Memoir of a Child Slut/Chapter 7

From All The Fallen Stories
< Memoir of a Child Slut
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This wasn't part of my carefully curated identity. On the surface I was still trying to be the friendly neighborhood babysitter, an innocent girl with good grades and a pure heart... and most certainly straight. I wasn't really concerned that I'd openly kissed a little kid on the lips, I just didn't want that kid to be a girl. Being known as the friendly neighborhood dyke would destroy me. If religion taught me anything (and admittedly it didn't teach me much) it was that good girls weren't attracted to other girls. Those feelings were the polar opposite of everything I was striving to appear to be.

I obsessed about that kiss on the bus ride to school and tried to figure out what it meant through the whole morning. Was I really a lesbian? Did I care for Cassandra or was I just this pathetic and lonely? I thought back to the sitter that I also kissed and how she had stopped me, told me it was wrong, and was probably trying to prevent this very thing from happening. I thought about it all so much that I couldn't even enjoy myself while going down on a guy that afternoon.

I hadn't sucked dick at school since therapy, but I was desperate to prove I wasn't a lesbo. So I dragged a classmate named Marcus into an unlocked shed after lunch and raped him with my mouth. He wasn't a random choice, but he wasn't exactly special. We had worked really hard on a project together at the beginning of the year and if I hadn't been so focused on my marks I might've offered to suck him off when we were alone in his room. He was arguably one of the nicer boys in my class and he seemed like the kind of guy that wouldn't blab or brag to people about getting an unsolicited BJ, which was a plus. He was confused by my forwardness to say the least, but he didn't complain. I've found very few guys complain about getting their dick sucked.

It didn't take much to convince myself that this was what I was missing; that a splash of semen in my mouth was all I needed to cure me, to cleanse my soul. And yet I didn't feel any different.

I sucked Marcus for a week straight, trying to make sense of things. In my head I felt that would help, like maybe with how broken I was I needed a lot more cum. Or maybe it takes time for cum to work, as if cum itself has magic properties. I had no idea where the cross section of superpowers and magic laid - science was never my strong suit - but I just had to be doing something wrong.

The whole week I was blowing Marcus, Cassandra was hyper obsessed with me. After our emotional talk she wanted to kiss and cuddle every minute we were together. Eventually I shut her down, since this might be counteracting all the cum I was swallowing. But after a few days of denials and restraint she ended up begging me for her special goodnight kiss, physically fighting to keep me in her room after she asked for a glass of water. I shoved her down and angrily fingered and tongued her little body to a whimpering orgasm then stormed out of her room in a huff. She was ruining everything.

While angrily mulling over everything on the couch, the answer hit me harder than Kerri's boyfriend on that dirty mattress in the woods. I'd swallowed gallons of baby batter in my life and was all but addicted to the stuff. So clearly I wasn't the problem when it came to boys vs girls. But that left only one other possible solution: somehow getting cum into Cassandra.

The very next day I tried to do just that. I rushed home from school to get my homework out of the way and help make an early dinner and only took two bites before leaving, mom yelling about grounding me for not cleaning up as I left. I took the bus to Marcus's house, asked his parents if he could accompany me for a walk, blew him behind some trash cans in an alley, then promptly boarded another bus to go see Cassandra.

This wasn't the first time I'd held cum in my mouth but I was usually just playing with it, savoring it. That bus ride was definitely the longest I had ever gone, and perhaps have ever gone, carrying a full load of spunk in my mouth. I enjoyed it more than I should have, rolling my tongue in it constantly, occasionally flashy a cum-toothed smiling at people as they were boarding. But despite having fun it was really hard to hold it for so long . The slippery spunk kept trying to slip down my throat, and I hadn't anticipated on not being able to swallow at all. Which meant I built up a lot of saliva with the cum easily doubling what I had to carry. I hadn't anticipated on speaking either.

"Right on time as usual! How has your day been Carrie?"

Amy was quite a cheery person, and she was her usual self that afternoon. I hadn't had to speak with anyone on the way over, but I realized I had no choice but to respond to Amy once I arrived.

"Em gud!" I eked out as positively as I could muster with my mouth closed.

"Oh... really? Is there something wrong?"

Cassandra emerged from around the corner right then and raced in for a hug as I kicked off my shoes, nearly pushing me over. I didn't catch it then, but looking back on it she actually seemed a bit sad. She wasn't smiling and hugged me like she wanted me to remember that I used to like her. I had not been kind to her that week, taking my internal struggles out on her.

