58 and a Half Hours/August 5, 2016

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Natsu sat at the computer playing Civilization. It was almost 11 at night, and she'd been telling herself 'One more turn' for the last three hours, despite having won the game an hour ago.

Her mind was only partially focused on the game; it was the reason she had chosen something turn based. Each time, as the computer asked if she was ready to end her turn, her mind wandered a little bit further. She hadn't found any more erotic stories left open on the computer for the last week and a half. Then, several days ago, she realized that she missed them. After several minutes of hesitation, she went and looked up a particularly raunchy one about a mother and her son on vacation on their own. She had ended up reading a new story each day since.

And, while she was positive that she was reading too much into things, she thought she had caught Yuu catching quick glances at her, like he was trying to get a glimpse of something naughty. She felt her heart race every time his friends would tease him about how hot his mom was - especially since he always ended up agreeing in the end. She'd even had one dream, that she could remember at least, that involved Yuu romantically. She went out with her ex-husband to a restaurant they used to visit, but after they were seated it was suddenly Yuu there instead. In the dream, the remainder of the date progressed normally – including the part where they made love after getting home. It got a bit fuzzy after that, although she remembered her boss walking in and demanding to know why she wasn't at work.

Natsu saved her game, finally satisfied with the state of her civilization, and powered down the computer to head to her room to read a book before bed. As she got up to leave the room, though, she heard something coming from elsewhere in the house that caught her attention. Following the sounds, she started to have a sneaking suspicion about what she was hearing as they got louder, until she found herself standing in front of Yuu's door. The door slipped open a crack as she reached out to touch it, startling her and making her take a short step back. It seemed the latch had not quite caught when the door had been closed. After a moment she quietly moved forward again and put her eye up to the crack.

What she saw confirmed her suspicion of the sound. Lying in bed and having sex were Yuu and Valen. As they went at it for a minute, the thought slowly passed through Natsu's mind that she should give them some privacy, but it was overwhelmed by an image she couldn't push away where it was her, instead, in there. Yuu leaned in to kiss Valen passionately moments before they both shuddered in orgasm.

Natsu felt slightly conflicted; somewhat happy but with a strange pang of jealousy mixed in as she turned to head back to her room. 'At least he's found somebody to love. I did have a feeling that it might eventually be her,' she thought to herself. Just after she took a step away, however, she froze in her tracks as she realized that she was hearing more voices coming from the room.

She turned back and moved her eye up the the door crack again, and was so stunned by what she saw that she couldn't form any coherent thoughts for the next minute.

Inside the room, Minako and Faye, both naked, had climbed into the bed with Valen and Yuu. The three girls were all working to get Yuu erect again. It didn't take long for them to succeed, and as they did, Valen climbed off the bed and walked to the other side of the room, where Natsu couldn't see her. Meanwhile, Minako and Faye both positioned themselves on the bed on top of each other. Once they were settled, Yuu began making a few thrusts into one of them before switching to the other for a few thrusts, back and forth.

As she watched her son have sex with two of her daughters, the thought started to form in her mind that she should stop this, but that thought died quickly and quietly as her hand unconsciously started to slide into her pants. Before long she was working herself into her own orgasm – something her body was screaming at her mind that it needed right now. As she climaxed she did her best to stifle her involuntary whimpers.

At that moment the bedroom door was thrown wide open.

Completely stunned, she saw Valen standing in the doorway, nude. The shock of what she had just witnessed had caused her to forget Valen was even in the room in those few short minutes. Meanwhile, Minako and Faye had both climbed off the bed and were walking to the door, both smiling. Minako's smile in particular looked like something you would see on a cheshire cat.

As Minako and Faye each took one of Natsu's hands and started leading her to the bed, she started trying to stammer out, “Wh... wha... what's going on?!?” “What does it look like, Mom?” Minako replied, mischievously. As they reached the bed, Minako and Faye both started undressing Natsu. Meanwhile, Valen had climbed back onto the bed, behind Yuu. Natsu couldn't find the will to resist, nor could she pry her eyes off of Yuu. As soon as she was naked, Minako and Faye pulled her up onto the bed with them and laid her down, each holding a leg to one side.

“I've seen the way you've been looking at him the last few weeks,” Minako said. “One word and he's yours. As you can see,” she continued, gesturing at Yuu's erect penis, “he's quite ready and willing.” With this, Valen reached around Yuu and grabbed hold of him, gently rubbing and ready to act. Natsu looked at Yuu's crotch for a moment, before looking up at his face. Then she screwed her eyes shut, bit her lip, and nodded vigorously. “Yes...” she said, so quiet it was almost a whisper.

With that, Valen guided Yuu forward until he rested on Natsu's entrance. She slowly pushed from behind, and as the head of Yuu's cock found its way in, Natsu gasped and wrapped her legs around him, suddenly pulling him all the way in. She apologized sheepishly to Valen for almost accidentally kicking her. “Hold still for a moment... it's been a while...” Natsu said, holding Yuu there. “Since you've gotten any, or since he was in there last?” Minako asked mischievously. “... Both,” Natsu said, blushing. After a short while, she began moving her hips, and in response, Yuu began pumping. Natsu spent the first short while trying to wrestle her conflicting emotions. She knew in her mind that she wasn't supposed to be doing this; and knowing that, she realized, was making her more aroused than she could ever remember being before.

