Smooth Operator/Gabby's Party/Tara/Gentle approach

From All The Fallen Stories
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Still unaware of his presence Jordan moved in on his sister getting up behind her, before she knew it she felt a pair of paws caressing her hip and waist as well as someone nuzzling her neck.

Fear paralyzing her, she didn't know how to react, a stranger was touching her from behind and she was scared out of her mind, then panic set in as she started to hyperventilate and then a thought struck her 'scream', just as air was filling her lungs ready to let loose a scream, a familiar scent hit her nose "Jordan!?".

She quickly pulled out of her brothers grasp and felt herself calming down but now she felt anger welling up "Jordan! why did you scare like that, it wasn't funny!'

Jordan's face was hot, his blood almost felt as if it was boiling in his body "Sorry Tara, it wasn't my intent to scare you I swear, I just wanted your attention".

Tara was confused, what did he mean he wanted her attention? "Well you got it, what did you want and why couldn't it wait until I put on my dress?"

He started moving towards her "Tara can you answer me honestly, do you trust me?" he then moved in and embraced her with a hug.

She wasn't sure what was going on with her brother but she returned his hug "Of course I do, your my big idiot brother" she laughed at her own comment but it was muffled as she was nuzzling into his stomach.

"Then be honest with me, do you love me? I mean more than just a brother" when he said those words she suddenly stopped, he could feel her body become tense.

Lifting her face up she let out an obviously forced laugh "What! ewww, Don't be gross, why would I love my smelly old brother"

Jordan patted her on the head while giving her a warm smile "Don't be nervous you can tell me the truth I'm not going to get upset of anything, I want you to feel like you are able tell me anything that is on your mind".

Tara looked into Jordan's eyes, she was so flustered that she didn't know how to respond and she looked as though she was on the verge of tears "I- I don't-" she began to sob "I mean, I love you, I do, but you're my brother" tears started rolling down her furry cheeks "It's wrong isn't it? for a sister to love her big bother?" she hung her head low "I just..."

Kiss the girl

Just a little nudge