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More than an hour, and half a dozen ejaculations later, you're finally feeling completely limp. Not even a blowjob from her to help you out could make your cock stand up anymore. Lucky for you, Dione's definitely satisfied with the treatment you gave her. You could've stopped halfway through and she still would've reacted the same way she's reacting now. You're sitting down comfortably, legs spread like a boss, and you're feeling so damn proud of yourself. Her hands are hung around your neck, and she's still climbing on your body, pressing those tiny tits of hers against your skin.

"I'm sowwy I ever doubted you…" she whispers, in a very playful manner. "You gave me the best fuck in ages…"

You can't help but to catch a message between the lines, because, well… With that body of hers she hasn't lived for ages. Sure, it's a figure of speech, but you must safely assume that sex has been a part of her life since early childhood. You're afraid to point this out aloud though. Besides, you have something else in your mind. Time has flown by, and your promise with your father must be soon overdue. You can still make it home, but you really have no time to look for anyone anymore. Lucky for you, you probably have the best chance you could ever find hanging on your neck, with a satisfied smile on her face. "We'll be doing this again, okay Dione?"

"Anytime", she says, nodding gleefully, while simultaneously pressing herself even more strongly against you. She's looking to push you to a different position, almost as if wanting to lay on top of you. "Wanna cuddle?"

"Honestly, I should be going very soon, and I've got some questions to ask as well…"

"Come on, just for a little bit…" she comments, flirtatiously. "Humping and dumping isn't nice, y'know…"

"I can take you with me, so we can cuddle in my bed."

She lets go completely, backing up, and claps excitedly. "Okay! Take me home!"

You have your suspicions because of her ethnicity and because of the fact that she was looking for a hotel - a little factoid you also caught between the lines earlier - but you've got to make sure anyway. "Don't you have anywhere to return to?"

As you expected, she shakes her head. "To be honest", she begins, suddenly looking a little embarrassed too. "I actually was planning on asking you for tips about where I could rest, because I really don't want to sleep on the streets. You see, my luggage and money were kind of lost when I got here… They were probably robbed…"

"That's not good. Was there anything valuable inside?"

Again, she shakes her head. "Nothing irreplaceable. It was mostly spare clothes and hygiene."

"Those are easy to replace. Are you a traveler?"

She thinks for a moment and ends up shaking her head. "I think I'm more like a refugee…"

"I've made my decision then. If you want to stay, you can come with me and stay as long as you want."

The look on her face says it all. She looks so extremely happy to receive this little offer, and she hugs you again, thanking you verbally over and over again, at least six separate times.

"I've only got one condition…" you say, carefully. She looks at you, but her smile suggests that she's willing to agree to almost anything. "I currently have a bet with my father", you say, beginning to explain. "We had an argument when I complained about his harem being a little bit… Lacking, for the lack of a better term. Long story short, he told me to make my own harem, so I kind of tricked him to promise to get me one if I could find a girl to it." She looks suddenly a little bit confused, but since she's not shooting you down from the bat, your chances seem promising. "I want you to be part of my harem."

"Ehhh…?" She's looking all smug with her sly smile and her thin eyes, and she looks you up and down. "Me? A part of some little kid's harem?"

"D-don't make the mistake of underestimating me again", you say, trying to defend yourself against her suspicions. "I'll have you know that my family is quite wealthy and can provide for you. I come from a long lineage of warriors."

"It's not a binding agreement or anything?" she asks, looking a little bit more serious this time around. Her tone has also changed completely. "Since you're a soldier, and since I'm Egyptian and all that, I hope you're not looking to turn me into a sexslave or anything."

"N-no, you can leave anytime you want…" you say. "I just need you to stay and live with me for at least a month or so… I can't have him suspecting me of trying to cheat here."

She tilts her head a little bit, with her index finger on top of her lower lip. She's clearly thinking about this long and hard. No, it's not just this. You can tell that there's something else in her mind as well. She's clearly thinking about a lot of things. Finally, a smile is drawn back on her face. "Well, I'll be in your care then", she finally says, "but let's call it a working relationship. I'll be the first girl in your harem, and you'll give me a roof over my head. We both get what we want."

You find it so hard to stay composed, because inside your head and in your heart fireworks of relief are being released. This absolute catch of a woman actually agreed to your suggestion, and there aren't even any strings attached. This couldn't have gone better! You can tell that behind that sly smile of hers is still something she's not disclosing or telling about, but you hope to learn more about her and her circumstances in the future; who really is she and why has she come to Atlantis? What did she mean by being a refugee? So many questions, but luckily, you've got all the time in the world.

