Daycare manager/Hannah Marshal/Office molestation/1st/Vaginal sex/Hate/Continue

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(trust < 41 responses)despite her protests, you proceed to press your adult penis into Hannah's (pre-school (4)/kindergarten (5)/grade school (6-10)/middle school(11-13)) vagina.


"Ow!" She yelps as you tear away her hymen.

"It's Ok! It's ok." You assure her, reaching down and cradling her head as you continue to sink the last of your dick into her. "It's ok, it's going to start feeling good in a little while." You continue to coo to her as you enjoy the feeling of her __-year-old girlhood on your dick and her little (pre-schooler (4)/kidergartener(5)/(age-6) grader) body against yours.

(Trust < 41, non-naive, pubescent or does not know the full biology of sex)

(fears impregnation) "NO! STOP! STOP IT! You're gonna make me get pregnant!" She protests.

(fears impregnation, (gentle + patience - horniness > 0))You are taken by surprise by the panicked and loud protests from the usually very quiet girl. There is no doubt she is absolutely terrified and absolutely does not want this at all. "Ok! Ok." You respond, pulling yourself out of her defiled pussy. Your penis begins rapidly deflating as a result of realizing that you were just in the process of raping this little girl in your charge.

(doesn't fear impregnation)

(Continuation from top part of "virgin" entry, or beginning of non-virgin entry)

"MMMMmmmm..." Hannah moans and looks away from you as you begin moving yourself inside her. She does not exactly look happy, but she continues to say nothing as you have your way with her body. Her dejected look makes you feel a little bad, it does not quite look like she's exactly what could be called being into this. In fact, knowing her and her inability to assert herself, you would say she actively does not want this to be happening.

You've already gone this far with it, just finish and figure it out afterward. (Consider this on the option menu, then drop down the two options below when it's selected)