Daycare manager/Hannah Marshal/Office molestation/1st/Vaginal sex/Uncomfortable/Gentle/Combined 5/Cum inside

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(Confirmed not at risk)

Well, there's no real risk if you just cum inside her. (She hasn't even started puberty yet/you have confirmed with your sex magic that she's not ovulating right now,) so you're not going to (this is how babies are made option chosen)actually get her pregnant if you finish inside. With this in mind, as your orgasm is fast approaching, you bury yourself completely inside of Hannah's (tiny/little/young) __-year-old body and begin filling her (toddler/little kiddy/young __-year-old) vagina with its first-ever helping of the stuff that is meant to make babies in little girls like her. You know it won't, but it is fun to imagine.

(Likely not at risk (age 10 or younger))

Well, there's probably no real risk if you just cum inside her. She's only __, so there's ((<8)no way/(>7)little chance) she may actually be able to get pregnant so you're pretty sure you are not going to (this is how babies are made option chosen)actually get her pregnant if you were to just finish inside right now. With this in mind, as your orgasm is fast approaching, you bury yourself completely inside of the (tiny/little/young) __-year-old and begin filling her (toddler/little kiddy/young (9/10)-year-old) vagina with its first-ever helping of the stuff that is meant to make babies in little girls like her. You know (replacing "it won't)there's little chance, but (replacing "it is")it's fun to imagine.

(could be at risk (age 11 or 12, hasn't had 1st period)) Well, she's (11/12,) so if you cum inside of her now there is a risk that she could get pregnant. She may not have had her first period yet that you are aware of, but that doesn't mean there is zero risk. Something bristles inside of you though as you imagine the idea of making Hannah miss her first period by inseminating the first egg she ever ovulates.

  • Check with sex magic (Have sex magic available)
  • Just let yourself imagine (Alternate option to above if sex magic is available. If selected, or if sex magic is not available, scene continues with the text below.)

You bury yourself inside of the potentially fertile pre-teen and begin filling her (11/12)-year old uterus with your potent seed seeking out the unlikely but quite possible chance of putting your baby in her technically pre-pubescent belly.

(definitely fertile (has had 1st period))

You know that Hannah has already had her 1st period. If you cum inside her now, there is a very real chance you could get her pregnant. You know you probably shouldn't, but the idea of getting a __-year-old pregnant is just too much for you and as you approach your orgasm you simply bury yourself into the (toddler's (4)/little kid's (5-8)/kid's (9-12)) formerly virgin and definitely fertile hole and begin depositing your baby-making seed right up next to her womb.

(confirmed ovulating via sex magic)

You know she's fertile, she has an egg ovulated right now. You know you shouldn't do this. If you cum inside her now, she is almost definitely going to get pregnant. You know you should pull out, or at the very least you should ask her if it's Ok and explain the risks to her, but you are too weak to pull out and too afraid that if you did explain things to her then she really wouldn't let you finish inside. While you are fully aware of just how wrong this is, you wind up with your dick buried fully inside of Hannah's belly, kissing up against her __-year-old uterus ready to be impregnated, as you begin filling her with the very stuff capable of making that happen.

(Unified ending)

Hannah lets out a small moan and begins to squirm as you fill her with your stuff, it seems like she may be able to feel it going inside her. Once it finally tapers off, you slowly remove your dick from the little __-year-old, allowing a trickle of your white goo to come flowing out from inside her (wearing underwear)before her panties snap back over her crotch and begin to absorb your fresh cum as it trickles out of her freshly deflowered vagina. "Oh no!" Hannah moans and then clamps her hands to her pussy (not wearing underwear)She lets out a gasp as she sees this white stuff beginning to come out of her and then she quickly places both hands over her pussy.