Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Week/Suzy/Itch/Powder/Exploit/Secret/Excite/Masturbate/Continue

From All The Fallen Stories
Revision as of 13:02, 13 October 2019 by Jemini (talk | contribs)
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You keep rubbing her, and she just continues to get more and more stiff. She starts whimpering. Could she actually be getting close? You continue to rub her, hoping to get her off so she can really experience sexual pleasure. As you keep rubbing, more of your sperm continues to flow out of her. You scoop it up before it can even really go anywhere and rub it all over her labia and clitoris, using it as your lubricant. You tease open her clittoral hood, causing her to really react.

Her legs begin to move around and she tries to push them together, but your elbows block her from doing so. She brings her hands up to try and obstruct you next.

"Suzy! Keep your hands at your side!" You order her.

"I.. I'm gonna pee!" She says in a pleading tone.

"It's Ok, go ahead and pee." You tell her. It is only after this you realize that she was told she had to come here for a diaper change if she had to pee, and she actually hadn't been in here since near the start of the day. So, it is most likely her need to pee is genuine and not just her mistaking an oncoming orgasm for needing to pee. Fortunately for you, Suzy is too timid to actually pee on you and she holds it long enough for you to remove your hand and pull the diaper up over her groin. She visibly relaxes at this, and soon she becomes even less stiff as she relieves herself into her diaper.

"That reminds me, you did not show up here at all for a diaper change. It was right at the beginning of the day you got your diaper too, I am sure you must have needed the bathroom a lot sooner than this right?"

"Umm... yeah." Suzy says with a deep flush to her cheeks as the blindfold is still on.

"Were you, maybe, trying to hold it in to avoid having me change it?" You ask her.

"I... I'm sorry sir, it was too..." She blushes deeper.