PGT/Com/R14-8/Sex/Your dad drives straight home

From All The Fallen Stories
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She did not bring a bag of any sort, it seems she currently owns nothing but the clothes on her back. It would probably have been good to go shopping for new clothes at the very least so that she would have something to change into tomorrow, but unfortunately your dad does not have time for that. Both of your parents work a lot, but your dad had today off of work. The reason for this is not because he took a vacation day, it is because he had to catch a flight for a business trip. This meant he had some time in the morning to pick up Veronika with you.

He brings you home and walks you both to the entrance. He is then quick to change his clothes and grab his suitcase before running back out the door. "I'm sorry Clive," he says on his way out. "I know this is a big responsibility we are putting on you. Try and help your new sister to settle in and make her comfortable. Your mother should be home by six. I am sure she can help you sort out sleeping arrangements and things like that. Yeah, we didn't really think much about that with how urgent the request was for us to take her in. Well, I'm sure we can figure something out. The couch, or maybe she could sleep with your mother. I don't know, can you ask her what she is more comfortable with doing?"

When you look back at the very lost looking little girl who is fascinated as she looks all over around your house, she jumps to attention when she notices both of you are looking at her right now.

"Wh... what? Did I do something... wrong?"

"No, no, we are just wondering where you should sleep for tonight." You tell her.

"Umm... wouldn't I sleep with you since you are my brother now?" She asks.

You feel yourself blush a bit when she says this as you think about the sorts of things you were wanting to do with her. You decide you had best at least relay what she had said. "Umm.. she says she wanted to sleep with me."

"Yeah, that's not completely appropriate, but... I guess maybe she's scared. That's Ok, I trust you son. Do whatever she's most comfortable with for now. We will sort this all out later. Just take good care of her." He says as he runs out the door.

Well, now it's just you and her together. What should you do first?

PGT Vironika.png
Ethnicity: Russian
Sex: Female
Age: 8
Height: 4'1"
Weight: 50 lbs.
Build: Average
Eyes: Pink
Hair: Pink

Has been told to be careful of people outside the family.

"Bad touch" awareness

Has never been touched there since she was a baby, no strong anti-molestation training but will realize it's unusual.

Sexual awareness
Basic anatomical knowledge

More than one man has exposed himself around her due to her living environment. She has not looked close, but is curious. Has discovered own vagina, does not know what it's for.

Babies come from...

Pregnant women. They get pregnant from daddies. (Not certain how.)

Sex is...

Does not know, but is curious. Has heard older kids refer to it with euphimisms, but does not know much about what they were referring to.

Semen is...

Does not know, has never heard the word.

Other notes

Is somewhat closed off due to depression over being separated from her father and uneasiness at being in a strange place.

Her father was a little neglectful of her, this includes her sexual education. She has not been sexually molested, however due to receiving bare-bottom spankings and other forms of manhandling as a form of punishment as well as her father having not really considered her a girl for the purpose of bathroom privacy, she has a poor sense of boundaries.

Relationship With You


Has formed a weak but instant connection of reliance with you due to you being able to speak her language.