PGT/Com/R14/Sex/An elementary school kid
WIP text.
Has been told not to talk to strangers.
Has never been touched there since she was a baby, no strong anti-molestation training but will realize it's unusual.
Knows boys have something called a penis, hasn't seen one or a picture of one, but has something of an idea it sticks up from the privates area. Is not aware of her own vagina.
Pregnant women. They get pregnant from daddies. (Not certain how.)
Does not know, but is curious. Has heard older kids talk about it, but hasn't been taught anything by parents.
Does not know, has never heard the word.
Is somewhat closed off due to depression over losing her parents and uneasiness at being in a strange place.
Her parents were a little neglectful of her, this includes her sexual education. She has not been sexually molested, however due to receiving spankings and other forms of manhandling as a form of punishment she has a poor sense of boundaries.