Offline/Protest dad's wake up call

From All The Fallen Stories
Revision as of 15:01, 21 December 2018 by Notsooldpervert (talk | contribs)
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Taking no time to lodge a complaint, you whine, "Seriously? Can't we sleep in if we want to? It is vacation."

"Okay, but you can't just snack the whole day. There's no fridge here. The food is locked up."

You don't even care to know what he's talking about, you just groan and turn over.

"Don't say I didn't warn you!"

Dad leaves and Emma returns to her own bed, seemingly disappointed but weirdly following your lead on staying put. You're not sure if you're annoyed she didn't leave or flattered that she stayed. You toss and turn for a bit, spiteful about dad waking you up. After a while it's obvious you're not getting back to sleep with light streaming in through the windows.

You tell Emma to get changed so you can both get breakfast. You do so in your sleeping bag, but Emma hops over and strips off right in front of you. The nightie gets discarded first and she digs to find a simple tank top from the haphazardly stuffed bag that ended up next to you last night. Then the panties drop and she fishes around for a fresh pair, again right in front of you. You're anything but subtle, blatantly leering at her flat pelvis and rounded crotch from below. Once she notices you staring at her she does turn away, but she doesn't exactly go anywhere. Her bare ass is aimed straight at you, and laying on your back you can see up between her legs as she steps into her underwear. The soft shape of her hairless little pussy mound is silhouetted by the morning sunshine. You only stare for a few seconds, until she pulls up her panties, but your dick starts to twitch. Why the fuck is he doing that? Is he that stupid? Maybe with one of her friends... but Emma? Doesn't he know this is your sister?

She puts on a pair of light pants then socks and shoes to complete her ensemble then starts swaying side to side in front of the door idly chatting with you. You finish getting dressed yourself, your sister curiously observing you strangle an unwanted semi into your pants, and head into camp.

People are already dispersing, cleaning up after breakfast, but you do manage to steal enough scraps to tide you over until lunch. Emma leaves to go play with Asha, the cousin she chased down yesterday. They've always gotten on well although they can rile each other up at times. You spend some time with your folks, helping out around the camp and chatting with a few uncles and aunts until lunch time so you can get some more food. The adults talk about lots of things. It sounds like many of them came out here expecting to just get drunk around the campfire, so a lot of people didn't bother to bring many outdoorsy things, including swimsuits. The only thing your cousin Jet cared to bring is his girlfriend Hannah, and she spent all of last night trying to make a good impression, throwing herself into every conversation she could, much to everyone's annoyance. They sure seem to like talking 'about' her though.

As soon as lunch hits you're the first to scarf down your fill of munchables then find yourself thoroughly bored. There's still not a lot happening yet. Frankly, many people are only just getting up after a late night. You wish you were one of them. You wander for a bit trying to find something to do, but left to your own devices and disinterested in your surroundings you eventually head back to your cabin.

You get really energized once you're inside. This is (almost) your very own private cabin. You do some push ups then some air boxing, feeling super cool and powerful in what is clearly the most badass of all cabins (excluding the pink sleeping bag beside you). Your short workout is enough to make you take off your shirt and open a window, needing to grab a stick from the wilderness to hold open an ancient looking vertical sliding pane of glass. Then you doodle for a while. You read. You throw a bouncy ball at the wall for what feels like an hour. Weirdly what you were hoping for this whole time, to be left alone with no one around to bother you, leaves you feeling lonely.

Loneliness and boredom often leads you to one place. You strip out of the rest of your clothes and start idly beating your meat. It's at least something to do and might kill a few minutes. But with no porn at the ready it's a somewhat uninspiring activity. Does that mean you're lazy? Or unimaginative?

For some reason your sister pops into your head briefly, probably because hers was the last pussy to hit your eyeballs, and only a few hours ago at that. You try to make it okay, telling yourself that your dick doesn't know better. From the back she could be any girl, pussy lips glowing in the sun...

You shake her away though, knowing how gross that is. It's not fair that your brain keeps bringing her up. But then a more interesting thought crosses your mind.

You bring Emma's bag over to her bed and dig through it. That plastic bag of blue slime you saw your sister playing with yesterday is exactly what you need. You've heard some guys at school talking about pocket pussies before. Supposedly they're soft little tubes that make it feel like you're fucking something or someone else, anything besides your hand. You've watched Emma stretch and mold this stuff before so surely you can wrap it around your dick for some fun.

After a few extra pumps to really get yourself excited, you pull the slime from the ziplock it's stored in. It oozes in your hand, but more or less stays together. Kneeling on her bed, you smoosh the slime around your cock. The cool jelly forms itself to your shaft, a strange sensation that you can hardly describe. It's not like jello, not that you've fucked jello. It's sticky and slimy all at once and you have to work to keep it where you want it.

You push it all the way around, sealing up your erection save for the very tip, and try to give yourself a few two handed pumps to help contain the goo. The slime doesn't cooperate really. Your hand moves through the slime more easily than your dick does. You'd probably be better off trying to fuck the bag it came in tha-

"What are you doing?"

Fuck. You didn't even hear the door. But there's Emma, jaw agape watching her butt naked brother knelt on her sleeping bag rubbing part of her slime collection into his rock hard cock. You're completely taken off guard and can only stare back stupidly at your incredulous little sis.

"That's... I'm telling!"


You reach out for her with your hand and pull the slime out into a stringy mess, stuck to your dick and your hand in equal measure. Thankfully she doesn't actually move. You were afraid she was about to run away, but instead continues to stand there dumbfounded.

Beg her not to tell

Explain why you wanted this cabin Request --Notsooldpervert (talk) 16:01, 21 December 2018 (CET)