Daycare manager/Hannah Marshal/Office molestation/1st/Vaginal sex/Non-naive, uncomfortable/pull out/inside

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While you did promise to pull out, you have no intention to abide by that. You want every drop of your semen going inside of her. You take a firm hold on Hannah's thighs and bury yourself all the way inside her and begin letting out your stuff inside her with a groan. Hannah looks up at you as her womb is filled with your thick white cum, but she only seems to look a little surprised about the sounds you're making. Does she even know what's going on?

(Has not seen semen and does not know semen makes babies.)(NOTE: It is possible to be non-naive without knowing about either of these things. Non-naive is social navite < 26 and has a general concept of what sex is, but certain routes have additional special requirements. In the case of this route, it's the "sex makes babies" knowledge, not the "semen makes babies" knowledge)

Once you finish, you slide your dick out of her (underwear on)and allow her underwear to snap back over the front of her crotch as your stuff begins soaking into her panties as it dribbles out of her. (underwear off)and watch as your stuff dribbles out of her and down into her ass crack. Despite having just cum inside her against your promise, Hannah doesn't seem to really comprehend it.

(Has not seen semen and trust > 70) or (does not know semen makes babies and trust > 50)

Identical text to above'

(Knows semen makes babies and has seen semen and Trust > 90)

Once you finish, you slide your dick out of her (underwear on)and allow her underwear to snap back over the front of her crotch as your stuff begins soaking into her panties as it dribbles out of her. (underwear off)and watch as your stuff dribbles out of her and down into her ass crack. Hannah seems to look a little bit concerned, almost like she is trying to hold back tears.

(Trust < 91, or < 71 and has seen semen but doesn't know it makes babies, or < 51 and has not seen semen but knows it makes babies)

Once you finish, you slide your dick out of her (underwear on)and allow her underwear to snap back over the front of her crotch as your stuff begins soaking into her panties as it dribbles out of her. (underwear off)and watch as your stuff dribbles out of her and down into her ass crack. (Insert appropriate text from below)

  • (Obedience > 60)

Hannah looks concerned, but she doesn't say anything. She just looks away as though she is trying to hold back tears.

  • (Obedience 41-60 and underwear on)

"Mmm" Hannah shifts uncomfortably and (wearing skirt)pushes her skirt down over the front of her groin (not wearing skirt)places her hand over the material of the front of her panties as they are absorbing your cum. She looks scared and acts like she wants to say something for a moment, but she ultimately tucks her chin into her chest and remains silent.

  • (Obedience < 41 and underwear on) or (Obedience < 61 and underwear off)
    • (Underwear on)

"Mmm" Hannah shifts uncomfortably and (wearing skirt)pushes her skirt down over the front of her groin (not wearing skirt)places her hand over the material of the front of her panties as they are absorbing your cum.

    • (Unified continuation for both routes.)

Hannah looks shocked as she realizes what happened. "You... you did it inside me." She says in a weak and shaky voice.

WIP ending options