Life Hacks/Optimized 1/all really F/4 public/game/14(b)/All of the above

From All The Fallen Stories
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You would really like to impress here. This girl's a cheerleader after all, maybe if you do good with her you can get with some other girls on the cheer squad. The way she is though is kinda ruining your image of what cheerleaders are like. She actually seems rather meek and friendly looking. You can't even believe she's part of Charity's friend circle. Well, she's probably what one might call a "foil" in terms of those group dynamics, the innocent nice one who makes it so the others can feel better about themselves. Actually, you kinda do remember Charity ordering this girl around a lot. She didn't treat her like a slave, but she did keep her rather submissive.

You can't believe you know about all that stuff in the group dynamics of mean girls. Well, it seems to be paying off for you here, it's made her exactly the type that's easy for you to manipulate as well. Well then, let's start. First off, in order to really give her maximum pleasure, you can't be worrying about holding back. Also, male semen has a hormonal effect on women once it gets inside their vagina. There are quite a few receptors inside her that pick it up, and show a lot of beneficial effects like reducing depression and generally feeling more at ease when a guy actually ejaculates inside a woman without a condom or anything of the sort. So, if it makes it so you don't have to worry about holding yourself back since you are already on edge and it has these effects as well, it's probably best to just let yourself cum inside her now.

"Ohhhh..." You groan, laying yourself at ease on top of her as though you are going to sleep as your dick begins to spasm inside her, filling her pussy with your stuff. Fucking her tight teen miniature girl teen pussy is entirely different from fucking that 4 year old from before. You haven't looked, but you trust your senses enough to know that you are not feeling even a drop of your stuff escaping from her pussy that despite being tighter is also much larger and deeper than that little tike's was.

"Hey, I think I recognize you," you whisper quietly into her ear as you continue to gently massage her breasts while you are grinding your pelvic bone against her clitoris. "You're a friend of Charity, right?"

"Mmm.. uh?" You chuckle to yourself inside. She knows that you know her now, but you're not going to tell her who you are. You're definitely not going to tell her you're Charity's brother since you can guess she's probably badmouthed you to her friends. This is just enough though to tell this girl that you are one of the guys at her school and you've noticed her before.

While she's still panicking from the fact that you've identified her, you press your mouth into hers for a very forceful open-mouth kiss. And, at the same time, you start squeezing her tiny breasts hard. This forceful approach would not work normally, but for someone who's repeatedly made to be submissive like her and who is also already horny for you due to the cheats, this kind of stimulation should actually help get her off. Still, despite all that, she immediately begins to struggle. So, you decide to let her up for some air.

"Sorry, I couldn't help myself. You're just too cute!"

"You're really a pervert!" She declares, breathing heavy now. "You're talking like one and forcing me to kiss!"

"But it felt good, right?" You ask her. "Actually, putting the boy's privates inside a girl's is also a pervert thing, but perverts do this stuff because it makes girls really feel good." You are stirring your dick in a circle inside her, trying to stimulate her insides as much as possible in order to try and stimulate her clitoris from the inside at the same time as the outside. In other words, the so-called "G-spot." This is what the G-spot is really all about, the dense nerve bundle of the clitoris is so big that part of it has receptors inside the vagina. Right now, you are doing your best to hit it inside with the head of your dick and outside with your pelvic bone. Due to how big your dick is inside her with the "perfect fit cock," it is exactly the right size to grind the bell of your glans against exactly the right spot for maximum stimulation. The only thing that could possibly increase the stimulation to her G-spot would be if you still had your foreskin.

"Mmm.. how do you know all this stuff?" She asks, her cheeks flushing very very red.

"Do you want me to kiss you again?" You ask her, heavily mauling her breasts and getting a gasp out of her.

"Ahh! N.. noo..." She struggles, resisting the idea that she clearly wants.

"Are you sure? It will feel even better if I stick my tongue inside your mouth."

"Wh... what!? Like... frenching!?" She responds stunned.

"Is it because you have a boyfriend already?" You ask her.

"I don't have a boyfriend!"

"Really, a cute girl like you doesn't have a boyfriend? Well, how about I be your boyfriend and then it will be alright if I kiss you?"

"Ah.." She hesitates, clearly pondering a response to this offer but being too overwhelmed between her sexual stimulation and the suddenness of the offer to possibly come up with a clear answer. You don't even wait though.

"Ok, open your mouth this time." You order her and then just go right in for the kiss as you completely dominate her and make the decision for her. As your tongue twines with hers, you can hear the nervous and scandalized giggles of all the kids behind you.

"They're kissing!" One of them says immediately.

"Awww! They just became boyfriend and girlfriend!"

