58 and a Half Hours/September 6, 2016

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Yuu, Minako, and Valen all walked into the classroom, and were surprised to see that they weren't the first ones there. Sitting in the back row of desks, reading a magazine and blowing bubblegum, was a girl leaning back in her chair with her legs up on the desk in front of her, offering a clear view of the hot pink panties that closely matched her hair. As the trio started trying to decide where to sit, she looked up and smiled, closing the magazine and putting it down on the desk.

“Hi there,” she said, standing up and holding out her hand. “I'm Cupcake; it's nice to meet you.” Yuu reached out and shook her hand. “It's nice to met you, too. I'm Yuu, and this is Minako and Valen,” he said. He took what was supposed to be a brief look down at the desk to see what she was reading that ended up being more of a stare; a magazine titled 'Hustler's Asian Fever'. 'She... she isn't even doing the whole hide the magazine in a textbook thing...' he thought, nearly missing it as Cupcake said, “Not the most suave greeting anyone's ever mustered, but certainly not bad! I think you've got some potential!”

Cupcake realized what Yuu was looking at and chuckled. “What's the matter, never seen a girl looking at porn before?” Yuu was caught off guard for a moment, before smiling and answering, “Actually, I was just wondering why you bought a magazine, they have internet on phones now after all.”

Cupcake burst out laughing. “That's true, but it certainly left an impression though, didn't it? Here, knock yourself out,” she said, handing the magazine to Yuu, before sitting back down and pulling out her phone and putting on earphones. As the trio picked out their own seats, they could faintly hear the sounds of moaning coming from Cupcake's direction.

Yuu stowed the magazine away in his bag; he didn't particularly care to get questioned about it. The three of them began to chat as more new students filtered in over the next half-hour. “I guess chokers are part of the uniform? There was Cupcake, and now four more girls...” Valen muttered after another girl walked into class wearing one. “Come to think of it, I remember the teacher wearing one all last week, too. I hadn't thought anything of it,” Yuu said.

“Oh, didn't you get the uniform requirements?” the girl Valen had referred to, who had long blue hair, asked. “Not yet,” Valen said. “Minako here and I were only accepted in on Saturday, so we've been exempted for the first week. I'm Valen Lichtenfeldt, by the way, and this is Minako Underwood.” “Nice to meet you,” the girl smiled and held out her hand. “I'm Chikako Takagi.”

Valen continued chatting with Chikako as the classroom continued to fill up. Finally, when it was almost time for class to start, Dianne entered the room. She took a brief look around, before saying, “It looks like we're missing someone?” After a moment of thought, she muttered quietly, “Looks like Nanami's missing?” before announcing, “Everyone take a seat please. I'm Ms. Kuroi, and I'll be your academic teacher for this year. Ms. Nakajou, the physical education teacher, is out of town due to a scheduling conflict and will be joining us on Friday. First, we're going to go over the syllabus. Following that we're all going to spend a moment getting to know each other before we change to our assigned seats.”

After about a half hour going over lesson plans, daily schedule, and various expectations, Dianne had everyone stand and line up towards the back of the classroom. “Everybody, when I call your name, I want you to come to the front of the class, introduce yourself, and tell us a little about yourself. As you've all been told, part of the goal for this school is for everyone here to get to know everyone else. After you're done, take your assigned seat according to the chart we just drew on the whiteboard.”

With that, Dianne began calling students up in alphabetical order by last name. The first student called up was a cheerful girl with a fairly dark skin tone. “Hi, my name is Melissa Brown. Probably my favorite place to go around here is Boondocks, I love everything there!”

The next girl to come up had impeccably styled hair and glasses. “I'm Ami Funaki, and my family owns a number of ski resorts, both here in Colorado, and in Utah.”

The next girl approached the front of the class. “Hello...” she said, with a twinge of nervousness in her voice. “I'm Erina Hiramoto, and I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone better.”

Next was Valen. “I'm Valen Lichtenfeldt, and I've known Yuu and Minako here for pretty much my entire life.”

