. Well, perhaps if you just use this opportunity to take charge and demonstrate your sexual dominance she will start saying something different.

You think about her question for a second, your eyes drifting back down to Ellie’s tight little pussy. You feel drool form on your lips, your thoughts go to how it will feel to press your mouth to that little slit, to feel those hairless mons on your face. “Well, you were saying you wanted to give the girls some sex education. Do you just want it to be about vaginal sex, or would you like to include anal sex, giving and receiving oral sex, how babies are made? What do you want to do and what do you want to avoid?”

"Huh? Babies?" Ellie responds.

Trish’s face crunched up with a look of disgust. “Anal sex, eww, that’s just so dirty, no, no, my girls don’t need to learn anything about that. But the rest sounds nice, I definitely want you to help teach Ellie about vaginal sex, just like you did with Danica. Siobhan could probably use some lessons too.” She replied and then looked up towards Siobhan. “But it might be a good idea for that to wait until we get some condoms. I would however also like them to learn about giving and receiving oral sex. It should all be something they learn to enjoy.”

"Mmm.. mommy?" Ellie has started squirming like crazy and is now pulling on her mother's wrist which is still on the 5 year old's shoulder.

"Yes, what is it sweetie?" You hear her use that endearment again. It's more appropriate when directed at Ellie, but remembering her using it with you certainly makes it gnaw at your mind.

"Xander said about how to make babies, does that mean we're going to have a baby?"

"No sweetie, we are going to try to avoid anyone actually getting pregnant, but we will be doing something that could normally make babies if the conditions are right."

"Mmm... but, I want to have a baby." The adorable 5 year old declares.

"Well... Siobhan is the only one old enough to have a baby right now, maybe... oh!" Trish suddenly catches herself before saying something that you guess was going to be on Siobhan's behalf and really irresponsible as well. "Well, it's only Siobhan who can decide whether or not she wants to have a baby, so that's up to her." Trish comes out with that as her final word, leaving Ellie with a bit of disappointment.