Incest Seduction/Backtrack out of whatever you just agreed to

From All The Fallen Stories
< Incest Seduction
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You start telling yourself that this is fine, that you can handle this, but lying to yourself only pushes you in the other direction. This is too much for you to handle all at once.

"I'm... No!" you say a bit too emphatically. "I mean, I just... no."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you wanted to come over?" notes Tracy confused.

"I just, er... Z! Zack is here. I never get to spend time with him anymore. So I really can't come."

"Well I'm glad you want to spend time with your brother," your mom smiles, playing with Kalli's hair as the girl licks the last splatters of sperm from the edge of her plate before moving to her hashbrowns. "But Zack isn't going to be here all day sweetie. I'm sure you could go play more of your nudism game with everyone at Tracy's house this afternoon."

"It's not a game mom," you grumble at the patronizing tone from your mother, but you sound quite defensive.

"I'm sorry, I know how committed you are. It's a 'lifestyle' or something, isn't it? Well all the same, you don't want to forget your 'promise' to your father and I either. Of course you can go early if you really want to forfeit your morning with us. I certainly won't stop you," she adds with a grin.

Really mom? Going for a stroll down the sidewalk butt naked isn't good enough for your bet? "I remember. I'm already staying. You don't have to rub it in."

"Are you sure? I've heard rubbing can help."


"You'll never know unless you try. Oh! That's right..." Mom raises a finger and wags it back and forth, cautioning you against doing the deed yourself. "Well don't be shy sweetie. If you really need to, you can always ask someone for help."


"Kalli here is a master spanker. I'm sure she would lend a hand."

"Mom! I'm fine." You warily glance to the side but thankfully Tracy isn't following this weird inside-joke sort of conversation you're having. Antsy and frustrated, you shift in your seat despite what you just said, your cheeks flush and clit tingling. You're pretty damn far from fine. Losing your virginity in the kitchen mere moments ago got you more wound up than down, and now you're getting wet watching a six year old eat her breakfast. In all honesty you're in a very sorry state, but you'd never admit to it.

"Kalli, you make sure to spank Kimmy some more before you leave, 'kay? Let me know if she gives you any trouble and I'll hold her down for you."

Kalli giggles and nods. "M'kay!"

"You shouldn't talk with your mouth full, honey,"

"That's right," mom is quick to support Tracy, glancing at you again. "Good girls always swallow."

Tracy chuckles, then catches herself with "Kara! You're so bad!" before taking a sip of her orange juice.

"You don't know the half of it!" Mom laughs. "But if we keep drinking mimosas you might find out!"

The two parents laugh together and clink their glasses. You cower down, trying your best to become invisible, and quickly chomp through the rest of your food. Dawn somehow manages to sneak away from the table before you finish and all the adults chat some more while taking care of the dishes, yours getting whisked away the moment you're done.

Suddenly, after being the center of attention for so long, everyone ignores you. The kids are more than happy to run around naked without you, trying out handstands and cartwheels in the living room. The adults, your brother included, carry on in the kitchen paying you no attention. This strangely annoys you. It hardly seems fair that you would be so quickly ignored after agreeing to lounge around naked for the whole morning.

Since Zack has hardly said two words to you since he got here, you walk up beside him and practically hang off of your brother's arm while trying to insert yourself into the adult conversations. But since none of the topics are about how naked you are or how good you look you find you don't have much to add. You bounce against and poke your brother hoping he'll bite and grab you or chase you or something but he's not the one that notices.

"You're pretty squirmy there Kim," comments Richard.

You're not sure how you feel about Dick after he forced himself inside you. It's true that you kinda started it, and it felt crazy having him blow a load deep inside your pussy, but you never wanted that. At best it was an accident, but at worst he sorta raped you. Feeling contrary, you give him a shove just to prove your squirminess. But while Zack ignored your every attempt to engage, Richard grabs you immediately. He pulls you in, spinning you around and hugging you across your shoulders as the back of your head bops against his chest.

"Is this one always such a handful in the morning?"

Your dad smirks. "Well I'd say this morning she's been especially... needy."

"I'm not needy," you mope, sticking your hands behind your back and between you and Richard to push him away. What you find is that Richard's robe is open once again and your hands quickly press against the fat cock that entered you all of 15 minutes ago.

One of Richard's hands drifts down to your chest to cup a meager tit while his other hand tightly grips your opposite shoulder to hold you in place. He gives your tit a squeeze and you react in shock by clenching your hands, unintentionally grasping his dick through his pajama pants in the process.

You freeze, dick in hand, worried as much about getting caught as what to do with this thing you're suddenly holding. Richard has no worries however. He softly gropes your tit and presses his dick into your grip while continuing the conversation that you interrupted. He even talks with his hands, pulling away from your chest to point and gesture for a few seconds only to blatantly squeeze your boob a moment later.

