58 and a Half Hours/July 6, 2016

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Tuesday, July 5th, 2016

Natsu takes the week of her birthday off. In the evening she proceeds to get blackout drunk alone, as a celebration/mourning of the end of her marriage, which ended eleven years ago this week. Yuu, Minako, and Faye all see her like this without her knowing; she makes it clear in her drunkenness that she's very lonely. Minako decides on a plan to help.

Wednesday, July 6th, 2016

Yuu, Valen, Minako, and Faye all thanked the waitress for taking their drink orders, and began talking together in hushed tones. “I'm really worried about Mom,” Faye said. “She usually overdoes it on alcohol this time of year, but I don't think I've seen her this bad before. I think she's a lot lonelier than we'd thought.”

“What can we do to help, though?” Yuu asked. “She hates singles events, and she's shot down Ayaka whenever she's offered to set her up with someone. It's almost like she doesn't want to try again.”

The waitress returned with everyone's drinks and asked if they needed another moment to look over their menus. Valen responded that they did, and the small group was alone at the booth once more. Minako took a long draw from her straw before continuing. “I happen to know a guy that I'm sure is just her type. He's just like Dad was in the good ways, and totally different in all the important ways.”

Valen interjected, “Are you talking about what I think you're talking about? You can't be serious. Yeah, there's you two, since you both were already in love with him and practically begged me to share him with you; and there's your cousin, who he was already in love with. But seriously? Your mother?”

“I'm not really sure this is a good idea, Minako,” Faye said nervously. “I already thought it through last night, and I'm sure that it is,” responded Minako.

“Besides,” Minako said, sheepishly, “I've already explained why I was so gung-ho on getting Naomi involved with this. It was that feeling I had right after we made love the first time. I really do want to share that feeling with everyone I care about. And if it'll help cheer Mom up, then absolutely I want to share that with her.” “Quiet down, the waitress is coming back!” Faye hissed. Minako had a confident look on her face as they all quickly picked something off the menu and sent the waitress on her way again.

Minako used the forced pause to start right back up again as soon as the waitress was out of earshot. “Look, I already have a plan ready. You know how Mom gets when she gets drunk; the next day she can't remember a thing that happened the night before.” “Besides missing the point entirely – what good is it if she can't remember afterward? - there's also the fact that getting Mom drunk to sleep with her would be considered rape by most people!” Faye hissed again. “Well it's a good thing that's not my plan then!” Minako sneered back. “Tonight when she's starting to get really drunk, Faye, then you go in with her and say you just want to spend a little time together. You're close enough to drinking age that I don't think she'll send you away, even if she doesn't offer you anything. Then just start slowly inching towards the subject of who she finds attractive, and after a while of talking about guys mention Yuu. Get a feel for how receptive she might be,” Minako said. She responded to the skeptical looks around the table by continuing, “This plan can't fail. The alcohol will lower her inhibitions to honestly answer the questions, and the hangover will make her forget any questions were ever asked!”

“Don't I get any say in this?” Yuu asked. “Don't tell me it doesn't seem at least a little bit kinky,” Minako purred. “I'm sure I can get you revved up for the idea in any case,” she continued, punctuating the sentence by pushing her foot into Yuu's crotch underneath the table. “I'm not sure I'm entirely comfortable with this either,” Valen said. “You're with me at least, right Faye?” Minako asked, disappointed. “This might be going too far... but I suppose it wouldn't hurt to ask some questions, especially if she won't remember them being asked. If nothing else, being there tonight should help keep her from sinking too far into depression,” Faye said.

“Yes!” Minako cheered. “Operation: Just asking questions is a go!”

Faye knocked on the wall at the kitchen's entryway “Mom? Is it alright if I come in?” Natsu looked up from the bottle of rum she was drinking. There was already an empty bottle of scotch lying sideways on the table. Faye quietly let herself into the kitchen and sat at the table with her mother. “Heeeey. What's up?” Natsu slurred slightly, already fairly sloshed. “I just wanted to spend a little time with you tonight is all,” Faye said. “I guess I could use some company,” Natsu said, standing up. “Here, let me get you something to drink.” “It's alright, really. I'm still not quite 21 yet,” Faye answered as Natsu walked over to the liquor cabinet. “Well tonight you can be my drinking buddy. I won't tell if you won't,” Natsu said, grabbing a wine bottle and glass before returning to the table.

Natsu poured a glass of wine and passed it to Faye before continuing to down the rum she had already been working on. “Figure I'd give you something easy for your first time,” Natsu said. Faye looked at the glass for a moment before taking a sip, deciding that she can play along as long as she doesn't get drunk; the last thing she needed was to ask these questions and then forget them herself by morning.

Natsu and Faye chatted and joked around for about an hour as Faye looked for the opportunity to steer the conversation towards the kinds of guys Natsu was interested in. During this time, Faye finished a glass and a half of wine, while Natsu finished her rum and got halfway through a bottle of gin. Finally, Faye saw her opening.

“So why haven't you been seeing anybody lately?” Faye asked. “Do we really have to bring that up?” Natsu asked, half giggling. “Yeah, I'm really curious!” Faye continued. Natsu's look turned more contemplative, as she looked away towards a window and responded, “I guess the whole business with your father left a sour taste in my mouth. Geez, has it really been eleven years?”

“Well, what kind of guys do you like?” Faye asked. “I don't know, I didn't date much as a kid and have dated even less since the divorce...” “Well, let's start with Yuu,” Faye said. Natsu gave Faye a sidelong glance before letting her continue. “What I mean is, he looks basically like Dad did at his age. And you have to have thought Dad was attractive at some point at least.” Natsu nodded and just continued to stare off into space for a few moments.

“I haven't seen him with a girlfriend yet. I hope he's doing okay,” Natsu mused. “Maybe, but we're talking about you, remember?” Faye said, trying to steer the conversation. Natsu snickered briefly at the accidental pun and then was quiet for another moment. “Maybe I should just relieve him of his virginity so I can get some action myself.”

Faye's eyes went wide for a moment, before she quickly regained her composure and attempted to deflect the conversation's surprising turn with humor. “Who says I haven't already done that myself?” Faye said, taking a swig from her glass. Natsu turned to Faye, then laughed while pointing. “Ha! I knew you had a thing for him!” Faye's face turned bright red. Was it obvious to everyone but her? She was slightly slower to regain her composure this time.

Natsu and Faye spent the next 20 minutes taking turns making jabs at the others expense, joking around together, until Natsu finally passed out asleep from the alcohol. Faye cleaned up the glasses and bottles, and left the kitchen.

Faye opened the door to Yuu's room. He had been lying in bed playing a game when Faye walked in, closing the door behind her. “Booty call!” Faye chimed, before giggling. “I may be ever so slightly buzzed,” she said, climbing into Yuu's bed. “She actually let you drink with her?” Yuu asked. “More like encouraged,” Faye responded. “Don't worry, I didn't have too much, it wouldn't do us any good for me to botch everything by getting drunk. In fact I'm sober enough to realize that since Mom is home it'll just have to be a quickie.”

“Ok. Well, did you learn anything? Is Minako's plan as far fetched as the rest of us thought?” Yuu asked, before Faye forcefully straddled him and put a finger to his lips. “Shh, shh, I need you in me right now.”

Next Entry: Thursday, July 7th, 2016
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