Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Week/Running/Office/All Girls/Melany done/Aliya

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"Alright, you can go sit in the waiting room. You will also be staying inside until recess is over, this is another part of your punishment. Do you understand?" You could, of course, inform her she will receive a more severe punishment if she leaves. However, you half hope she will leave, however much you doubt she really will. She just nods and you buzz her out before closing and having the door lock again to keep the other two in.

"Your turn now," you indicate the brunet girl. "Get up on the changing table over here." You point it out, and she begins walking toward it like a girl condemned. But, she lays down on the changing table anyway and, before you can ask, pulls up her skirt and looks with flushed cheeks down at you over her beautiful hairless little pussy.

"Are you going to make me wear a diaper?" She asks in a concerned tone. You could definitely justify giving her a medium punishment. She ran along with her friend after said friend disrespected you. That can be taken as a disrespectful act in and of itself. However, she would be considered to be at the lower end of the severity scale. You could probably push her punishment a little, but you don't really need to since her friend has far more clearly crossed the line. No need to waste your cum in a way that might get you in trouble when you can easily get away with sploodging it all over the next kid.

"Your punishment will be the same as the girl before, but first since you ran along with your friend, your punishment will be a little more severe. You know that you are not supposed to show your privates to anyone, right?"

"Yeah." She responds.

"It severely taints your purity before god, and even risks your ability to wear a white dress when you get married."

"What!?" She suddenly begins to squirm.

"It's Ok though, since this is a punishment I am certain people will look at it a little more leniently." You tell her, continuing to admire her little pussy. You notice though that your words seem to have not done much to comfort her.

"Umm... what if... I had shown my privates when it was not for this punishment?" She asks. Well, that's interesting. An eyebrow immediately goes up with this information.

"HAVE you shown your privates to somebody when it wasn't for a punishment like this?" It was pretty clear she had, but knowing this town it was probably her mother she showed herself to when she had a rash down there at age 3 or 4 or something like that.

"N-nnoooo." She said, it was pretty obvious she was lying.

"I will have to warn you, lying is also against the rules. I can increase your punishment just from what you said now, but if you tell me the truth I might not have to do that."

"Um, Ok, yeah." Well, that was certainly easy.

"Who? When did this happen?"

"M... my brother. My... older brother said it was a game called doctor."

Oh? So, it was kids playing doctor. That's pretty common, but of course in this town it would be seen as pretty bad. You could definitely up her punishment here if this had taken place on school grounds. At the same time though, it might set a bad example if you increased her punishment after just telling her you wouldn't if she told you the truth. Well, you can probably find some other way to make use of this.

"Hehe, my brother does that with my big sister!" The blond girl chimes up, drawing your attention to her. She almost seems proud of this and has no concept of the implications. Well, this will definitely be interesting.

"Alright, well, I will be keeping your underwear as well. Since your infraction was more severe, you will have to be without underwear for an entire week, and you will also have to have someone watching you use the toilet until you get your underwear back." That ought to do it, a combination of two lower grade punishments since she is on the cusp between the two. It also keeps in the theme with the last one, loosing underwear for running so she has to slow down or show her privates on the playground.
