Offline/Mix things up and drag Asha out into the rain

From All The Fallen Stories
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With the girls calming down you try to think of something to keep the excitement up. And with Emma sitting up to grab her overalls you also try to think of something that will keep them naked. It doesn't need to be complicated. Hopping to your feet, you jump over to your sister's sleeping bag and grab Asha by her ankles.

"Eeeeee!" she squeals, tugging her shorts more frantically as you lift her legs.

"Hey! You bully! Security!" Emma yells, now apparently a proper pop star.

"I am security!" you shout back. Asha kicks her legs, trying to keep you at bay. Emma doesn't help her friend though, she just giggles while pulling up her overalls.

"Well you're fired!" Asha shoots back, writhing on the floor. She still can't get her shorts all the way on since they're twisted and rolled from their routine, but she did get them up to the top of her thighs.

Bending down, you tickle your cousin to throw her off guard sending her kicking and laughing. With her legs kicking and her crotch still exposed, you suddenly get a strong whiff from her most private of places. It's a dirty yet weirdly intoxicating mix of scents that you can only describe as, if you had to label it, pussy sweat. It is indeed a little bit sweaty, a hint of pee, and with a sweet musky finish. It's definitely familiar to you since you already tasted her earlier today, but this essence of Asha is much stronger right now. Having spent the last 2 hours dancing and groping, her tight shorts keeping her skin from breathing, the strengthened scent makes a lot of sense. You briefly picture yourself probing her odiferous opening once more, but that's far from realistic at the moment with her kicking and thrashing as she is.

Hoisting the combative girl into the air, you throw her over your shoulder and spin around a few times in the center of the room as a distraction. Asha relaxes and giggles, enjoying the ride while Emma asks for a turn. But then you pull open the door.

"Ahhh! Emma! He's taking me! Help!"

"Stop in the name of the police!" shouts Emma, pulling at the back of your pants as you step through the only exit. She either doesn't try very hard or doesn't have a good grip because two steps out into the rain she lets go.

The intensity of the storm has fluctuated up and down over the last couple hours but right now it's raining solidly, even through the canopy, although the clearing immediately around the cabin offers even less protection. So from just standing out here for a few seconds the rain is already penetrating your shirt and cooling your skin.

You turn a healthy few paces from the cabin to face the door you left open. "If you want her, come and get her," you taunt your sister.

"Put me down!" Asha yells and pounds her fists against your torso. "I'm getting wet!"

God, you really fucking wish. But you try to stay aloof. "Really? Is it raining?"

Emma struggles to work up the courage to run out into the rain (Seriously Em? That's all it takes to render you useless? Precipitation?) but after another moment of thought she squeals and runs forward with her hands over her head. She crashes into you, basically running blind, which almost topples you and Asha. But you manage to keep your balance and then spank Asha's butt cheeks to further antagonize the girls.

"You have a pretty nice butt, cousin! Great for spanking! I should do this until morning just to pass the time!"

"That's MY butt, cousin, thank you very much!" she states, although you weren't disputing that fact so you're not really sure what her point is.

Emma finally tries to rescue her friend. She grabs Asha's ankles and tugs, but her grip slips right away and Emma falls onto the wet ground with a thick smacking sound. You laugh and spank Asha some more. "Geez, if I do this all night I bet your butt will be really red tomorrow! Too bad you can't stop me!"

Asha can't be all that bothered by this or you'd expect she would be fighting you a lot more right now. Ever since you started slapping her ass she's remained rather still.

"Don't worry! I'll save you Asha!"

Emma charges again but you step aside sending her sliding barefoot over the slick forest floor. She doesn't fall though, just slides and so quickly pivots toward you. She grabs at Asha again trying to secure some sort of grip further up Asha's legs this time. That proves pretty difficult since the rain has already made everyone wet and slippery. So, trying something different, your sister latches onto Asha's twisted up bottoms. She can actually maintain her grip on the wet fabric, but tugging doesn't really accomplish much, at least in terms of freeing her.

"Emma! Stop! You're taking off my shorts!"