The next girl to walk up had long black hair that ran almost to her ankles. She gave a small bow, before introducing herself. “My name is Manami Ogawa, and it's a pleasure to meet you all. My hobbies include calligraphy and flower arranging.”

Another girl made her way to the front of the class, wringing her hands and very pointedly looking down; she was very clearly uncomfortable with everyone looking at her. “I.. I'm Megumi Omata... and...” she paused. “Holy cow, her tits are so huge even she can't avoid staring at them!” Cupcake shouted. Megumi's face turned bright red and she quickly and silently made her way to her seat.

“I'm Haruna Subaru...” an athletic looking girl said in close to a monotone, like she was also uncomfortable being in the spotlight. “I was my last school's track star.”

It was finally Cupcake's turn. “Hi, I'm Cupcake Sugardust!” she said, cheerfully. “No, my parents weren't hippies, and yes, I've already imagined all of you naked!” She popped a sucker in her mouth, and sat back down in the seat she'd picked out when she arrived in the morning.

The next person to walk up appeared to be the only other boy in class. “I'm Hiromu Sugawara, aaaand yeah. I'm not sure what else to say. I like video games.”

“I'm Chikako Takagi, and I'm the main cook at my home.”

Next was a tallish, slightly lanky girl with extremely short hair. “I'm Erii Tsukagoshi. We'll see just how well everyone gets to know me since I usually end up sleeping during class breaks.”

Now it was Yuu's turn. “I'm Yuu Underwood,” he said as he tried to think of what to say, as almost everything that came to mind was inappropriate. "I've... got four sisters, and one of them is going to be the next to come up."

Minako walked up to the front of the classroom. “I'm Minako Underwood, and I skipped two grades to be here today!”

Finally, the last girl came to the front of the class. The best word to describe her was large; not fat by any means, but rather she looked like she was three or four inches past six feet with a slightly above average build. Which made her attempts to make herself look as small as possible in the front of the room stand out even more. “I'm Rinna Watanabe... I h-hope we all get along...”

With everyone now sitting in their assigned seats, Yuu was in the exact center of the classroom. The desk to his left was vacant. 'That must be Nanami's seat...' Yuu thought.

As the class broke for lunch, Yuu hurried to catch up to Dianne. As he passed Valen and Minako he told them he'd catch up. At the front of the room he stopped Dianne. “Hey – I just wanted to see how you're doing,” Yuu said. Dianne put on a smile with only a hint of discomfort as everyone finished filing out of class. “I'm doing much better, thank you. I've thought about what you said the other day... I still can't help but feel a little guilty,” she said. “Please don't, I...” “Don't worry about it,” Dianne interrupted, “That's just something that's going to require some time and then it will pass.” “As long as you're alright,” Yuu said.

“As for the other thing you said,” Dianne continued, “there's... there's a part of me that really, truly wants to take you up on it... on the possibility of having a relationship with you. But. I don't feel it's appropriate while I'm still your teacher. At the very least, I'd be plagued by all the concerns and worries you saw the other day, all of the time. You... understand that, don't you?” Dianne asked.

“Yeah, it's alright,” Yuu said. “I mean, it stings a little, but I do understand. It's alright though. You'll get to know me better and have a better idea of if it's something you really want. There's a few things you should probably know before getting into a relationship with me anyway.”

“That reminds me,” Dianne said. “We never clarified what Minako meant the other day when she said she's 'totally fine sharing' you. What was that about?” Now it was Yuu's turn to look around uncomfortably. “We'll put that on the 'getting to know me' back burner. For now let's just say she has kind of a brother complex.” “Alright, we'll leave it there for the moment then...” Dianne said skeptically. “For now let's head to lunch.”

Yuu sat down at the table next to Minako and Valen. The lunch the cafeteria was serving was a high end looking sweet and sour pork with rice. As he started to dig in he looked around the room. It looked like most everyone here had never met; some of them appeared to be trying to introduce themselves a little better to the people around them. He saw that Erii wasn't kidding, as she had her head down and eyes closed next to her tray.