You, as in both of you, clean up a little bit, and dress up. You exit the little alley from the same place you entered it, and she's still hanging around your neck. Considering how fiery her mouth was, and how quick she was to throw around insults, she's now unbelievably affectionate and cuddly towards you. She's like a completely different person.

Since you're heading home, you come quickly across a familiar face. Yes, it's one of your fathers servants. You let yourself get caught, if you can even call it getting caught. It's not like you're getting put into cuffs or anything. He hasn't heard of what you've been up to, but he seems surprised to see the foreigner you've got with you. It doesn't even look like he's willing to take her to the noble's island despite the fact that you have every right to bring her with you. Well, you know that he's hesitant because of how she's dressed. You were, of course, cunning enough to be prepared for this kind of scenario, and all you need is the purse full of change to persuade him. This purse is worth his daily salary two times over, and really does change his mind and quite convincingly so, since he's not even asking questions anymore.

Per your agreement to Iapetus, your father, you get home before the deadline. Your father is not waiting for you by the door, but you're told he's reading a book in the living room. You head there, walking past the two doorways standing in your way, and as soon as you enter the room, you hear his voice from behind the large armchair, situated next to the extinguished fireplace. "Atlas, you have returned. I hope you're prepared for the consequences."

"With all due respect, my father, I am the one who should be saying that. I have won the bet."

He's quick to stand up, and even quicker to turn around. It begins with his grumpy face, but as soon as he sees that you truly are not alone, it is turned into one of surprise. "My word! Who is this girl?"

"Her name is Dione", you say, "and she has agreed to become part of my harem."

"This girl? Really, this Egyptian?" Iapetus walks up to you both, towering above you, arms crossed. Even in surprise, he's not rendered without words to speak out. "Where are you from?" he asks, eyeing the girl out, from feet to her chest, especially her chest. Clearly, your father is not impressed by those "sorry excuses of tits", as he would say. "Why are you here? Can you even speak the language of the land?"

"Y-yes, I'm fluent…" Despite Dione's kind smile, she's looking clearly intimidated. "I'm born and raised in Egypt. I recently fled to Atlantis."

"Fled?" Iapetus asks, raising one of his eyebrows. She said she was a refugee, so this is only half a surprise. "Why would you flee your home? Was it something your parents did, perhaps to oppose the regime?"

"N-no, it is me who's opposing the regime…" she explains.

"I'll have you tell me exactly why", Iapetus says in a strict tone.

You finally feel a need to intervene. "It is not necessary for her to tell - "

"Be quiet, Atlas", he says. "I need to confirm from her that this isn't a joke you're trying to pull on me."

"This is not a joke", Dione says, with a serious look in her eyes.

"I'll be the one to decide that", Iapetus says, still as strict as ever. "Now, tell me. How in the hell would a little brat like yourself oppose the Egyptian regime and get herself exiled?"

Dione is looking a little hesitant to tell the details but decides to disclose them anyway. "As you must know, there has been a recent regime change in Egypt, with a new queen on the throne."

"Her name is Cleopatra", Iapetus says, nodding once. "She's quite young, isn't she?"

"Indeed… Young, but mad with power, surrounded by the worst kind of people."

Iapetus seems to be deep in thought, still nodding to himself. He's also ruffling his bread, as is usual for him while he's thinking. He doesn't seem to be questioning Dione's tale, at least not verbally. "Why would you flee to a country that Egypt is in a war with?"

"Is it strange?" Dione asks. "I was under the impression that Atlantis is happy to accept Egyptian refugees."

"I was merely inquiring you about your personal reasons, considering that your kind are not looked kindly upon here." That is true. Egyptian and Atlanteans have been rivals for centuries, and their history is one filled with war and bloodshed. There has never been a full century where there haven't been some kind of conflict between the two North African superpowers. There is deeply rooted xenophobia within the hearts of many common folks in both countries towards each other, and it takes form in nasty ways. In Atlantis, it comes in form of racism and dehumanizing from citizens, while in Egypt, it also comes through state persecution. Atlantean isn't even taught in Egyptian schools anymore, which just makes it all the stranger for Dione to be fluent. Enslaving citizens from the opposing nation is also common in both kingdoms. You, of course, would never hate anyone based on characteristics beyond individual's control. The idea of hating or resenting Dione because of her race or ethnicity never even crossed your mind. Iapetus - who's looking to continue talking - is the same as yourself. "I find it hard to believe that a young child like yourself would be willing to go to a foreign country and face all the hatred and resentment that is going to be thrown your way here. You must be quite naïve."

