Life Hacks/Charity,Billy(girl-like-relate),rape-girl-preg/Chrty pick + (kinder)78 pick/Mother4/Billy-friend/Table/Clean/You have some time now, calmly check your points and see what cheats you can get

From All The Fallen Stories
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Well then, it seems like you've finally managed to get a breath. It's been a little crazy, after you did that with Charity and then talked with that woman who saw you you got all fired up and decided to attack that girl by the stands. After that, with Billy's dad turning out to be a police officer and coming back with him.. err... her... that is to say, Billy who you thought was a boy turned out to be a girl. After that, things just kept rolling along and you decided to fuck Billy too.

All this happened in an alarmingly short amount of time. You could never have gotten away with such ridiculous behavior without this hack. You seem to have gotten a freaking TON of points in the process as well. That's rather surprising. You didn't really expect to get quite that many points from a single orgy. At any rate, you have not really gotten a real chance to sit down and look at them, and you've just been randomly buying whatever seemed to fit best at the time.

You take a look at your points. Over 20,000. Is this normal? Somehow it doesn't quite seem like you should be getting quite than many points this fast. You thought at first it was your life experiences up until now suddenly being counted, but then you saw after you raped Billy and that other girl that the points shot up again by the same kind of extreme as when you went after Charity. It was definitely the sex that did it.

Oh well, what's the use dwelling too hard on it? It's not like you can understand this system. You've not been given enough information. Rather than be too concerned, you had probably better think of what to do with your cheats.

So, let's gather what we know so far. Most of your cheats are divided down into a few categories. Cheats that make Lifies overlook your sexual behavior, cheats that make lifies more receptive to your sexual advances, and cheats that make you perform better sexually. Then, there are also a number that are unrelated to sex as well.

In terms of the ones affecting lifies, those also are divided into categories in terms of area of effect. There are also some that can have an area of effect of "radius around purchaser," and those that are not compatible with the radius effect. The ones not compatible with the radius effect actually seem to be among the more powerful for their cost in terms of how easy it makes it for them to accept your sexual advances.

Given these issues, there are a few different routes you could take with this.