As he tried to get a better look at some of the other students, Cupcake walked over, holding a greasy bag of french fries. “Where did you...?” Yuu started before deciding against asking. “I overheard you in the classroom just a couple minutes ago. Pretty smooth, already putting the moves on the teacher!” Cupcake said, seeming genuinely impressed.

“They had me come in for tutoring last week,” Yuu said. “So we built up a bit of a rapport during the time. That's pretty much it.” “You liar,” Cupcake responded with a smile. “She doesn't say 'I still can't help but feel a little guilty' unless something happened. But hey, don't worry about it, I'm cool with it!”

At that moment, Melissa came by the table. “Hey guys, I just wanted to come by and make sure everything's alright!” she said. “Yeah, everything's fine. Uhh... why do you ask?” Minako asked. “Well... I know it's not my place to pry, but I saw you three at Boondocks on Sunday and something seemed to be the matter,” Melissa said a little hesitantly. “It was just something with our oldest sister that needed to come out before anything could get better. But I do appreciate your concern,” Yuu answered. “Things are all good with your sister now then?” Melissa asked to make sure. “Yep, things are better now than they were before,” Minako answered. “Alright then. Well, next time you go be sure to invite me, I never turn down the chance to visit! Bye!” Melissa said cheerfully, before walking off to talk to some of the other class members.

After a moment it looked like Cupcake was going to say something, but she was interrupted by Erina approaching the table. “Hey Yuu, Valen. I was just wondering... have either of you, by chance, heard from Nanami? She was supposed to be starting here today, too.”

“I saw her on Thursday, but I haven't heard form her since then,” Yuu said. “Okay then...” Erina started, before nervously continuing, “Maybe it's the flu? I just know she was really excited about starting school, so I got a little worried when she didn't come in today.” “I suspect you'll hear something before we do, but if we do, I'll be sure to let you know,” Yuu answered.

“Thanks,” Erina said as she gave a little wave before walking away. “This is perfect,” Cupcake said, smiling broadly. “What, what's perfect?” Minako asked. “Oh, I've just got a special project with Yuu in mind here, and it's looking like it's going to be cakewalk.” “Why am I suddenly filled with a nameless dread?” Yuu asked. “Beats the shit outta me, you're gonna love it,” Cupcake said. “Meet me after class. Alone, preferably.” Cupcake got a quick look at the glare Minako and Valen were shooting her. “Oh, don't worry, I'm not going to molest him or anything. We're just going to have a talk,” Cupcake said, before standing up to walk away. “I'll see you later. By the way, you two...” she said, pointing at Yuu and Minako, “... should totally fuck. That brother complex has been painfully obvious to me since you guys walked in this morning.” Minako and Yuu both turned bright red as Cupcake walked away.

After class let out for the day and everyone emptied out into the hall, Cupcake waved Yuu over. Minako and Valen followed him as they headed over. “Hey, I said alone!” Cupcake said, before she took Yuu's hand and led him outside, towards the back of the building. As she got out the door with him, Valen asked, “Are we really going to leave him alone with her?” “Of course not; follow me, quietly,” Minako said, as the two of them crept out of the door.

“Today's your lucky day!” Cupcake proclaimed when she had gotten Yuu out behind the building. “What for?” Yuu asked suspiciously. “Because I am going to help you become a babe magnet. Hell, you're already halfway there!” “What do you mean?” “I mean, that by the end of this school year I'll have helped you get into the pants of every girl in this school.”

“Did Nanami put you up to this?” Yuu asked in an unamused tone.

“No! No! Can't a girl just help a brother out?” Cupcake asked. “Really. Because last week, Nanami tried blackmailing me into exactly that,” Yuu said flatly, before he started to slowly lose it. “Fine, you wanted to know what happened? Yeah, Dianne and I were together last week. And somehow Nanami planned it, and was using it to try and blackmail me into going along with some plan of hers. This whole school is part of some master plan of hers to try and provide her some legacy she wants. So yeah, maybe I'm a little suspicious of someone else coming and offering me the exact same thing!”