"No, I simply was desperate to get out from Egypt", Dione says. "Anything I face here is going to be better than what I would've faced home. And I simply saw Atlantis as the best choice for me to escape to. Trust me, I have my reasons to come here."

"Will you tell me?"

"P-personal…" she says, almost whispering, looking away in shame.

Iapetus sighs. "So be it. I won't pry further, and I will believe your tale unequivocally. I have just one more question: what about your parents?"

With a straight face, Dione simply replies: "Never knew them."

"How about your guardian?"


"I'm sorry to hear."

"It's okay. I need no sympathy. I'm just saying, I'm on my own."

Now, you finally feel like you're able to really intervene into the discussion properly. "So, you believe me now?"

"Not so fast, Atlas", Iapetus says. "To make sure you're not pulling a fast one on me, this brat will be living here with you from now on. This should be okay, provided that her story is actually true, and she has no family to return to."

You and Dione look at each other. For a while, it's looking like she won't agree to such a demand, but then, she turns back towards your father. "Consider it done. I am fully committed to your son."

"Great", Iapetus says, turning around. "Now, bugger off to your room, Atlas, and take your girl with you."

You thank your father, and wish him a pleasant evening and a good night.

"One week", he says, stopping you and Dione from leaving. "Give me one week to fulfil my promise. Of course, should I suspect you of foul play, or suspect her for being ingenuine, this deal will be cancelled."

"I understand", you say. "I won't disappoint you."

Before you take Dione to your room, you show your home around a little bit. There are places you're not allowed to go to - like your father's harem and his personal quarters upstairs - but it still leaves you able to show her places like the dining room, the kitchen, bathrooms downstairs, and the second living room. Yes, you've got two of them. As proud as you are to live in such an extravagant house, she doesn't seem too impressed. She's quick to give out praise and compliments, but she's not overly enthusiastic about them. Finally, you reach the final stop, which is your personal bedroom. You're a little ashamed of having a girl see such a messy room, but she doesn't seem to mind.

"Thank fuck you don't have any toys laying around", she comment, with a smirk on her face.

"I'm way past that age", you reply in good humor.

"No, I was wrong", Dione says, eyeing a rack full of swords and other weapons you've got standing close to the door. "You've got a plenty of toys." Well, to call them toys is not exactly right. None of your weapons are ceremonial or ornamental either, but rather real, proper weapons designed for combat. As cool as some of the weapons used for decorating are, you don't find beauty in them. As a warrior you value practicality and find way more beauty in that. She points at one of them and asks, "Can I touch them?"

Well you'll be damned; how rare it is for someone to actually ASK before they touch your swords. Your friends usually try them without asking, sometimes even putting them back in wrong places. It's annoying, really. It's like they have no respect for the fact that they are deadly weapons. Either way, you give her a permission. The one she picks up is a light short sword. From the first glance you can tell that she has no idea how to handle it. She doesn't seem to play with it either, as she's quick to put it back where she took it from. "As a mage, I guess you don't really need to rely on weapons."

"Yeah, I've never been good with bladed weapons", Dione replies, continuing to check your room out. "Yep", she says, nodding deeply. "This is definitely a boy's room."

"Never mind that. Let's chat. I want to know you better."

"Ask anything", she says, open like a book. She looks for a moment for a place to sit in, until she finds your bed, finding it the most intriguing. As messy as your bed is, she doesn't mind at all. She sits down on it, and crawls to the center of it, crossing her legs. She gives a playful tap on the mattress, urging you to join her. You see absolutely no reason not to. For now though, you keep a safe distance from her, because you want to have a serious discussion with her.

"I kind of want to know in detail who you are and why you fled Egypt."

"Okay", she replies, nodding. "To cut a long story short, I've served the Pharaohs for almost my entire adult life."

"Hold on, hold on", you say, stopping her story right on its tracks before she even gets to begin properly. "You're an adult?"

"Oh, I'm WAY older than I look."


"I'll get into that", she says, coughing into her fist. "As I was saying, I've worked for the kings to serve a very specific purpose. You see, I have a power. A divine power, to be specific." You had a hunch, but you really couldn't believe it. Even hearing it from her mouth doesn't convince you, but you at very least want to hear her out. "This power is something that the royalty have always wanted for themselves, and because of that, I've had a working relationship with them for the longest time, and let me just tell you, it's the easiest job in the whole wide world. Like really, I worked once or twice a month, tops, and yet I lived my life like a queen. It might seem a little strange for me to leave it all behind. I wouldn't blame anyone for choosing otherwise if they were in my shoes."

"What is it that you did?"

