Daycare manager/Hannah Marshal/Office molestation/1st/Vaginal sex/Non-naive, uncomfortable/Bad Condom/Center-poke

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(Abuse 1-10)

"Alright, how about if I use a condom?" You ask her.

"What!? Uhh... what's a... what's that?" She asks.

"A condom," you repeat, reaching into your drawer and pulling out a condom you had made a center-poke into and quickly ripping off the wrapper. "This thing," you tell her, "if I put this on my penis, it will make it so you won't get pregnant even if I have sex with you.

"Mmm..." she looks at the still rolled up condom with a skeptical look. That look softens a little as you roll it onto your dick, but she doesn't loose that look that says she really doesn't know what's going on.

"There we go," you say, "now I can put my penis in you without worrying about getting you pregnant."


(Abuse 11+)

"Alright, fine! I'll fuck you with a rubber on if it makes you happy." You give a sigh and pull open the drawer you keep your condoms in, and you pull out one of the condoms you have poked a hole into before. (prepubescent)She's not actually old enough to get pregnant, but you feel like you just want to do a little something to spite her. (pubescent) WIP.... (confirmed ovulating)You're not going to miss your chance to knock the kid up with an egg in her system right now.

WIP more text here.

.... "There we go. Now I don't want any more of your fucking lip." With those words, you take hold of Hannah and line yourself up and then uncerimoniously shove yourself right into her little __-year-old (toddler(4)/kindergartener(5 at September)/(age in september - 5)grader(6 at September-10 at September)/Pre-teen (11 at september-12)) hole.

"Ow!" Hannah yelps. (Hates pregnancy idea and doesn't know semen is what makes babies)("Noooo...."/(otherwise)"Mmmm...") She lets out a miserable whimpering sound as you begin to slide your protected dick in and out of her. The little whore doesn't even seem to appreciate the sacrifice you're making having to fuck her with a condom on.

"Oh yeah!" You grunt as you proceed to bring yourself closer and closer to the edge. Despite the latex in the way, the tightness of such a little girl's pussy is still definitely something else. It's not long at all before you are hitting your orgasm and feeling the head of your dick awash in the warmth of your own semen captured inside the resovoar of the condom.

Once you are finished, you pull your dick out (underwear on)and allow her underwear to snap back into place and then feel the weight of your stuff trapped inside the condom pulling down on the tip of your dick. Under Hannah's quiet and anything but happy gaze, you walk over to the trashcan and strip the rubber from your dick and toss the condom away.