"Hi Carrie. I missed you..."

I hugged Cassie back and tucked her hair behind her ears lovingly. I was so incredibly close to completing my poorly thought out plan. All I had to do was lean down, touch my lips to hers, and feed this little girl my creamy mouthful of cum. But Amy was still staring at me with a concerned look expecting a reply. However close I was, I couldn't just snowball her daughter right in front of her. I at least needed a distraction. Worst case I only had to wait a few minutes for Amy to leave and then I could spit every last drop into Cassie's cute little mouth.

Trying to play it safe, I offered up a tight-lipped smile to Amy, my cheeks no doubt bulging slightly. "Mm-hmm!"

"Are you sure about that? You sound a bit funny. Is your jaw okay?"

Her suspicion grew as I stood there, unsure of what to do. I thought that maybe I could go along with it. It didn't seem like there was a way out of this otherwise. "Um... my toof hurts."

"Really? Is it bad?"

I parted my lips again to speak, just a crack really, but a drop of sperm dribbled from the corner of my mouth. So I just shook my head no while quickly wiping my chin.

"Honey! You're drooling! You poor thing! Have you been to a dentist?"

I shook my head again, feeling my plans slip away as Amy walked toward me.

"You shouldn't ignore these things! They only ever get worse. Open up, let me have a look."

Amy took my chin in her palm and tilted my head gently upward. She had no idea what she was about to find. I felt like I was 5 and getting in trouble for eating dessert before dinner. My bum clenched up reflexively, already dreading the spanking I was conditioned to receive. But although my heart was racing and my legs were shaking, I didn't completely freeze up. I looked up at the ceiling and took two big gulps to make sure I got it all down, swallowing my spunk delivery before I got caught. With a quick sigh, I relaxed my jaw and showed off my tonsils to Cassie's mom for inspection.

"Which tooth is it?"

I shrugged, pointing her vaguely to one side of my mouth. Amy scrutinized my glossy whites but seemed disappointed that she couldn't find any glaring cavities or sores, hoping that she could help me figure out what was wrong.

"I can at least grab you something for the pain, but promise me you'll get your mom to take you to the dentist right away, okay?"

"Okay. But really, I'm fine."

"I'll still grab you something. One sec."

She ducked around the corner to get some meds from the bathroom. As soon as Amy was out of sight I ducked down, grabbed Cassie's face, and stuck my tongue down her throat. It was kinda pathetic, but I thought maybe there was still something stuck between my teeth or along my gums that I could scrape off and drool onto Cassandra's wiggling tongue. So I gave her the most passionate 10 second kiss humanly possibly, which was as long as I dared to try while Amy was still home, a string of spit stretching between us when we parted. Even that short kiss was very nearly too long.

"Here Carrie, this is the most I can give you for pain in one dose. If it comes back later, you can take more of this one after 4 hours and more of this one after 6. Let me grab some water for you. Have you ever looked at getting braces?"

Nurse Amy gave me much advice and motherly attention. Cassandra twisted her heel into the floor while hugging herself, leaning against me, and blushing as hard as she ever had in her whole life.

Only a few minutes later Amy was gone. Cassie jumped me right away, wanting to continue that passionate kiss we shared. I obliged, again hoping some residual amount of cum, or the taste of it on my breath, might do something to fix her. We moved to the couch and slowly shed our clothing and I seriously considered gagging myself to burp up any tiny amount of semen I could just so I could be sure I gave Cassandra her first proper taste of semen. But my efforts to combat my lesbian tendencies failed that night. Even after a full week of dick sucking, my self-imposed restraint with Cassie had gotten me very pent up. Going down on that excited little girl helped bring me to multiple orgasms that night and I returned every single one twice over.

You come up with so many stupid ideas as a kid, and long-haul snowballing was definitely up there with my stupidest. While it had been a brash and poorly conceived plan, it just proved to me what logically had to happen next: Cassandra had to meet Marcus.

To this day I still feel bad about what happened. I had promised myself that I didn't have to be like Kerri, that it would all be different somehow since I was the one in control. But I was deluding myself. Tom may have got me addicted to cum, but it was Kerri who molded me in her image. Whether I knew it or not, I lost myself to my cousin's depraved and dehumanizing view of sex long before I decided to share her name.