"Lizie got a super handsome boyfriend! Cool!" You somehow recognize this voice as belonging to the blond girl from before.

You can sense Lizie's panic as she hears these voices cutting in on the scene, but you continue to force your mouth into hers and leave her no space to raise any protest or objection, furiously assaulting her mouth with your tongue while you give her breasts another squeeze while also continuing to push the 3rd front of stimulating her clitoris and G-spot at the same time. You can feel yourself getting close to cumming again. You can tell you are probably going to be a little bit before her, but actually, feeling it inside her might just be the thing to take her over the edge. So, you allow yourself to let go inside of her for the second time, painting her vaginal walls with your baby making sperm.

You are actually kinda glad that you bought the reduce age of puberty cheat, otherwise you would probably have had your focus interrupted by that stupid notification coming up a while ago, telling you that she's already "effectively" pregnant. Effective nothing, you know for a fact your sperm hasn't fertilized her egg yet, inevitable or not. And, without that stupid thing breaking up the immersion of the event, you can revel in how you are pumping even more of your baby juice inside her and increasing the already large amount working and wriggling inside her in order to get her pregnant.

You jam your dick hard against Lizie's clitoris, trying to get your stuff as deep inside her as you can. This shock seems to set her over the edge, and she screams into your mouth as her legs immediately wrap around your hips and her arms start hugging your face deeper into hers.

She hums contently as the two of you finish and her eyes start to roll back into her head. After this, she collapses, her heavy breathing seeming to be the only thing keeping her conscious. As much as you would like to cuddle her a bit, you know that much won't be tolerated by the kids who are waiting for you to start chasing them and, unknown to them, impregnating them. You can't just get right up and leave her though, you need to give her just a little something more.

"Alright, we're boyfriend and girlfriend now!" You declare, resulting in her turning to look at you and breath a few more strong breaths as a slight smile creeps into her disheveled and sweaty red face with her hair sticking to her scalp everywhere. "Let's do perverted stuff again sometime!" And, with that, just to further assert your dominance, you go down and bite her earlobe while giving her breast another strong squeeze while grinding hard against her clit once again with your pelvis, knowing she's going to be way more sensitive now than before.

"Ahh!" She squirms, seeming to want to do something to throw you off. However, she can feel your teeth on her ear and knows that she might wind up hurting herself if she pulls too hard against you right now. You ease up on her breast first, and then you relax your hips, not pulling out but at least taking the pressure off her clit. Only then do you let go with your teeth and start to laugh.

"Ok! See you later Liz!" You chuckle as you push yourself up off of her and witness as the mostly clear liquid with only the smallest amount of white leaks out of her. That's kinda crazy. That means that your sperm are swimming so fast that almost all of the sperm cells stayed inside of her. Under normal circumstances you would have thought you just had a low sperm count, but you know better from experience on what this hack can do. Also, the stuff that came out of Emmy, the 4 year old you pretty much raped before, that was pretty white. At the same time though, you pulled your dick out of her sooner after finishing, and she also almost immediately went up-right while Lizie here is still laying flat on her back.

That gives you a rough idea in your head of how much time it takes. Despite the sexiness of the situation, your overclocked brain can't help but do the math. Based on what you've seen, and also the small amount of white you still see in the stuff running out of Lizie, you guesstimate quickly that it takes around 20 seconds of your dick staying planted inside a girl for all the white sperm cells to make their way far enough inside her that they won't be in danger of being swept back out so long as she's laying on her back. Meanwhile, it would probably take more like a minute and a half for most of them to make it inside her womb which would make her run completely clear with the fluid coming out of her even if she stood up.

Shaking your head at having to just nerd out after having just fucked a cheer leader while 8 little girl pussies are waiting for you to plant a baby inside them, you turn back to see three of them in a small semi-circle nearby, one of the nearby ones being that blond girl again, the other two being those twins. There are two more edging just a little further, one is the 8 year old sister who was playing with the boys before but you can't help but notice the other one is the other girl who Lizie was watching, the little hispanic looking girl. They both seem like they were wanting to get a good look, but the younger hispanic girl was a little more hesitant about the whole thing.

The blond girl looks you directly in the eyes with an almost challenging look. Meanwhile, the rest of them including the hispanic girl freeze and immediately start scampering away, the hispanic girl looking especially spooked. The blond girl though seems almost like she's daring you to chase her and is waiting for you to make the first move. However, she's still in a low crouch and ready to bolt the very moment you leave the wooden platform that makes up the foot of the play structure.

