Offline/See if Nicole will join you for some fun

From All The Fallen Stories
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Maybe you can get Nicole to join in too. She is the one who wandered over here curious about what you were all up to, so she's already hoping to do something. You've noticed her sitting around lots so you figure she at least has to be bored after several days out here. It can't be hard to convince her. You take a moment to think, ignoring all the chatter, to consider how to best twist her arm.

Leaning into your cousin, you almost whisper, "Hey, I hope you aren't weirded out or anything."

"Umm..." she ponders, but you don't let her process that.

"It is kinda weird, but fun too. We just don't want to get in trouble, which is why we're going out to my cabin." You point out toward the bush. "You must think that we're all pretty crazy, huh? I don't blame you for not coming."

Nicole furrows her brow. "What do you mean?"

"I dunno. Don't you just want to stay here and read?"

"No. I mean, I like reading, but..."

"Oh! So you're okay with going commando?" You tug at the waistband of your shorts for emphasis. A grin creeps up Nicole's face as she stares back at you with unflinching eyes. "Really? Awesome! Hey guys!" you shout to the group. "Nicole is playing too!"

Beth yells hurray and bounds up to her older cousin, bouncing in front of her ordering her to "get ready" which clearly means one thing. By having Nicole admit she doesn't want to stay behind and then using the peer pressure of the group to push her forward you hope that she at least feels obligated to come along if not just outright glad to be included.

"C'mon! Let's go already!" Brayden impatiently orders. Yulia tries to take off along with Brayden, but Emma pipes up and stops them.

"Wait! Nicole still isn't commando! That's not fair!"

Beth throws her hands on her hips defensively. "She's gonna do it! Right Nicky?"

"Hurry!" Yulia urges, itching to get going.

Nicole turns her head, glancing toward camp. "Yeah, umm... I'll just go an-"

"See! She's doing it!" announces Beth.

"No she's not," counters May observantly.

The kids start bickering again and you hush all of them to keep the noise down. "Guys! Cool it! She agreed to do it!" You turn to your bulldozed cousin and pull her toward the back wall of the cabin. "Do it fast. I can cover you."

Nicole, nervously twisting, shifting between her feet, and glancing down the corners of the building, only pauses for a second before following your orders and drops her bottoms. There's a bit of giggling from the kids but they keep it under control. Nicole faces the wall and bends over to struggle with stretching her shorts and panties over her shoes. Standing behind her and looking down at her ass, the terrible thought of grabbing her bare hips and taking her from behind rushes through your mind. She has a yummy butt to be sure, even better than Asha. Once she kicks off her bottoms she separates her shorts from her panties and slips her outerwear back on. You take the liberty of snagging her panties from the grass and holding up the warm undergarment to the group as proof of her compliance.

"There, see? She's good now."

"But you said NO underwear," Emma notes with a smile. "She's got a bra, so that's not fair either!"

You turn back toward Nicole just as she faces the group again. It's true, you can see her bra straps beside the straps of her tank top. It's not really a true bra strap though, just a thinner fabric strap than her top, appearing more like an undershirt than a bra.

Nicole looks about to say something, then just purses her lips and stares down your sister while she pulls her arms inside her shirt. She's fully committed now as she works her limbs around, stretching her top and jerking about. While pulling her arms out of what seems to be a training bra her top shifts and twists about her shoulders. On one side her shoulder strap falls away while the other rotates towards you and gives you a brief window to her chest. Her small titties flash at you beneath her stretching shirt as she writhes her bra higher and slips her arms past it. With a growing blush to her cheeks, Nicole finally pops her arms into the open and peels her bra out of the neck of her tank and up over her head.

"I always play fair," she notes, holding her last undergarment up in front of your face.

With a grin you get closer and whisper "Yeah? We'll sometimes I like to play dirty."

Nicole yelps as you tweak one of her nipples, now easy to pick out against the otherwise flat fabric of her tank top. It's kinda mean, but too perfect of a rebuttal to pass up. Nicole doesn't particularly appreciate it though. Her bra whips you in the face and you're forced to duck to avoid another strike from her. With an evil chuckle you run off to one side to get clear and she throws her white padded support garment in the same direction.

