The Entertainer/Running around in the prison

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Why did i even nod? I shouldn't be here! This isn't right! I've began to try my way out with crocodile tears. Getting myself up. "T-The...The scientist d-did this to me...!" "Shut up." One said, they were too busy playing the game. Taking a good look at them, they were busy discussing about what they would do to me while continuing their game. I walked up to the exit, the men didn't seem to care much. I took a good look at them, some gave me looks but they didn't give a shit. I opened the door and made my way out...I guess they really didn't give a shit...That, or they were hoping I'd stay on my own. Maybe they knew they would get caught eventually. Either way, I'm now in the hallway before the exit. Plenty of doors left and right, and...One guard making a round, coming toward me.

I've began to run to the other side, but the guard stopped me by grabbing me. "Woah there! Little girls like you shouldn't run around here! What are you doing here?" He took a good look at me." He gave me a smile. "Plus, do you know what happens to people who come here without any sort of identification?" "No...?" "Mandatory checkups." He said with a grin.