The Entertainer/Night time with the Prince

From All The Fallen Stories
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As i reached the hallway leading into the Prince's room, I was expecting him to be waiting outside, maybe walking about and see if i would be coming. Instead it seems he took what i said to heart and is now awaiting in his room. There was a guard nearby, but not in front of his door. I've taken a good look at myself. Dolly at hands tugged on my chest, bare feet on the cold floor but I never mind that, my cute little nightgown is looking the way it should be.

I've opened the door...And there he was, sitting on the side of his bed, twirling his thumbs and looking down...Then smiled at me while getting off the bed and rushing to my side. "Meanie...Why'd ya wake me up?" He hugged me. "Because i want to prove my father is wrong!" He said as he forced his hand over my left hand and pulled me toward the bed. "Hm...I was having a good dream..." "Don't worry, you'll have a good dream here too!" He said as we reached the bed, I've climbed up on it and snugly made myself comfortable...But then i got pushed over by him. "That's my spot! You don't get to sleep there!"

"...Fine...Meanie." I've set myself comfortable on the other end of the bed, pressing myself against the doll. I'm still surprised all of the kids have their own personal twin size. "Wait, another thing!" I've look back at him....Removing his clothes. "Huh? Why are you removing your pajamas?" "I saw the Jester and his girlfriend sleep without any clothes but their underpants so i wanna sleep like an adult!"