It took more than a week before I could try my new plan. That was mostly because Marcus wasn't free until then, although I know he complained to his parents an awful lot to try to meet with me sooner. I didn't tell him what we'd be doing, only that I wanted to spend an evening with him. That was all the motivation he needed. So when I revealed to him on the way to Amy's apartment that he'd be helping me babysit Cassandra, the rush of disappointment that crashed over him was so dramatic that it actually made me burst out with laughter in the middle of a crowded bus. I decided not to tell him any more details because the surprise would be better that way.

Cassandra couldn't make heads or tails of why there was a boy with me. I brushed it off and he mostly turned into part of the living room after an hour.

I joined Cassandra in her bath as usual. She kept asking me about Marcus but I brushed her off, quickly opting to distract her instead. I fingered her a little but made lots of noise splashing and laughing to keep Marcus curious about what we could possibly doing. Making sure not to waste too much time in there, we got out and toweled off and Cassie waited for me to get dressed. When we exited the bathroom together I dragged her back out into the living room wrapped in her towel and sat her on the couch beside 'the boy'. I then sat next to her and chatted up Marcus while playing with her hair.

The two of them were super nervous, but I mostly kept pushing forward. I actually don't know what I wanted out of them going into it. Mostly I wanted them both in the same room. I felt like nature (or magic) would just take over at some point. But it wasn't that easy. I had held off from blowing Marcus for a few days so I knew he was primed. Cassie kept asking to get dressed but I wouldn't acknowledge that. Instead I teased her by pulling down her towel over and over. Finally she negotiated herself down to just putting on some panties. I let her go, but on the condition that she brush her hair and teeth as well. When she stood up to leave I kept a firm hold of her towel. She danced and pleaded through a naughty grin, holding up the damp fabric to her crotch, but I insisted. She was free to put on panties but the towel would stay with me. With no other choice she ran away naked, streaking off to her room.

"She has a cute butt, huh?" I asked Marcus, sliding closer. He didn't really reply but he didn't need to. By that point I knew what I wanted. "Hey, we have a few minutes... Want a blowjob?"

His hands went to his pants immediately but he did manage to stop himself, asking if we should wait. I told him the longer he talked about it the less time we had. Mere seconds is all it took for him to drop his pants to his knees. Despite his hurry to take out his dick, I wasn't in a hurry to suck it. I knelt down in front of him, leaned over his lap, and for once in my life took my time. I lowered his pants some more, rubbed his thighs, lightly stroked his shaft, and talked dirty. I did whatever I could to draw things out before I actually started sucking.

He was so anxious, his eyes darting around, shifting on the couch, terrified of being caught. But as soon as my lips slipped over his head he sunk back into the couch and relaxed, suddenly at ease, confident that any moment it would all be over with an explosive relief. It was right after that I spotted Cassandra out of the corner of my eye watching from the sidelines. I gave her a bit of a show, bobbing up and down Marcus's full length, throating and pumping and slurping that middle school cock like nobody's business. But I wasn't going to let her miss the best part.

"Jesus, if you're going to watch then come sit down already."

Marcus worriedly sat upright but with my hands still busy floating up and down his shaft he otherwise remained still, although I could feel the adrenaline rush up through his rock hard cock thanks to his pounding heartbeat.

The spectator put her head down and shuffled out from the shadows.

"I don't think you should be doing that," she noted.

I nodded to the couch. "Shut up."

Cassie took her seat next to Marcus, but not too close. She really didn't know what to make of this. I just smiled at her and then went to town. I slammed Marcus's meat into my mouth and sucked like no tomorrow, lifting his balls with one hand while squeezing his shaft with the other. It was definitely all nerves but he'd never last so long before. Of course I always knew I would win. Part of me thinks he was trying to hold back to save face, like he was protesting my determination to make him cum in front of a little girl. The whole thing reminds me a little of the first time I blew Kerri's brother, him trying desperately not to cum. But neither one of them wanted to stop it. When Marcus blew a hefty load across my tongue I moaned my appreciation and took in everything he had. He held the back of my head down; as if I would try to go anywhere. I kept sucking until he was dry then sucked some more to make him twitch and buckle. I've always loved seeing boys squirm.

With my taste buds swimming in a reservoir of cum, I lifted my head and turned to Cassie. She looked so adorable sitting there in her favorite pink panties blushing up a storm and trying not to look at the sizable slick erection I was still playfully handling. I opened my mouth, but not to speak. Instead I rolled my tongue and showed off my mouthful of a reward to Cassie. I must've done that for a minute, swirled cum between my teeth and played with Marcus's dick. That probably only made things more awkward overall, but if nothing else I did manage to keep his dick hard, only softening for a moment before it was rock hard again.

