Life Hacks/Charity,Billy(girl-like-relate),rape-girl-preg/Chrty pick + (kinder)78 pick/Mother4/Billy-friend/Table/Clean/AOE+/OPT/While you're in the menu, reduce your semen load, it's really ridiculous

From All The Fallen Stories
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Your semen load really is just out of control here. It's fun seeing all those fluids once or twice, sexy to see it just pouring out of the girl when you're finished, but it makes a HUGE freaking mess and the clean-up's a bitch. Yeah, it's probably best to just get it down to a more reasonable level.

You go into your stats and go to your male fertility. You noticed this before but didn't think much of it at the time but your stats each seem to have advanced settings attached to them. You hit the advanced settings on your fertility and check it out.

When you pull it up, you are greeted with the following display.

  • Viability percentage 100%
  • Sperm motility 30 nanometers per second
  • Sperm lifespan in vagina 240 hours
  • Semen volume 50 ml
  • Egg seeking focus 12%
  • Semen composition, 40% sperm

You would not have understood any of this, except maybe the 100% sperm viability part, if it weren't for your enhanced mental abilities. Thanks to that, you can understand how truly ridiculous these statistics are. Also, the semen composition part definitely explains why your semen has been lumpy like you are cumming cement. 40% is REALLY thick semen.

Semen volume is also kinda crazy, but the most absolutely astronomical number has got to be the sperm lifespan number. That translates to 10 days that it can survive. If it fails to get a girl pregnant in that time, you were just unlucky.

Well, semen volume is also 10X the size of what's normally considered a large ejaculation, so that's pretty wild too. It's no wonder you were making such a big mess all the time. Well, dropping this down ought to solve all your problems. You set it back down to the far more reasonable 5ml, and when you do something rather strange happens.

  • Viability percentage 100%
  • Sperm motility 50 nanometers per second
  • Sperm lifespan in vagina 325 hours
  • Semen volume 5 ml
  • Egg seeking focus 20%
  • Semen composition, 40% sperm

As you dropped one number, the other ones went up to compensate. This is fascinating. Actually, you could probably take advantage of this. You notice your sperm did not get any thicker. Maybe 40% is the natural maximum. You might be able to set it higher, but you really don't like the idea. You doubt you would even be able to ejaculate at all if it was any thicker. And of course, you can't get any higher than 100% viability. That being the case, the extra points went into sperm motility and sperm lifespan. An idea suddenly strikes you. Out of the cheats you have, you don't have one to increase sperm motility. You do however have cheats that affect semen volume and sperm lifespan. The "deathless sperm" cheat is pretty expensive, but it might be fun to get it and have your sperm cells swim so fast they can reach the girl's egg almost immediately.

Also, you could probably drop down the viability percentage too with the cheats you already have. There are quite a few decisions to make on how to optimize this. At any rate, with the cheats you already have at this point the motility is likely the most significant factor you can go for in terms of further increasing your potency. The cheats that make viability not much of an issue you already have. The cheat for egg seeking is cheap, and you could likely even scrap the last 5ml from your semen volume if you really want to get extreme and replace the semen volume setting with the (set volume) cheat on sperm. The only thing left is whether or not to get the deathless sperm cheat.

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