Hearing that, Emma just laughs and pulls harder. You toss Asha off your shoulder but keep your arms wrapped around her and rotate the girl around to face her friend, one arm around her chest to hold her up off the ground and the other keeping her mostly immobile by securing a sort of half nelson. With Emma backing away and pulling Asha's legs with the shorts she only helps ensure that Asha can't touch the ground and is held out parallel to it. Asha crosses her legs and shouts at Emma. Your sis just keeps tugging, now determined to strip her friend rather than save her.

Even with writhing and crossing her legs, Asha eventually loses her shorts to a more tenacious little girl who steps back and tosses the shorts high into the air in victory. A girl who, having just half stripped her friend in the rain, immediately changes her role in this from assailant to victim.

"Oh no! You're not going to strip me now, are you?!"

"Maybe. What do you say?" you ask directly into Asha's ear.

"Get her!"

You release your prisoner and the two of you barrel forward toward your sister. Emma just stands there and screams, a glutton for punishment. You tackle Emma to the ground and Asha practically pushes you aside so that she can sit her bare butt down on Emma's chest, practically on her shoulders. From her back Emma's skyward face is pelted by the rain. The heavy droplets assaulting her features, she scrunches up her face, closes her eyes, then blindly slaps and fights her friend with plenty of squealing coming from both sides.

The girls are mostly playing around, but you do like Emma's idea. Enlisting Asha's help (because it's a whole lot easier) the two of you pin one of Emma's arms and force her to pull her limb out from under the shoulder strap. You don't have to do it that way, but it ends up being the most fun, not forcing her clothes off so much as forcing her out of her clothes. Forcibly stripping her, giving your sister no choice, making her pull her arm out of her straps, really does something for you.

Once you get both straps free you tell Asha to keep her pinned. She doesn't do a great job of that though. While you shift down to your sibling's waist, your cousin gets off of Emma for reasons you can't determine. Maybe she was going to stretching Em's arms out above her head? But that doesn't happen. As soon as Asha lifts her butt off Emma's chest, Emma sees her opportunity and explodes in a burst of energy. Asha is pushed off balance and falls back into you. Emma then scrambles to her feet and takes off for the open door.


She just smiles, her arms wrapping around you. "Sorry."

You can just see Emma tripping her way into the cabin through the rain with her ass hanging out, struggling to hold up her now heavy, saturated denim shorts without her straps on. But when she closes the door behind her you push Asha to her feet and rush back to the cabin. You don't want to get locked out in the rain.

Thankfully there isn't a lock on the door, or at least a working one, as you turn the handle with ease. And even though you were sure there was no lock, the mere idea of getting locked out was enough to scare you. Opening the unlocked door reveals your sister standing in the dark room fiddling with her straps and trying to pull her soaked overall shorts back on. Mostly she's just making a puddle on the floor.

"Sis! You're getting our cabin all wet!"

"But I'm all wet!" she complains.

"Yeah! Exactly!"

"Take off your stuff out here," Asha smartly suggests from behind you.

Emma sheepishly steps back out into the rain and shimmies out of her overalls instead of pulling them on. Sitting inside in wet clothes seemed like a dumb idea anyway. She was probably less concerned with getting out in the rain than she was in trying to 'win' whatever game this was. But you're equally soaked, if not moreso, so you would do just as much damage if you went inside like this.

The three of you strip out of your clothes in front of the door, Asha discarding the tank top still around her waist, and leave all of it in a heap outside. You shake off as much water as you can standing in the threshold and have the girls wait just outside it, forced to promise 3 times that you won't magically lock them outside. You hop in, flick on your flashlight to illuminate the room, and grab the closest articles of clothing that could pass for towels, two of your t-shirts and Emma's nightie. With a wave you call the girls inside, passing them each a top so you can all dry off. You collect a new bundle of wet clothes once they're done with them, make a weak effort to clean the floor with already wet fabric, then toss those articles out into the rain as well.

"Well now I don't have my nightie," complains Emma further with a sad pout, stepping into a pair of panties. You may have dragged them into it, but you also helped them out of the rain. You'd think she would be more appreciative. You're sure she's mostly teasing, but there's at least a hint of bitterness in there. Maybe you can change her mind.

Offer to make it up to them

Push your sister back outside to make her appreciate your cabin