Both of them were quiet for a moment.

“...I'm sorry,” Cupcake said.

“Look, I don't know anything about any plan. I've never even met this Nanami. But I'm sorry for what happened. I don't want to force you into doing something you don't want to do, and given the situation I can clearly see that trying to force you into it would only backfire. But I also don't want you to rule out something you might otherwise have gone for just because someone else tried to force you into doing it; that's just letting her control your choices in a different way. Tell me honestly, if it weren't for that, how would you have felt about my offer?”

“There'd... still be a bit of suspicion about what you just offered me, after all we only just met today... but I don't think I'd dismiss it out of hand. I mean, what's in it for you?” Yuu asked.

“Let's just say it's part of my helpful nature. I really get off on playing wingman. Look, how about this. I won't push you to go for anyone in particular. I'll just help grease things along when you do decide to go for it. Plus, if you end up with a harem, it could be useful to have someone help keep track of things. Just think of me as a helpful fairy who keeps track of birthdays, anniversaries, and preferences for you.”

“That's a little weird... but I guess it can't hurt. At the very least, the help keeping track of everything would be nice,” Yuu said. “Great! I'll start getting information on the teacher for you. Also, I get the distinct impression that she isn't your first. Tell me, are there any other girls you've slept with that I should keep track of?” Cupcake said, like she'd just made a business deal. “This suddenly got a lot weirder...” Yuu said. “Look, I'm not going to make you act on the information, I'll just have it conveniently available for you to access. Now tell me, who else have you given a good dicking to?” “I'm not sure I want to tell you...”

“Are you worried about me judging you? There isn't a lot that you could say that would disgust me, and you really don't seem to be the type who'd do those kinds of things,” Cupcake said. “Ok, what's an example of something that would disgust you?” Yuu asked. “Ugh, I'd really rather not think about any of that. How about an example of something that wouldn't disgust me instead? Earlier in the cafeteria, when I said you and Minako should fuck? I was serious. You want me to help you get into your little sister's panties?”

Yuu looked around, uncomfortably. “... you're serious, aren't you?”

Cupcake smiled. “Now that's a 'yes' if I've ever heard one!” “How about I get back to you on that?” Yuu asked, trying to change the subject. “Okay, okay. Tell you what. There's not a lot more I could usefully get done for you tonight anyway. How about you go home and sleep on it, and meet me here in the morning, forty-five minutes before class starts, if you decide you want to go for it,” Cupcake said.

Yuu, Valen, and Minako had been quiet most of the walk home. Finally Minako spoke up. “Well, I'm sure you probably already guessed, but we heard everything. So... gonna let her help you get into your little sister's panties?” She smiled impishly as she finished her sentence. Yuu didn't say anything. “Aww, I was just trying to lighten the mood,” Minako pouted. Yuu gave a half-hearted smile. “I know, thanks for trying. It's just been a difficult week.” “Well, how're you going to answer her?” Valen asked.

“She doesn't seem to be on board with Nanami's plan, or even aware of it, so I don't think she's trying to force me into anything. So, I think I might take her up on at least the part where she offered to keep track of everything for me,” Yuu said. “Seriously?” Valen asked. “I think it would be immensely helpful, yes,” Yuu answered before continuing. “For example: I have never remembered Ayaka's birthday before. But given what's happened recently, I imagine Mom would flip her shit if I forgot it this year. I know it's this month. I don't think we've passed it yet. But I also have no idea what to even get or do for her. Look, don't get me wrong, I love having a harem. You are all the best thing that's ever happened to me. But it is a lot of work. Cupcake's offering to do a lot of that work for me.”

“There is one more thing,” Yuu said after a moment. “Now don't get me wrong, I'm very happy with how things are. But maybe it would be a good idea to... well, have some girlfriends who aren't related to me?”

“Hey, what's wrong with me?” Valen objected. “Well yeah, there's you, but you are vastly outnumbered. I mean, it just might be nice to maybe have a relationship with someone who doesn't remember me learning how to walk.”

Next Entry: Wednesday, September 7th, 2016
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