Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Quarter/New Policy/Kittie/Lesson/Over (Really)/Calls both/Stay shirtless

From All The Fallen Stories
< Disciplinary Action‎ | Disciplinary Office‎ | First Quarter‎ | New Policy‎ | Kittie‎ | Lesson‎ | Over (Really)‎ | Calls both
Revision as of 20:26, 22 September 2019 by MrPib (talk | contribs) (Changed Ms. to Mrs. since they ''are'' married)
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You decided to leave Kittie shirtless in your office while her parents were on their way with both Alicia and her boyfriend in tow. Meanwhile, Ms. Varano and Mr. Grandville were watching their classes in order to make sure the students keep in line.

"Umm..." Kittie calls to get your attention.

"Your parents are on their way along with your big sister and her boyfriend," you tell her. "I am going to talk to your parents about Alicia's punishment. I would like for you to stay here a little longer though." Can't have her going back to class until you have fully confirmed her story after all, but you don't want to tell her that's what's going on here. That might lead to a fight, and that would mean you have to increase her punishment again while her parents are on their way at this very moment. If you had wanted to push things and get this kid knocked up today, you could have done it before calling her parents in.

No, she would not have anything more than the embarrassment of having her breasts exposed to everyone unless it turned out her story was a fake. So, since she obediently sat back in the chair after what you told her, she was fine for now. "Can... can I have my shirt on?" She asks.

"No, this is also part of your punishment." You tell her. "You are going to have to be seen like that by your family and they are going to be told exactly why you are exposing your breasts to everyone in my office. They are going to have to hear about it anyway." Yes, her punishment is written on her note, but this is definitely going to be more impactful than just a note would be.

Her mother arrives a short time later, entering the waiting area of the office. She is very conservatively dressed. It is the town's norm to dress conservatively, but she has a multi-piece business suit that really conceals her curves. "Oh, Mrs. Eckles, come in please." You call out to her.

She comes in and looks like she is about to say something, but then she catches sight of her younger daughter sitting in the chair topless. "Kittie!?" She says, and then looks over toward you, composing herself. "Ahem! Mr. Gardner, Ms. Varano informed me that Alicia was in some sort of trouble. May I please ask how it is that Kittie is related to this?"

"Kittie was late to school." You tell her. "I would like to ask you real quick Ms. Eckles, how did Kittie leave for school this morning?"

"I had her go with Alicia." She tells you. "Normally, I drive her. However, today, I had her go with her sister. Alicia normally likes to give her boyfriend a ride to school, but because of what father Isidro said in church yesterday I decided to have Kittie ride along with them in order to be a witness for them to assure they were not doing anything wrong." Her face immediately took on a very harsh look. "Kittie, what happened!? Why were you not brought to school by Alicia."

"She... she brought me to Bart's house and said I had to get out!" She replied, almost in tears. "She said I couldn't ride with her cauz then I'd see her and Bart together!"

"Oh my... Heavenly Father give me strength! What could that IDIOT daughter of mine possibly have been thinking!?"

Well, calling her own daughter an idiot and having to correct herself as she was about to take the lord's name in vain. She's definitely upset. At about this time, the door to the office waiting area opens again and in comes the remaining 3 who had yet to arrive. Alicia, her father, and her boyfriend.

You've seen her boyfriend before.