This is crazy! Your 'uncle' is totally feeling you up right in front of your dad and your brother! Do they really not notice? Are you really not going to tell them? Part of you wants to kick Richard for being such a perv. But you'd be lying if you said it didn't feel nice to have someone - especially someone who just fucked you - gently fondle your body, pressing and lifting your slight chest. Having your one nipple rubbed by a strong palm is making even the other one stiff. God, you really are horny if this unsolicited groping is all it takes to get you to bite your tongue and pray for more.

You silently pout, annoyed by how good even this paltry bit of attention feels. But you still want to show your disapproval somehow. So you give Richard's dick a long hard squeeze, hoping to make him uncomfortable. He hardly reacts. That is to say he hardly changes his groping. His dick on the other hand most definitely reacts, gradually stiffening in your grip as you pull and squeeze with frustration. But you must pull a little too hard or a bit too much as Richard quickly bearhugs your waist in order to lift you into the air.

"Geez, you really are feisty aren't you?"

"No, it's your fault." Somehow you simultaneously deny and confirm his statement in a single sentence. You find your arms are now pinned behind you against Richard's body, your frustration only growing. You kick spastically, thrashing about both playfully and angrily, and immediately hit your brother standing close by.

"Hey! Watch it spaz!" Your brother snatches one of your flying feet by an ankle and forces it up past your head. It's uncomfortable, but not painful. There are way worse yoga poses. But you're not strong enough to force your leg down from such an extreme angle with someone holding it. "Seriously, you need a straitjacket or something."

Taking advantage of Zack's assistance, Richard shifts his grip to wrap one of his arms around your elevated thigh. When he resecures his bear hug he pulls your leg tight to your torso, you knee touching your shoulder. Your arms are still pinned behind you, but now your one leg is suddenly pointing skyward. It's a futile effort trying to kick out of this and how easily the two of them managed to contort and lock up your body kinda crushes your spirit. You look down shamefully at your bare slit which has twisted slightly and been pulled open by your sharply splayed legs. Your lips are still blushing pink with your excitement, not to mention the pounding they took a few minutes ago.

"Thanks Zack. This ought to hold her."

"Nothing can hold our Kimmy!" mom chimes in. "If she hasn't escaped yet it's only because she wants to be there!"

"Well then I guess she really wants to be here if she fought her way into my arms."

"Oh! I bet I know what she really wants! Kids! Come here! We need some extra hands!"

Aidan and Kalli come racing into the kitchen as mom lifts up your dangling leg and pulls it to the side, your hips straining as your crotch is opened as wide as it can go. Dad suddenly moves away to start speaking with Tracy, offering to pour her more mimosa.

With mom holding your leg open with her side, she runs her hand down your thigh and across your pelvis. "Okay kids! There's a big target here." She proves that fact by running her hand in a big circle along your underside, rubbing across your pussy just as free as your bum. "So get your last spanks in before you have to leave!"

A demonstration is provided when mom smacks the inside edge of your thigh right beside your slit. You draw in a short breath in shock but the kids don't notice. Aidan starts off carefully, lightly spanking your thigh, but Kalli is reckless. After a few wild spanks upward against your butt, the little girl winds up and windmills her hand down onto your pussy. You yelp and complain but no one seems to care. From what you can tell Richard is looking on with interest and your brother wandered off as soon as dad left.

Pairs of little hands assault your underside, often 4 hands all at once. It even increases to 5 every now and then when mom joins in, throwing a carefully placed spank before thumbing the length of your slit. All in all it hardly lasts a minute, but it's enough to get you blushing and more frustrated than before. Mom shoos the kids away, steps in front of you, then deftly dips her thumb between your vulva.

"Just keeping you on your toes sweetie." She leans in for a kiss, pressing her thumb deeper, before pulling back to comment, "Although I suppose Richard is keeping you off of them! Thank you for helping by the way!"

"My pleasure," he replies before setting you down on one foot and releasing your lifted leg. "I'm always willing to help."

After a few more minutes of chitchat, you standing like a nude statue unsure about how much more attention you want, the kids get corralled to the door. After some concern that they can't find their clothes your mom convinces Tracy that it will be good for her kids to walk back naked. Something about how it will help them shake off society's stigma and get them used to their own bodies and how freeing it is and blah blah. Throughout this Kalli watches her brother prance nervously at the door, although maybe he just has to pee. Quickly enough they leave, everyone taking the time to hug only you, with mom pushing you out onto the front step to wave one last goodbye.

"There," mom notes after closing the front door, "wasn't that fun?"

"Fun for you maybe! I had to be naked in front of the neighbors for, like, an hour!"

"I know. You're disappointed it wasn't longer. Well don't worry, you can always see them later to have your fill. But boy does entertaining take it out of me. I'm going to go freshen up," announces mom, lifting her boobs briefly.

"Ughh!" With your groan of displeasure, you trudge away full of pent up emotion and frustration. Unfortunately there's not many places you can run off to. Mom is headed upstairs where you can't go thanks to her bet, and you can't really go outside butt naked despite what the Taylor kids just did. You notice Zack watching TV in the living room while dad continues to tidy up the kitchen, but you're standing here with twitchy hands and an itchy crotch not sure what you should do.