"Um, maybe... I should go to bed."

Once Cassie dared to meet my intense gaze I got up and kissed her, pinning her to the couch. That definitely shocked Marcus, to suddenly see this little girl was part of this crazy game. There was at least a "Woah!" from him and probably many other comments, but I quickly became hyper focused on Cassandra. I wanted her to open her mouth to take what I had just extracted for her but she was being stubborn. I know she wanted to kiss me, but she kept her mouth shut tight even as I swiped the tip of my tongue between her lips.

Determined, I guided her head down to the armrest of the couch, forcing her onto her back with one leg hanging off the edge. I then knelt on the floor beside her and lowered my head to hers. Once again I tried to force my way in, but I needed to take things up a notch. Pulling her panties to the side, my fingers danced along her bald slit. She tried to cover up at first. It took some gentle convincing, but she gradually relaxed and kissed me more earnestly. She was still really tense, but her natural reciprocation was just enough to let me trickle my mouthful of semen into that cute 9 year old's mouth.

She groaned at first when the first gobs slide down into her mouth. I grabbed the side of her face to keep her still and worked her clit harder until she stopped complaining and finally kissed me back. I wanted to ease her into it so I tried to not just snowball it all at once. That's easier said than done with a mouthful of cum, especially with gravity helping things along. But releasing a steady little stream of semen between us turned our lips into a bubbly, stringy mess as we made out. Multiple strands stretched out between us every time I pulled back from her and all around our mouths from our nose to our chins was slick and wet with sweet teenage spunk.

I was so happy to have finally done it, to have fed Cassandra a boy's cum, that I started making out with her more passionately as my reservoir drained, my fingers going idle as I focused on our kiss. This was all that I had wanted, what I thought Cassandra needed, and with that sense of accomplishment I kissed her like a soldier returning from the war, deeply and with gusto. Although I relished it, in all honesty she probably hated the taste. What she loved was my attention, so she took the bad with the good all in spite of the boy watching this spectacle unfold. But he didn't watch for very long.

Cassie yelped then gasped against my mouth. I pulled back confused, then looked over at Marcus. He had his finger in her twat while slowly beating his meat. I was still holding Cassie's panties open so as far as he was concerned I was inviting him to join in, but I really didn't expect him to. That was my first mistake. He looked up at me with shame, knowing he just got caught. Weirdly all I could do was smile. I'm not sure if I wanted him to go there or if I was just shocked or surprised, but I just smiled at him then went back to kissing Cassandra. Obviously he kept going too.

We must've been quite a sight, a pair of middle schoolers going to town on a mostly naked 3rd grader. I started playing with her hair and rubbing her chest while continuing to hold her panties to the side to let Marcus handle her pussy. Out of everything, encouraging Marcus was the biggest mistake.

Getting playful, I straightened up and drooled a long string of cummy spit down to Cassandra's mouth. Just as it reached her she got jerked downward a couple inches and my cum strand moved up the length of her nose instead. When I looked over I saw Marcus gripping Cassie's thighs as he pressed his cock into her hole. Cassie fussed and fidgeted, looking scared, but didn't complain. Not out loud. She looked pleadingly at me and probably wanted me to stop all this but was clearly leaving it all up to me. I was in charge after all.

Of course here I was still pulling at the crotch of Cassie's panties to let Marcus force his way into her. This was already all my fault, but actively holding her underwear to one side as Marcus thrust inside her sure made this look like my idea. I didn't even let go as he fucked her. Frankly I wanted to see. Marcus hadn't even fucked me yet and here he was taking my 9 year old friend's virginity. It was all pretty crazy but even at the time it was so crazy hot.

I should've at least grabbed some lube for her or something. Marcus was doing her raw. I had a hard enough time working my fingers inside her, let alone a teenage-size cock. But I was too captivated by her petite penetrated pussy to think of that in the moment. Instead I ran my fingers around the inner edge of her stretched lips, circling all the way around the shaft that was speedily plunging in and out of her. I could feel how taut her skin was, how much she was straining to take him. And I was weirdly proud of her for going all the way. I played with her clit and kissed her some more, whispering sweet nothings just like Kerri did with me.

