Summer Holiday/Spain Day 7 Sleep, perchance to dream

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The little girl with the cloud of blonds curls is happily playing on the beach with her parents watching over her.My cock twitches as soon as I see her and I walk over and sit down. "Hello," I say. The girl ignores me but the adults look suspiciously at me.

"Hello," the man says. "Is there something you want?"

"I just want to borrow your daughter for a while," I say. He opens his mouth to say something but I make a quick hand gesture and both he and the woman lose interest in me altogether.

"What's your name," I as the little one.

"Cindy, and I am nearly five," she says, answering my next question before I ask it.

I stand up and hold my hand out. "You and I are going for a little walk," I say, and she just stands up and walks happily off, holding on to my hand. Her parents are just sitting, staring out to sea. We are in the dunes and there is a big four-poster bed; Cindy climbs up onto it and sits there waiting for me.

What do you do?

