Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Quarter/minor/Dawn/4 + more (Hide)/Clean

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She is only just off her period anyway, so having sex with her now is not going to get her pregnant. So, there's not a lot of point in taking the risk. You decide to just play along with the whole period thing and clean her out with your finger like you have until now. You push your finger inside her and pull out the rest of your semen leaking from her slit just like you did when she was actually bleeding.

You keep running your finger inside her until she has her orgasm, and then you take some baby wipes to make certain her pussy is clean of the amonia from her own pee before swapping for a new diaper, now with the evidence completely hidden.

"Alright Dawn, you're all set." You tell her, giving her diaper-clad groin a pat. "Now I just need to get your note ready."

St. Andre Truitt Academe: Office of Disciplinary Actions.

This letter is in concerns to the parents of Dawn Loso. Today Miss Loso has had her fourth minor violation, once again talking excessively in class and arguing with another student. Once again, her punishment is to be escalated. Due to this being the fourth infraction, her punishment will be escalated into the upper middle-grade punishment range.

During Miss Loso's diaper change, she was exposed to male genitals and forced to touch them with her hand for the duration of her diaper change. An accidental ejaculation occurred inside Miss Loso's diaper due to the punishment administrator having had no prior releases earlier in the day, but it was cleaned up due to this stage of punishment not including the need for any such risks.

Fortunately, Miss Loso's innocence has been preserved and she is unaware of the accidental risk that occurred during her punishment.

Continued exposure to male genitals in subsequent diaper changes would be a normal part of this level of punishment, however as this medium grade punishment accidentally became a severe class risk, this one occurrence will be considered adequate and her future diaper changes may proceed as normal.

After writing up this note, you ask your secretary to put it in an envelope as it is only intended for the parents this time. The note is printed up, and Dawn goes merrily on her way back to class.