Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Week/Running/Office/All Girls/Melany done/Aliya done/Cons/Play

From All The Fallen Stories
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Her young tender body which you can completely justify enjoying in any way you desire is just too delectable a treat not to savor. And besides, you told her you would be doing the same thing as her brother was doing, which did not involve him taking down his pants. Well, you would still be doing that eventually, but let's start slow with her and get her excited before you decide to start exposing her to the new stuff.

You rub your rough adult hands up her thighs, and then begin to massage her tender mons. She lets out a little whimpering sound as you continue to molest the 1st grader's vulva. You spread her slit and begin gently teasing her. She lets out a gasp as you brush across her clit, and whimpers again as you begin to insert a finger into her vagina.

You notice you were able to insert your finger a little more easily than you had expected. Well, she did say she masturbated earlier. "Have you ever stuck anything inside of yourself here before?" You ask her, making it clear where you were talking about by making a fist with all but your index finger, which is currently protruding from her pussy, and then make a series of small thrusts with just your finger.

"Umm... yeah, my fingers..." She responds, and then looks away in embarrassment.

Alright, fingers huh? You continue to prod her a little more, wiggling your finger deeper and deeper inside her, until you bottom out having found no hymen.

"Did you ever stick anything else in here?" You ask her.

"Umm... yeah... markers and stuff."

"Did you make yourself bleed anytime you stuck something in?"

"Once." She responds. She seems really embarrassed now. Well, it sounds like she has already cleared the obstacles from your way. This means you will have no trouble having actual full vaginal intercourse with her.