It looks like she wants revenge but Beth swoops in and saves the day. The pigtailed girl wraps herself around Nicole's arm and drags her toward the nearby path. It's only then you realize that Emma and Asha are nowhere to be seen, but there are two pairs of dropped panties sitting next to each other out in the open. Scanning the forest, you can just make out two pale figures racing their way through the trees, a decent head start on the rest of you. Emma apparently managed to talk Asha into it after all. It might have even been Nicole who helped tipped the scales, seeing an older girl willing to strip down for the cause.

The rest of the group hurries off together to catch up to the streakers. You take a moment to collect the multiple pairs of underwear littering the ground behind the cabin and ball them up before hiding them in a patch of tall grass. You're not willing to risk being caught carrying a whole bundle of other kids underwear anywhere.

In another moment of foresight, you swing into camp to tell your mom that you're going to go play tag with some other kids at your cabin. Your mother offers up a nod and a weak but sincere smile, a silent thank you for letting her know what you're up to. There's the potential for that move to backfire just as easily as not telling her, but you hope this is safer and buys you a little extra time out there.

You jog out to your cabin to find everyone already racing around. The clearing is a little bigger out in front of the cabin and everyone is mostly sticking to that space, although that means that it's possible to spot everyone from a ways out. Your dick twitches at the sight of two naked girls zipping around amongst kids and trees. It almost looks like they're wearing something from a distance thanks to their faint tan lines, but it's hard to mistake their pink nipples and exposed privates.

Even though they're the most eyecatching pair of players there's plenty more to look at. Yulia has her nightdress hiked up, holding the hem in her hands so she can run freely which ends up showing off much of her thighs. It's equally as fun knowing that Beth's bouncing princess nightie is inches away from exposing her at any moment. And it turns out Nicole's top is equally as bouncy, floating off of her shoulders with every stride while her teenie pair of tits poke through the gliding shirt.

Your sister hops to a stop when you get close and screams "Justice is it!" Everyone turns and scatters, creating a sudden pocket of space in front of you. Even though you're a little winded from running here, you pursue the most challenging prey. You hunt down Nicole, chasing her in a full lap around the cabin before you catch up to her. Nicole then pivots and swipes at little May, swiftly tag her. May just keeps running which manages to catch Brayden off guard as he finds himself suddenly it. It all goes normally for a while with lots of back and forth, but the girls seem to like picking on Brayden and tag him the most. He is relatively fast but also has some terrible luck out here, slipping repeatedly on the damp grass or running from the wrong person.

"Time out!" he shouts. "Let's do freeze tag now!"

There's a bit of squabbling but the game changes in short order. That change doesn't help Brayden much, his bad luck continuing. It's not until Emma and Asha run into each other, your sister ditching her friend as a sacrificial lamb, that Brayden manages to freeze anyone. He then circles his first victim, slowly snagging others as they try to rush in to save the face down naked Asha stuck on the ground with her butt lifted in the air. First Yulia, then Nicole, then Beth, all picked off as they try to play hero one by one.

You choose to sit back during all this, mostly to enjoy the show but also wanting a rest. The girls all heckle Brayden, trying to distract him to make an opening. Emma winds up spreading her butt cheeks apart and looking back through her legs to taunt Brayden with her asshole, a bullseye target that he is quick to chase after. Your sis manages to draw him away long enough for you and May to swoop in and revive everyone. You make a point of loudly smacking Asha's ass to unfreeze her before anyone else. She puts on a fake pouty face and awkwardly covers herself as she stands only to get tagged again by Brayden as he whirls past, returning to his post.

The bad luck lifts, and in one pinball movement Brayden re-tags everyone who was just unfrozen, and even adds May to the large pile of incapacitated bodies. That leaves only you and your sister alive. Somehow Emma gets herded toward you and Brayden chases you both away from your comrades. He found his footing it seems, darting from side to side and slowly cornering you as you're forced into the treeline. He starts shouting about how you're both going out of bounds. You want to circle back, but you're almost forced to trip up Emma who is now glued to you just to keep her from dragging you down and limiting your path of escape. But Emma ends up taking herself out. She fails to fake out Brayden in a last ditch effort and he stays with her every step of the way, literally tackling her to the ground.

"Okay!" Brayden yells, panting. "Justice was last... His turn!"

Everyone resets and gets ready for round two. You're not sure how you want to play this though.

Play dirty

Change the rules