It felt like Marcus came much faster the second time, which was kinda weird. He was certainly a virgin on top of everything and undoubtedly incredibly excited to be fucking an actual girl, even if that girl wasn't halfway through elementary let alone puberty. Later on he really was distraught over the whole thing, the two of us abusing such an 'innocent' little girl, but in the heat of the moment of losing his v-card he sure wasn't concerned about it. He bucked and groaned and nearly collapsed on top of her as her fired off a few more shots of cum from his clenched ballsack. I held him up then pushed him away, watching as his glistening cock popped free of her lips. Seeing his cock slick with cum and whatever juices Cassandra might've worked up drew my attention to him immediately.

While Marcus settled back into the couch with heavy breaths, I shuffled toward him until I was beside his leg. Even as he protested, asking for rest, I licked the length of his deflating shaft and sampled the mixed flavor of Marcus and Cassandra. I worshiped that wet limp semi, sucking the whole thing into my mouth, inserting my tongue into his foreskin, pumping and stretching the base of his shaft, all but begging for him to get hard again so I could blow him some more, and maybe even fuck him myself. But even though I managed to keep him hard after his first cum, his body couldn't muster the energy to keep going so soon after the second time.

Glancing over at Cassie I found her propped up on her elbows watching me play with Marcus with a look of shameful interest. She looked away the instant my gaze hit her. Her face was very red, something I hadn't noticed when I was an inch away. But the very next thing I noticed was a spot on the crotch of Cassie's panties.

With Marcus mostly unresponsive, I shuffled back over to Cassandra. Gently peeling aside her panties once more revealed a trickle of fluids from her tight slit. I was quick to tug her panties down her legs and cast them aside knowing they would only get in the way. I wanted full access. Sliding my hands up the insides of her thighs I creeped toward her bare pussy. But when I thumbed open one of her vulva a fat gob of cum rushed to meet me. I actually freaked out for a moment, swearing how Marcus was about to ruin Amy's their couch. Thankfully Cassie's towel was still right there beside us. I pulled it under her butt hurriedly, but the glob was moving slowly enough to not be a problem. So I poked at it, played with it. I dragged Marcus's cum up and down the puffed out little lips, totally coating her sex from her clit to the rim of her ass before I started lapping Cassie's creampie pussy.

There's nothing quite like sucking a guy's cum out of another girl. It's so dirty and loads of fun. Many girls balk at the thought of swallowing cum, let alone actually going through with it. We've all at least had that experimental makeout session with our friends but most would never ever dare try to eat out one of their besties. It's such a shame really, because licking cum out of my best friend's freshly fucked underage pussy is one of the hottest things I've ever done.

I really took my time with her sloppy slit. This was way better than I'd hoped for, getting two of Cassandra's holes filled with cum. But I still wanted her to swallow as much as possible to help her catch up to my substantial head start in the swallowing department. So as I sucked more and more of Marcus out of Cassie I would stop, get up, pull open her jaw, and spit whatever traces of cum that I had extracted into her mouth, making sure she swallowed each time. And with Marcus closely watching me eat out and snowball the naked little girl laying beside him it didn't take long for him to start beating his meat back to life.

Once a thin sheen of cum was all that remained in her pussy I made it my mission to get Cassie to orgasm. I could sense her tense up as soon as I entered her, clamping down on my digits. Thankfully Marcus's leftover lubricant helped my fingers slide in and out of Cassie without much trouble. I thrust steadily, slow enough to keep it sensual, but fast enough to get her steamy. Her clit was always the most important part of this ritual of ours, and I flicked and sucked that tiny hidden nub relentlessly. Wanting to excite her whole body, my free hand brushed alongside her vulva, squeezed her inner thigh, clawed at her tummy, and thumbed her nipples.

I was down there a long time. Five minutes flew by. At ten I nearly got discouraged, but hearing soft whimpers sporadically escape from her clenched jaw spurred me on. I closed my eyes and tunneled all of my focus into my tongue. By fifteen minutes I swore she was trying to hold back, but I knew I would break her eventually. So I got very confused when her purring moans suddenly stopped. Looking up I discovered why. Marcus had taken it upon himself to get his dick wet once more and had stepped around to the other end of the couch to then pull Cassie's open mouth over his cock.

That was it for me. I shoved a hand down my shorts and fingered my own dripping slit while opening up into an utter jackhammering of Cassie's pussy. The next couple minutes are all a blur. I like to think that we all climaxed at the same time, but it was definitely Cassie first, closely followed by me, with Marcus bringing up the rear. Cassie didn't do much with his dick other than hold the tip in her mouth while he jerked off, but when he came he pulled back and shot a half dozen thin watery streaks across her face as she winced and threw her hands up. He was definitely well spent at that point but still managed to coat her delicate features with something.