Go after the girls Lizie was babysitting

Go after the other girls who tried to sneak a peek

Keep up the pattern of going for the one who's furthest away

Alexander "Xander" Cole
Ethnicity: Scandinavian / Anglo-Saxon
Sex: Male
Age: 15
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 220 lbs.
Build: Athletic
Measurements: 36/30/35
Penis: 4 inches - cut
Eyes: gray
Hair: blond
Physical: 200
Mental: 200
Social: 200
Appearance: 200
Health: 100%
Energy: 67%
Focus: 32%
Stress: 60%
Arousal: 97%
Life Hacks
Life Controller Modules: Lifie Mod
Nerdy cloths, smartwatch, pocket protector
Other Items
Life Controller Duck, assorted pencils and pens, smartphone, wallet, learner's permit, $35 US Currency
Active Perks:
  • Casanova (Female, 0-45, 50%)
  • Everyone wants to bang you (0-45 female, 100%)
  • Immortality
  • rp-sld (sensory)
  • PDA pass (sensory)
  • Exposure pass (sensory + shared)
  • Forgiving (neighborhood)
  • Rape Fantasyland (neighborhood)
  • Sexual non-compete (town, medium)
  • Perfect Fit Cock
  • Above the law
  • No male refractory period
  • Infinite semen
  • Deathless sperm
  • Ejaculation scaler (5ml)
  • Invalidate birth control (whole city)
  • Guaranteed pregnancy (male version)
  • Reduce age of puberty 10 yrs (town, medium)
  • Masterful (sex) (Alexander Cole)
  • Oblivious (sex) (town, medium)
  • Incest pass
  • Instant approval (town, medium)
  • Vindictive approval (town, medium)
  • Cuckland
Page Tally:
WIP points
20/8 vision, improved night vision, skilled in almost everything, 1.1mm/s sperm motility
Elizabeth (Lizie)
Sister's 14yo friend


  • Xander's girlfriend
  • love = 100% lust
  • Knows you know "perverted" stuff
  • Effectively pregnant with your child (was not ovulating)

Older friend


  • love = 100% lust

Younger friend


  • love = 100% lust

Lt hair twin


  • love = 100% lust
  • Gender changed

Dk hair twin


  • love = 100% lust
  • Gender changed

younger sister?


  • love = 100% lust

older sister?


  • love = 100% lust
  • Gender changed

Oldest girl in park


  • love = 100% lust
  • Gender changed

Lone girl


  • love = 100% lust

Gender confused girl 8 years old


  • love = 100% lust
  • Hard core X1
  • Extreme X1
  • Abuse (3) X2
  • Womb is completely full of your semen
  • Semen overflowing falopian tubes
  • Pregnant with your child (just conceived)

Emmy's father
Father of girl you asked to fuck


  • Instant approval in effect
  • Oblivious (sex) in effect
  • Horny due to cuckland

Emmy (Emilia?)
Little girl you got permission to fuck


  • love = 100% lust
  • Effectively pregnant with your cihld

Charity Cole
Twin Sister 15 years old

Notes: .

  • Moderate = X3
  • Hard Core = X2
  • Extreme = X3
  • Abuse (2) = X3
  • Abuse (3) = X2
  • Still leaking your semen
  • Pregnant with your child (just conceived)

Unknown 7-9 year old girl
(Recent) rape victim


  • Max fertility
  • Abuse (3) X1
  • Still leaking your semen
  • Pregnant with your child (effectively)

Unknown rape victim's mother
Unknown rape victim's age reduced 4 year old mother


  • Max fertility

Billie's dad 28 years old

Notes: '

Patricia "Trish" Wells
Acquaintance 33 years old

Notes: '

Charity Cole
Twin Sister 15 years old

Notes: .

  • Moderate = X3
  • Hard Core = X2
  • Extreme = X3
  • Abuse (2) = X3
  • Abuse (3) = X2
  • Pregnant with your child (just conceived)

Veronica "Roni" Cole
Sister 8 years old

Notes: Precocious puberty

  • Moderate X1
  • Extreme = X2
  • Abuse (2) = X1

Ingrid "Inga" Cole
Mother 37 years old

Notes: '

Brittany Cole
Sister 19 years old

Notes: '

Sebastian "Bastian" Cole
Brother 12 years old

Notes: '

Angelica "Angel" Cole
Sister 10 years old

Notes: '

Richard "Rich" Cole
Father 38 years old

Notes: '

Shauna Lovett
Father's GF 25 years old

Notes: '

Rahne Lovett
Half-sister 10 years old

Notes: '

Mackinsey "Kizzie" Lovett
Half-sister 2 years old

Notes: '

Loki (Player:Loki)
Benefactor ???? years old

Notes: '