That feeling made her desperately want to break more boundaries. She reached up and pulled Yuu into a deep kiss. As she broke the kiss, she grunted “Say it. I need to hear you say it.” “What do you need me to say?” Yuu asked, breathing slightly hard. “You know what it is,” Natsu continued. Yuu had a couple of ideas, and tried one. “I love you,” he said, still going. “I love you too, but that wasn't it,” Natsu said urgently. Yuu thought for a moment, before trying again. “This feels amazing...” he said. “Not quite it again... Son,” Natsu said, holding Yuu's cheeks in her hands and staring up at him, smiling. The way she emphasized her sentence made Yuu catch on. “I love you, mom. Mom, this feels amazing!” Yuu said, bringing tears to Natsu's eyes. She pulled him down in a tight embrace. “It makes mommy so happy to hear that! I... I'm...” she cried out, as she went over the edge. She immediately pulled Yuu in as tightly as she could with her legs, holding his shoulders as tightly as she could and kissing him deeply as they both shuddered in orgasm. Yuu rolled off to the side, and Natsu rolled to continue facing him. Minako and Faye reclined to either side, and Valen sat at the foot of the bed.

Natsu took a deep breath and looked around at the people sharing the bed with her. She took a moment to think before speaking. “Okay, now that we're past the heat of the moment, I think I'm owed an explanation as to what's going on here.”

Faye shifted a little and with a hint of nervousness asked, “W-where should we begin?” “How about where you two started having sex with Yuu. How long has this been going on?” Natsu asked. “About two months,” Faye said. “I guess technically the story begins with me,” Valen said. “Just after school ended for the summer, Yuu and I fell in love and we started having sex. A few days later, Minako and Faye found out.”

“Okay, and how does that lead to you two having sex with him?” Natsu asked. Minako had a slightly cross look. “I've been in love with him for years. I was trying to make it obvious to everyone, did nobody really notice?” she asked. “Well, you are his sister; coming from anybody else it would've been clear, from you it really looked like teasing,” Natsu said. “Anyway, something Minako said to me that day made me realize that I'm in love with him too. So we... begged Valen to share him,” Faye said. “We also found out that Yuu was already in love with Naomi, and so Minako and I set them up as well.” Natsu couldn't hide her surprise that they had gotten a cousin in on it, too.

“After that we noticed just how miserable you were around your birthday. You seemed really lonely,” Faye continued. “And this was your solution?” Natsu asked, incredulous. “Actually...” Faye started nervously, “... you had this idea.” “What?!” Natsu almost shouted. “It was the night we were drinking together,” Faye said. “I had just mentioned Yuu, and your exact words were 'Maybe I should just relieve him of his virginity so I can get some action myself.'” Natsu blushed bright red at this revelation. “Wh-what about the stories I've been finding on the computer?” Natsu asked. “Those were me,” Minako said. “I figured I'd try passing the message on from drunk mom to sober mom. Once I knew you were looking them up on your own, I arranged a time for you to 'catch' us,” she continued. A sinking feeling suddenly filled Natsu's stomach. “Please tell me you didn't get your friends to help,” she said, worried. “Don't worry, I just told them that after your birthday you were feeling pretty down, and that it'd probably help if they teased Yuu about you while you were in earshot,” Minako said. “By the way, I didn't tell them what they should say, those were their genuine thoughts.”

"Are you unhappy this happened?” Yuu asked, worried. Natsu smiled at him and replied, “No. After all, it seems that I wasn't particularly resistant to the idea. What matters more to me is how you feel about this. Are you happy right now?” Yuu smiled. “I know I am. It's... an exhilarating feeling.” “And I'm guessing all three of you are fine with this arrangement, since you're the ones that orchestrated it,” Natsu continued. Valen, Faye, and Minako all nodded their heads.

After a moment, Faye's butt slipped off the bed. She carefully slid herself the rest of the way off. “Well, as nice as it would be to all fall asleep like this, there isn't really room on the bed,” she said. Everyone climbed off the bed, and Faye, Minako, and Valen started to get dressed. “I probably should go, my parents aren't expecting me to be out all night,” Valen said. “I'll give you a ride,” Faye said, as they gave Yuu a hug and walked out. “Goodnight, Big Brother,” Minako said, before giving Yuu a kiss and stepping out, leaving just him and Natsu in the room, both still naked.

“Hey, I know there isn't room for everyone in your bed,” Natsu started, “but maybe... would you mind if I stayed in here tonight? Everyone else has gotten the chance to wake up with you, while I... I guess technically I already have too, but I'm not really sure it counts since I was drunk and nothing actually happened besides me waking up confused and hung over.”

Yuu smiled at her and said, “Yeah.” With that the two of them climbed into bed and started cuddling.

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