Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First week/Bevvy/Escalating nudity rape/Stay out/Calm/pee/stop/Clean/Slow sex/Let her/Apply

From All The Fallen Stories
< Disciplinary Action‎ | Disciplinary Office‎ | First week/Bevvy‎ | Escalating nudity rape/Stay out‎ | Calm‎ | pee/stop‎ | Clean‎ | Slow sex‎ | Let her
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"Alright, I understand." You tell your secretary as you already feel your penis starting to get a little hard again. "Her sister had a little accident in here during her punishment, we will deal with that real quick before sending her in." She might as well know it's her sister in here, she's going to find out either way. "Bevvy's punishment note will be printing up in a moment, I will have a little more to do in here after that."

You let go of the intercom button and get to work on the punishment note. It took you a little bit to consider what to put in there, but after some thought you hit the perfect solution.

St. Andre Truitt Academe: Office of Disciplinary Actions.

This letter is in concerns to the parents and teachers of Benevolence Fine in regards to her previous punishment in which she was placed into probationary status in which she would loose an article of clothing and experience a deep internal ejaculation for even a minor infraction.

This afternoon, soon after recieving this punishment status, Miss Fine remained outside for recess after students were called in. In the course of applying the designated punishment, Miss Fine requested the toilet on an urgent need, and after being granted permission was unable to make it to the toilet in time and peed on her skirt and on the floor. Upon questioning, it was revealed that she had attempted to avoid using the restroom facilities in order to avoid the punishment of requiring an observer for toileting activities.

For the infraction of remaining outside after recess was over, Miss Fine has recieved the perscribed deep internal ejaculation and has been stripped of her right to wear a top.

Wetting oneself demonstrates inappropriate planning and is regarded as a minor infraction, this shall be applied as well and require Miss Fine to be stripped of her shoes. The internal ejaculation in punishment for this will be applied tomorrow during morning recess. She will be required to go to the disciplinary office instead of going out to recess.

Avoiding a previously designated punishment is also regarded as an infraction, and necessitates an augmentation to the punishment. In addition to adding a second internal ejaculation for a future date, and surrendering her socks, Miss Fine may now be required to recieve internal ejaculations after using the toilet as well. This will be at a minimum of once for every three uses of the toilet, but if she enthusiastically approaches the director of disciplinary action of her own accord on a more frequent basis then she will be able to earn credit to lighten her punishment or prevent the further enhancement of her punishment.

For every five instances of Miss. Fine proactively approaching the director of disciplinary action, she will earn one credit. A credit may be exchanged to earn an article of clothing back, or five may be exchanged to be removed from probationary status and thus prevent further worsening of her punishment. If she is to become completely naked, she must keep a buffer of 1 credit as this 1 credit will be lost for any further misbehavior after becoming fully naked. Misbehavior with no credits and no clothing will necessitate further augmentation of the punishment. The specific augmentation will be addressed at the time should such a situation come about.

This credit system will replace the previous system of being given the opportunity to earn back 1 article of clothing with 1 instance of enthusiastically recieving an internal ejaculation on a week where no misbehavior occurred. She may also only earn 1 credit per day.

There we go. This has her having sex with you a lot more frequently, but it also gives a higher chance of her being able to finish her punishment. Since she seems to have enjoyed sex with you, it is entirely possible she could start misbehaving on purpose in order to have you make her feel good again. What happens after she's finished her punishment is an entirely different subject, but at least this way she will not misbehave on purpose. Although, more frequent bathroom trips are a possibility.

Now then, she still has the rights to wear a skirt. Time to track one down. You have a number of school uniform skirts designed to be too small for the sake of less severe punishments. They are mostly designed for middle schoolers, but you believe the smallest ones should be just her size, although the length will be a little short. Oh well, she can replace it once she gets home.

You grab the skirt you have in mind from one of your cabbinets, and go to see her in the bathroom where she is staring at your semen trickling out of her.

"Here, I brought you a new skirt to wear." You tell her. "You can leave your shoes and socks, will actually have to stay as a punishment for wetting yourself because you didn't want me to see your privates before."

"Mmm... Ok." She said in a tone that said she wasn't quite fully paying attention. "Umm... Mr. Gardner? I thought you peed in me, but... why is white stuff coming out of my privates? Is boy's pee white and slimy like this?" She says, spreading out her legs wide so you can see the semen dripping from between her legs."

"Well, sort of." You tell her. "Older boys have the ability to choose two different kinds of pee, but it's a little harder to make the white pee come out. It only comes out if we are trying to make ourselves or someone else feel good using our privates."

"Oh..." She responds. "Ummm... Ok." After this, she takes some toilet paper and wipes herself. You wonder if maybe she had not even tried to clean herself because she was concerned and wanted you to see the semen still dripping out of her before she did anything. Yeah, that's probably the case. Something about that seems kinda cute for some sick and twisted reason.

She hops down off the toilet after wiping herself, and then makes a worried noise and looks back at the toilet as a few drips plop down to the tile floor between her legs, and then more runs along the outside of her pussy.

"It's Ok." You tell her. "The special white pee is for making people feel good, it's not as gross as normal pee. You can tell, right? It doesn't smell as bad as normal pee does."

She seems to think about this for a moment and then wipes some up from between her legs with a finger and then smells it. She makes a very serious face for a moment as she seems to be trying to process this, but finally a big smile errupts on her face. "Yeah! It smells... it smells like... I don't know."

"Some people would say it smells like the ocean." You tell her.

"The ocean!? Really!!!?" She responds with a big doofy smile.

"Do you like how it smells?" She seems to have to think about this for a moment.

"Yeah." She finally says.

"Ok, well, I have re-written your punishment since you seemed to like this so much. Now we can do this any time you come in to use the toilet, so don't go holding it in and avoiding using the bathroom anymore, Ok?"

"Ok, it DID feel kinda good even though I had to be naked cause I wet my skirt." She said with a pout.

"Was it fun?" You ask.

"It was weird! Your privates went inside and it felt all wiggly inside me, and then it's all hot and goopy when you peed in my privates too and it is hard to get it to come out."

You chuckle inside at the cuteness of a 7 year old explaining what sex is like, kinda heart-warming in a strange way.

"Do you want to do it again next time you need the bathroom?" You ask her.

"Yeah!" She responds enthusiastically. Well, looks like this was a smashing success then.

"Ok, you can put this skirt on now. You don't have to worry about getting all the white pee out. Like I said, it's not as bad as gross as normal pee."

She obediently puts the small school uniform skirt on. It's a much shorter skirt than the standard issue, but on her small frame it still comes down to almost her mid thigh. So long as she walks like a proper lady it shouldn't reveal her privates. As soon as she sits though, everything will be on display unless she keeps her legs tightly clamped together.

Now then, time to decide what to do with this development of her sister being up for punishment as well, a severe infraction at that.