Summer Holiday/Spain Day 1/Airport./Molly 2

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This was clearly the right thing to say as she beamed at me and from that point on I was almost exclusively treated to my own personal display. Little Harry did join in on occasion but mostly it was Molly showing off for her new number one fan. Neither parent seemed at all bothered as she careened and paraded her tricks and sexy little body before me. With the dress out of the way she was basically naked in front of me and aside from a few tumbles into me where I was obliged to catch her and got handfuls of lovely smooth young skin the highlight was her headstand.

Before she started her little performance, she'd told me that she wasn't very good at this yet and it soon became obvious that I was expected to support her as on her first attempt I got a pair of sexy white legs in my lap. I was more prepared the second attempt and managed to catch an ankle with my left hand as she thrust it up above her head; I took the chance to position my right hand much further down. With her dress covering her face once more I couldn't tell what she thought of this but my hand rested on the inside of her left leg almost against her panties for nearly ten seconds before she eventually dropped out of it. Her bum had been positioned between my knees and there was a lovely little bit of her butt crack on display just to add to my enjoyment if such were needed.

Now she was back on the floor she was smiling broadly up at me again, red faced and clearly very happy with herself. "Francis I did it, I did it!" She chimed triumphantly. By now of course we had been introduced and I had been told her Mum and Dad were called Mary and Bob. They had smiled and waved as they heard their daughter mention them, most likely enjoying the peace and quiet whilst she badgered me for attention; at any rate they didn't seem to mind that their eight-year-old daughter was practically exposing herself to me. I smiled back as if to say "what can you do" and now looked down again at the excited child before me, dress still up around her waist and the gusset of her panties stretched tightly over her pussy.

"You most certainly did clever clogs," I agreed. I doubted whether she would have held it even a second without my support but having just copped a handful of her smooth inner thigh I wasn't about to argue! Harry chose this moment to give her a push, which sent her sprawling onto the floor at my feet.

At this point our flight was called and her Mum came over to gather up her offspring, apologising to me for her children. Naturally I said it was no problem and could have bitten her hand off when she suggested I should get a job as a babysitter so that she and her husband could enjoy some peace! As it was I tempered my enthusiasm and waited a while before getting up so that my erection would subside.

There were three seats each side of the aisle and when I found mine,I discovered that I was in the same row as my new friends. I sat down with my book but it soon became apparent that the eternal sibling argument of who gets the window seat was in progress over the way and as their allocated seats were the three together and one next to me (no sign of a third person yet), there could only be one winner! But how to play it?

"Look I don't mind one of the kids sitting over here if it helps?"

I bury my nose in my book and leave them to sort it out