I sent Marcus home after that. It was already past bedtime and nearing curfew but there wasn't much more Marcus could do if he wanted to, although I'm sure he wanted to. The real problem was after cumming 3 times in half an hour he would've had to prop up his dick with a stick to be able to do anything with it.

Tucking Cassie in was awkward. She didn't say anything to me. I made extra sure she knew not to mention Marcus to her mom. She just nodded, avoiding eye contact. When I went back out to clean up I found Cassandra's cum spotted panties on the floor. The sight and smell got me so wet that I rubbed one out right in the middle of the living room before I shoved the underwear into my bag. I didn't want to risk Amy finding them, but I also kinda wanted a souvenir.

Cassie wasn't in a better mood the next morning. We got ready together and I walked her to her school like normal. I then thought about her the whole day at school, staring at the clock through every class just waiting to see her again. Marcus was extremely happy all day, but he also mostly stayed clear of me save for a single thank you in the hallway after lunch. But I wasn't concerned about Marcus. Obviously he enjoyed himself.

As soon as evening came and Amy left her daughter and I alone again as per the routine, I expected Cassie to thank me or something. Instead all she would do is sulk. I tried to get her to admit to having fun, or at least admit to her orgasm, but she was tight lipped. So I yelled at her. I called her ungrateful. I called her stupid. I lobbed every random insult I could think of until I made her cry. And then I brought Marcus over the following night.

That's when things really fell apart. When she wouldn't undress, I tore her clothes off her. When she complained, I spanked her. When she resisted, I held her down so Marcus could rape her. We lubed, fingered, and fucked all of her holes. Marcus kept asking if this was okay and I kept lying to him so that he could lie to himself and fuck her some more.

I was bitter. I was angry. I couldn't believe that she didn't enjoy swallowing cum or losing her virginity at the age of 9. I couldn't understand why she wasn't more appreciative of all I'd done for her. Somehow, I felt betrayed. I was the victim. I started channeling my mom. Clearly Cassie needed to be punished.

We did everything we could think of really. We made her do jumping jacks on the balcony and then had her sit in a puddle of her own piss. We made her lovingly kiss our privates while she masturbated. Then, with Marcus on his back, I sat Cassie down on his dick. He fucked her ass and held her wrists while I berated her right to her face, calling her a penny-whore and a cum slut. Then I locked her arms behind her back while Marcus fucked her face. When she eventually slumped to the floor and laid limp, Marcus sprawled out over her face, pinning her arms above her head, and forced her to suck him off some more. That gave me all the room I needed to freely abuse her immaculate bald little pussy to my heart's content. And after years of fun together I knew every button I could push to help make her cum. I savagely forced every orgasm that I could out of her tiny frame over the course of that night until she was sobbing for mercy.

Marcus and I didn't speak after that. According to his friends I was "psycho" but he's the one that willing fucked a 3rd grader just because her pussy was showing. Cassie hardly spoke to me either. I eventually admitted that I took things too far but it was days later. I tried to apologize but she didn't care. I then tried to make it up to her with more sex, offering her that special goodnight kiss every night. She would just lay there and take it. Even though I could make her cum every night, she always cried afterward. It was kind of pathetic. I eventually stopped.

I couldn't really make sense of it at the time but it's obvious to me now. She didn't want the things I wanted. She had only ever wanted me, to have sex with me, to be with me. So me trying to pump her full of cum for my own selfish satisfaction only ended up shredding every ounce of trust she had ever placed in me.

A few weeks later Amy canceled my services. After 2 years Cassie suddenly really missed her mommy and begged her not to work nights anymore. Since Cassandra was now old enough to get herself to school on time Amy agreed to take an early morning shift that would get her home in time for dinner. She made less money but apparently not having to pay me made up for it, which gives you some idea just how much my mom was taking in from all my babysitting.

It's a shame it all ended on such a sour note, especially for what I now consider to be some of the best years of my childhood. I wish I could say I learned something from all that, but I was too thick headed and proud to admit I was actually wrong. Even though I knew I went too far, even after everything fell apart so completely, I was still adamant that Cassie was the underlying problem. It had to be her fault because I couldn't take responsibility for all those consequences. But it was that kind of immature thinking that got me into even more trouble.

Chapter 8