"I refused to do my job", Dione says. "I refused a direct order from the new queen, Cleopatra, and refused to use my abilities for her bidding. You see, me and her, we never really got along. No, that's not fair. She's just a child, and I shouldn't say that I didn't get along with a child. The problem is, she's not just any child. She's the new queen of Egypt, arguably the most powerful person on the continent."

Even as a proud Atlantean you must admit that Egyptian leaders are more powerful than their Atlantean counterparts. Atlantis may be richer as a country, but Egypt is more populous, and because of the differences in culture and law, Egyptian leaders do traditionally hold a lot more authority. Atlantis has only met few power-hungry dictators in the past few centuries. Egypt is the same reversed; it's exceptionally rare for them to not have a dictator in charge.

"That child is not only someone who's too young to understand the gravity of her actions, but she's also someone who's surrounded by genuinely evil people. It hasn't been a problem in my lifetime, because Egypt has been blessed with two benevolent Pharaohs in the row to keep the bad people in check. There have always been evil people in the Egyptian government and the army, and they've been waiting for the right leader. Now, they're working as her direct advisory board. Combine that with her immense selfishness and disregard for morals and human life, and you've got a recipe for a disaster."

"So… What is this job you refused to do?"

"I refused to give her my blessing."

"I… I am not sure what you mean", you say, honestly. Egypt does hold its old religions and traditions to heart even in this new age of divinity, where gods roam the earth, so the idea of a king or a queen receiving a blessing does not sound that strange. "Are you a priest?"

"No", Dione says, with a dead serious look on her face. "I'm more than that, a goddess."

"R-right…" you reply, clearly skeptical of her claim. She did say she's a divine, but goddess is kind of pushing it, unless of course she's using the word liberally. It could also be a cultural thing; you're not sure about ins and outs of Egyptian culture.

"Egypt has seem a drastic change regarding its traditions over the past few centuries. Ever since they discovered and recruited my mentor, they have considered themselves to be above godhood. It used to be the case that the Pharaoh works as the messenger of the gods, but now they had tamed the gods, benefiting from their service. Yet, they still respected the gods." Having talked non-stop for a long while, she takes a deep breather. "Cleopatra isn't like that. She views herself as above gods. In that sense, her line of thinking is more modern, and more in line with what I believe. After all, I'm not a god in a sense that Egyptians used to worship gods. But it still makes me mad, because she and her advisors have never seen me as anything but a tool." She looks like she's getting really angry. "I'm not a fucking tool of some selfish little cunt!"

"O-okay, try to calm down…" you say, trying to reel her in a little bit. "I don't think it's fair to blame a kid for being misguided."

"Well, either way", she says, continuing her story to its conclusion, "she ordered me to stand before her, and to meet her in private. There would be a ceremony held the next day when I would officially give her my gift and my blessing in front of everyone. In the end, it turned out in my favor, because she demanded me to bless her right away. Well, I took upon that opportunity, and it ended up being the last thing I ever did for her. I peered deep into her soul and saw all of her untapped potential for what it is, and what I saw was a terrifying monster. I saw a monster that must stay contained. I refused to become complicit in creating a monster, so I stood up and told her no. Not a minute after, I fled the royal palace of Memphis, realizing that from that point onwards my life would be in danger."

"And I see you made it."

"Yes", Dione says, letting out a deep sigh of relief. "And I can never go back…"

Suddenly, you've got a dozen new questions, but you hold back your thoughts for a while. "That's way more than I expected…"

"It caused a little bit of a scandal…" Dione says, laughing to herself. "But I'm confident I did the right thing. My master would've definitely done the same thing."

"So, you call yourself a goddess", you comment, "but in reality, you're just a normal divine, right?"

"Well, that is partially true", she says, nodding twice. "I'm not your typical divine, but I was born very much a mortal."

"That must mean you're not a mortal anymore then."

"That's right. I'm biologically immortal."

"Is it truly possible?" you asks. "I mean, I've heard rumors, but I've never actually confirmed it."

"It's true", Dione says, nodding. "There have only been a handful of those like me in the past. I'm sure there are more kings alive than there are true immortals."

"…And an immortal goddess would be fine with being a part of some random boy's harem?"

"Yeah, fuck it. Who cares?"

"O-okay, what about your ability then?"

"Want me to show you?" she asks, smiling happily. "I can bless you."

"Well, it does sound awesome…" you admit.

Then, she grins. "I've only got one condition…" she says, copying the exact lines you gave her prior to asking if she wants to be part of your harem. You don't know what her gifts and blessing entail, but you didn't expect to get them for free. She leans close to you, very close. You can feel her breath on your skin, and feel just how her inner heat affects the very air around you. "This is what I meant by a working relationship. Quid pro quo. You do something for me, and I do something for you."

