Smooth Operator/Male/female ratio discussion

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1 to 160

As discussed above, males in this scenario would be more or less trained and expected by society to have sex with a large number of willing females. They, however, would be considered precious by the society to an extreme degree and all laws would be set up to favor males carrying out the job of impregnating females. When it comes to child rearing, mothers of boys would likely be expected to train these values into their sons, and this would likely include offering themselves and any sisters sexually to the boy as well, and this would be going on before he would even be capable of producing sperm. There would still be some variation in this in terms of individual parenting, that kind of approach would not be pressured, but if that was going on then most of society would probably see that as being the correct course of action in order to raise the boy to do what he was going to have to be doing.

Also, monogomous marriage would no longer be a practice. The fathers of all children would not be expected to be present and all mothers would be single.

The frequency of boys, meanwhile, would be so extraordinarily low that it's likely there would be only 1 of them per grade level in any given school, if even that. Very few girls will have brothers, and as mentioned above their father would be absent. As such, unless they learned about it from their mother or school or a TV program, a girl would likely have no idea penises even existed.

For another thing, older buildings would still have normal male and female bathrooms, but newer constructions would likely have the boy's bathroom consisting of only a single toilet. And, yes, their would still be boy's bathrooms. As mentioned before, boys would be held in very high regard sexually, much the same as we regard girls nowdays. Nowdays, the reason women are regarded with sensitivity, more likely to be seen as the innocent party in any case of sexual wrongdoings, and often given lighter prison sentences in all cases, is because women are the reproductive bottle neck. If men get killed, it's no big deal for the population. 1 man can impregnate multiple women. If a woman gets killed though, that actually decreases the population for future generations. If its 1 male to 160 women, it becomes reversed. The male becomes the reproductive bottle neck at that kind of extreme. As such, the male would be given all the same kinds of prefferential treatment women are given today, if not more so. (almost certainly more so in regards to courtship and such.)

Also, any invitation of more than one reproductive age male to an informal gathering would be seen as an invitation for some sort of sex to be going on, it would be considered an exceedingly rare and unlikely occurence to have 3 males under the same roof unless it's an institutional-scale building (such as a work office or a school)

Finally, although it may be against the law on the books, a boy who rapes a girl likely won't even get prison time. The most he's likely to get is a stern talking to and maybe some more restrictions on his movements. Also, the subject of the mother spanking the rabbit boy for playing with the cheetah girl in the closet would likely never go down that way at this ratio. He would likely not even be afraid of anyone finding out, and the most his mother may say to him is to at least have a little more self respect and not to do anything like that so easily. (It would be boys in this society who are expected to be sexually responsible.)

1 to 60

This shift more than doubles the rate of males appearing, but it really doesn't shift things all that much from the scenario above of 1 to 160. About the only thing that would really change is that, in the case of something like a child's birthday party, it wouldn't be considered that absurd for there to be multiple boys at the party, especially if most or all of them are pre-pubescent. Boys would be highly regarded by society, and as such it would be the case where any boy a girl happens to know would get an invitation. It would actually probably be expected of Gabby, if she wanted to act cool, to invite every boy she was brave enough to invite. As such, something like an elementary school birthday party is exactly the sort of place you would expect to see an unusual aggregation of boys in a relatively small space.

Aside from that, almost everything else from the 1 to 160 section still applies, except that it's now almost a gurante there will be at least 1 if not 2 or, in rare cases, 3 boys per grade level in a school.

1 to 30

Not too much change here, but it is probably somewhere around here that the rabbit boy who was sexually playing with the cheetah girl might get a somewhat harsher reaction from his mother. The harsh spanking described would still be seen as overkill, but she would still be quite mad. If anyone gets spanked though, it's still more likely to be the girl than the boy. Although, if the mother is the type to take her son's sexual promescuity that seriously she could still conceivably do it and her being like that would be the reason why the boy is afraid of the parents being told.

Also, it is probably around here that an adult man raping a child might be seen as something prison worthy. Jordan raping a child though would get away with it. Also, the adult man raping an adult woman would be very much a case-by-case basis. He might or might not see prison time depending on how brutal it was. If it's a case of date-rape or her changing her mind part way through it, it would be disregarded. Also, the adult man would be considered just fine having consensual sex with a child.

1 to 15

Someone Jordan's age forcing a child to have sex with him would probably get him at least a visit from the police at this point, but not prison time. The fact that he's young and adapting to his hormones would be taken into consideration, and it likely wouldn't even be on his criminal record. In the case of an adult though, most of the things above would still apply but he would be treated a little more harshly by society for date rape.

1 to 5

Society at this ratio would not have any kind of large changes to how they regard sex, but males would be regarded as somewhat more valuable and desirable sexually. However, it would not be to such an extreme that every single boy would have every girl in the room itching to get with him. This is the point where the women could be more choosy and pass over a guy who is rude or who looks ugly. This is also the point where Jordan in the story would actually have it as something of an accomplishment still that he's able to have sex with all these girls.

This is the point where about the only real changes to society that would be note worthy are exactly the things that is written up in the current "society" section on the main info page.