Offline/Nicole is right, pack up your things

From All The Fallen Stories
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Giving in to her concerns, you get up with Nicole, get ready, and pack up your stuff. You find it hard to go back to the friendly chatting and banter you started this week with after spending last night losing your virginity to one another. At the very least it's distracting and difficult to process and Nicole is really focused on packing so there's some awkward and uncertain silence while you both struggle to act 'normal'. But in the end it's a good thing Nicole was so focused because as you two march your bags back to camp you run into dad walking toward you on the trail to your cabin. If you'd kept fooling around he'd certainly have found you together messing around in your sleeping bag.

"Wow! You're packed and everything? Good stuff!" He slaps you on the shoulder and gives an approving nod. "So you are capable of getting up in the morning, huh? ...nah, I bet it's all your cousin's doing!"

"Yeah, she did it," you confirm.

Nicole smiles at you wryly. "No, we both did it," she jokes before pursing her lips and looking anywhere else. But that brief look she gave you makes you flush with embarrassment, along with a little bit of pride. Thankfully dad doesn't notice, he just starts rambling on about how when he was a boy scout, blah, blah.

Popping out of the trees, you see it's already a bustle of activity in camp, everyone packing gear and cleaning up. After a quick bathroom break, you stow your baggage and are handed some snacks for breakfast which you and Nicole take onto the bus with you. Everyone is so busy you manage to skirt your way out of being afflicted with anymore 'responsibility'. Instead you sit at the very back of the bus and eat your breakfast together in privacy.

You and Nicole whisper and chuckle over what you two did last night around the campfire, let alone everything else. You casually mention how you think Uncle Mike noticed you snuggling, not sure how she'll take that. Nicole nonchalantly reveals that your cousin Lizzy was also watching. That's kinda shocking, if not outright concerning. Nicole knew people were watching and kept jerking you off regardless? Surely Lizzy couldn't have seen much. What exactly was she even 'watching' anyway? You were both under the blanket, right? Nicole could just be joshing you but she sure seems real serious, and not at all bothered either. She did briefly mention how she wanted people to know about you, but surely she wouldn't actually do anything to out the two of you on purpose... right?

Alone on the bus together with nothing else to do, it doesn't take long before Nicole starts pawing at your crotch.

"Huh? Right now?"

Nicole shrugs. "Why not? No one can see. Plus it's mine now, remember?"

You glance out the windows worriedly but she's quick to refocus your attention, giving you a firm squeeze and slipping her other hand under your shirt and up your torso.

"Also, I just really like touching it... Making it grow... Making you groan..."

She sneaks in a few kisses and in short order you're making out full bore, a dirty, raunchy goodbye kiss of sorts. You go tit for tat, grabbing at her small boobs over her clothes. Nicole slips her tongue past your lips and you are suddenly in way too deep.

"No way!"

You separate from Nicole as quickly as you can, your heart having jumped into your throat. You didn't hear anyone get on, but the owner of the surprised voice is practically beside you already. Turns out Emma and Asha decided to shirk responsibility as well.

"See! I told you!" Emma confirms with her friend. They stop at the back of the bus and sit across the aisle from you.

"Emma! What the fu... wait, what do you mean? What is it you told her?" you pointedly ask. Emma's mood quickly changes, realising she may have broken a promise.

"Oh, um, nothing... just... what I saw in the water yesterday."

Shit. Maybe you can bluff this away. You get real dismissive, trying to shut this down. "What? You didn't see anything. There was nothing to see. You don't even know what you saw."

"Yes I do! You were doing it! I saw your thingy inside of Ni-"

"He said!" interrupts Nicole, then stresses, "...that you didn't see anything, right?"

Emma and Asha share a look then nod in understanding.

"What else did you tell?" you prod, knowing there has to be more.

"Well... about how we ran around and... y'know, stuff."

Great. Emma, Asha, Lizzy, maybe Uncle Mike... You really hope this doesn't spread any further. It's not that you're embarrassed by Nicole or anything, but you doubt anyone here would be very understand; certainly not mom and dad. You might not ever get to have a life ever again if they found out.

"Okay, well you can't tell anyone else anything, okay? Which should be easy cuz you never saw anything."

The girls nod again and turn away. It suddenly gets real awkward, no one willing to say anything. Thankfully Auntie Grace gets on and teases you all for taking the back of the bus. Uncle Mike tosses some As other people begin to board the girls start whispering to each other and glancing over at you and your cousin. There's really not much you can do about their gossiping other than shoot your sister the occasional scowl.

The next half hour is pretty dull. You and Nicole chat idly while everyone gets themselves sorted. Most of the kids also gravitate toward the back. Your parents check on you and your sis but you shoo them away and they take a seat up at the front. Uncle Dave does a comprehensive roll call after securing the last bit of luggage.

"Alrighty! That should be about everything! Let's hope anything you people forgot isn't important because we're not turning around! Let's go!"

Nicole turns to you with a grin. "Did you ever get your sister's clothes off the roof?"

You share a chuckle with your cousin. You totally forgot about that. Someone's going to find a whole outfit of your little sister's, panties and all, perched on top of that roof someday. It serves her right for blabbing. You probably should have gone and tossed her whole bag up there too.

The bus pulls away from camp which quickly falls out of sight through the trees. The final leg of this vacation starts to feel especially solemn now. You hold hands with Nicole, each of you consoling the other about the fact that this ride might be the last time you see each other for a long time.

"You won't forget about me after all this, will you?" she asks worriedly.

"Of course not! Never. I already think about you constantly."

"Okay. Do you promise you'll message every day?"

"Totally. Every hour even. I'll never go offline again."

Nicole smiles, sneaks another kiss, cuddles into you, then slips her hand inside your pants. You can't really stop her; it is hers after all, she's made that clear. After almost 20 minutes of mischievous grabbing, teasing, and groping, she full on pulls your cock out wanting to stroke you off one last time. You stare ahead nervously while Nicole gives the gawking girls beside you a private show at the back of the bus and just one more thing for them to talk about.