Sounds fair enough.

"I see a lot of potential in you… You're hot, talented, charismatic and smart, but I do not just give you my blessings for free… Not for anyone…"

"What do you want from me then?"

"I want you to help me with my revenge against Cleopatra", she says, with an evil, mischievous stare in her eyes. "That little cunt needs to be knocked off her pedestal and taught a lesson in respect. You already have a goddess in your harem. I'm sure you'd like to add a Pharaoh to that list as well."

"That…" You reply, but you can't find the words to continue. You don't really know what this Cleopatra is all about, but the idea does sound beyond intriguing. You're a man that desires power, and there would not be a power display greater than to make a leader of a foreign nation your literal bitch. You're hesitant to admit it out loud, but your smile betrays your thoughts and reveals your true desire. "Is she cute?"

"Well, if there is one good quality about her, it's definitely her looks."

"Well, I don't know if I can ever make her a part of my harem, but I will at very least help you get your revenge against her."

"Is that a promise?" Dione asks, extending her pinky towards you. "Just know that betraying a promise with a god is a sin worth a million painful deaths."

"All I can do is promise to do my best", you say, and give her your pinky in return.

"That's more than enough for me", she says. Finally, you exchange the sacred ritual known as pinky swear, and you seal your promise to each other, at least symbolically so. You will help her, and she will bless you. "In return, I also promise to stay by your side and help you become more powerful. Trust me, I'm the greatest ally you could ever ask for." Then, she lays her hands on your shoulders, and she concentrates. "Time to hold my end of the bargain. Close your eyes and relax."

You do as you're told, and you let your body relax. For the first couple of seconds, you feel like nothing is really going on, but after a while, you can feel the faintest touch of magic flowing through her into you. She's not casting anything per se, and she's not reciting any spells or magic words, but she's definitely doing something. It makes you wonder what did you really get yourself into by promising her all this? What is her blessing really? What is her gift?

"Open your eyes, Atlas", she instructs. The first thing you see when you do as she asks is her face close to you, about to kiss you. Well, obviously you let it happen, even though the kiss is probably not part of the blessing ritual. How could you refuse a kiss from such a cute face? "It has been done", she says. "How do you feel?"

"Not different in any way whatsoever…"

"That's what I suspected as well", she says, giggling happily, hugging onto you lovingly. "It's about time I tell you what my power does." You await with bated breath. "I can turn mortals into divines."

Your immediate reaction is to lose your cool. Suddenly, you're not feeling so relaxed anymore. You, a divine? People don't just become divines; they work hard for it, and most never achieve it. Yet, just like that, a lifetime of work and effort happened just like that in a figurative blink of an eye? How can such a power even be possible!? What's more, if you're a divine, you must have an ability right now. What is it? What are you able to do? "Are you serious?" you ask.

"Yes", she says, nodding, looking really happy. She must really like making people happy. "I hold the power of deification. My mentor used to call it 'Apotheosis'."

"S-so do I have a power now?" you ask with impatience oozing through your every word. "What it is?"

"Calm your pants", she says, giggling. "It's 'Charm'."


"Yes! Unparalleled charisma!"

Well, never mind the fact that you already were charismatic enough before; that can be considered a power? "That's… Actually a little boring…"

"Don't say that… It's an ability more powerful than you think, especially if used and cultivated properly. Besides, isn't it a perfect ability for you, young harem king…?"

Once again, your smile reveals it all. She's correct about that; it might be the most convenient ability you could think of - as far as your harem goes - and be THE ability that is in line with your personality. You can't deny that it goes a long way. Hell, judging from the way Dione is acting, this power is working wonders against her at the moment. "Maybe it IS a good ability to have…" you admit.

"And don't think for a second that charisma is where your ability ends…" she says, with a smug smile. "With me as your guide, I can help you draw power from it and become more powerful in the process. Who knows, maybe you too have potential to become a god like me…"

And that is basically how you became a divine. More than your birthday and your first step into adulthood, and more than any other event in your entire childhood for that matter, that was THE day that would change your life forever. Your future would forevermore be linked to Dione's gift to you. How you will live your life from now on is entirely up to you; will you become a tyrant who conquers his victims through forced submission, or will you find your way into their hearts with your newfound powers? Either way, you know for sure, that creating a harem that will surpass the one your father has is not a dream anymore. It is about time you start pursuing a new dream, but what could it be. Could it perhaps be Cleopatra? Sounds like a fitting endgame for now. There's a long way to her, that's for sure.

Let's return to the present time and concentrate on your future.

Actually, your night with Dione might not be done quite yet. Surely, you didn't just go to sleep after that?