Disciplinary Action/Diary

From All The Fallen Stories
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April 9, 20XX

I have happened across a few interesting research articles today. They speak of a small town called Mahogany Hills in some backwater rural areas of the north east. It is a minor industrial town that works producing some hormone growth factors which are then shipped to several of the local farms. The research articles specifically bring up the matter of those hormones entering the town's water supply.

The first was an ecological study which did, indeed, confirm the presence of the hormone in the water supply. However, this article expresses that research on the effects it had on the towns people proved to be impossible due to some extreme puritanical religious opposition to any questions that involved the sexual maturity of their children.

The second was a follow-up study by an anthropology team 10 years ago which stated their reason for the research was to study the particular religious lifestyle of the town. It seems that, using some carefully worded questions, they managed to collect some information on the rate of sexual maturity of the children in the town. The data was not complete due to similar difficulty in data gathering, but it is estimated that the mean age of sexual maturity for girls may be a full 2 years younger than the average. This would mean that instead of the normal range of 8.2 to 17.2 years of age at menarche, with most falling between 11 and 14, the girls of this town would reach sexual maturity somewhere between the ages of 6 and 16 with the majority being between 9 and 12. This data was only collected on girls, however, due to the difficulty in delicately phrasing a line of questioning that would ask about the first time a boy ejaculated.

I have concluded that I would like to perform my residency in this town. It should be of great benefit to my research.

May 2, 20XX

My residency for Mahogany Hills has been approved. I can practically taste that spot in a peer review journal already. I have been reading up somewhat on the town's policy and those research articles a little more, particularly the anthropological study, in order to learn more about what to expect. In my previous read-through, I had only payed attention to the part where they confirmed the age of menarche, but it seems they were thorough and still did collect quite a bit of data on the town.

One of the more astonishing things was the amazing dirth of sexual education in the town. It seems somehow they managed to get away with not teaching it at all in school, and the parents were also hesitant to teach it to their kids. It seemed most kids found out when a girl accidentally got pregnant due to the children experamenting, and then they would find out how it happened. It seemed even the adults did not make the association between their daughters bleeding from between their legs and the association with them being able to get pregnant. Most women did not even know their menstural cycle was in any way related to their chances of pregnancy. Most simply stated it was "woman's punishment for being deceived by the serpent and causing Adam to fall" and did not look into it any further.

I have also found some news articles saying that 4 years ago the town was forced to start a sexual education program, and that antropology study was directly related. Hopefully the next generation will not be so extremely sexually ignorant, but there is some question as to how they will get a proper education if their teachers are also from the town. It does, however, seem that teen pregnancies have reduced sharply since the sexual education at the school started.

July 9, 20XX

I have managed to rent a house in Mahogony Hills in preparation for my move next month. While I was at it, I properly introduced myself to all the proper school and town officials. I have managed to start getting something of a grasp of the town dynamics. As expected, it seems the town deacon has quite a bit of power in town. However, it also seems the headmaster of the school has some relationship to the deacon and his wife is heavily involved in church and town functions.

I left the town with a few water samples for study. I would like to see if the levels have changed at all in the years since the initial study over a decade ago.

July 17, 20XX

The hormone contamination in the water supply is as expected, there are a small amount of artificial growth hormones, but it seems the stuff in the largest supply are a mixture of estrogen and some other hormones that seem to inhibit the effects of inhibin on the hypothalamus. The estrogen is as expected because it is one of the smallest and simplest organic hormones in the human body, so it would reach the water table relatively undamaged. This inhibin blocker though is very interesting. This should increase the levels of sex hormones in post-pubescent males and females alike. However, it is not likely to trigger any early puberty in boys.

August 5, 20XX

Oh my god! I just finished moving into my rental and all of a sudden I have THIS sprung on me!!! It seems as though the town has implemented some absolutely INSANE policy for the school in the month while I was away. It's CRAZY!!! It actually involves using RAPE as a punishment for SCHOOL CHILDREN who misbehave! I knew this town was backwards about sex, but I never expected something like this! I considered reporting the whole mess, but then the headmaster threatened me!!! It seems he has some kind of crazy connections, and by the sounds of it I suspect some surprisingly high up connections. My life will be fucking ruined if I report this kind of abuse, or maybe I could even wind up dead! I wouldn't put it past a small town to look the other way on something like that. How did the parents of the children actually agree to this!!

August 8, 20XX

I still can't believe a program like this got approved. I have managed to question a few of the people in town, it is easier to talk to the women of course. It is mostly as I suspected, the only reason this program managed to get through is because of the exceedingly poor sex education in this town. Most of them don't even seem to comprehend why it is such a bad thing to have sex with children on the face of it. They are more concerned about the fact they are exposed to such "impure things" rather than having any actual concern for the children's mental health. However, they are still shockingly Ok with it under the belief that if they are misbehaving then the children somehow deserve it.

August 15, 20XX

I have decided to go along with this ridiculous program. Actually, I have started to discover something of a silver lining to it. Perhaps it can allow me to collect better data. After all, artificial stimulation of precocious puberty is my field of study. I have managed to replicate the inhibin suppressing factor. If this is mixed with some GnRH, it ought to trigger a cascade of events that could trigger early puberty in anyone. Actually, the implications of the inhibin suppressing factor could go much farther than that. It could also raise fertility in adults, especially males.

August 20, 20XX

I heard about the pedophile they are bringing in to rape the kids for this program today. It seems like he's the brother of one of the other teachers. He was apparently kicked out of town for having sex with his sister some years back, and was trying to dodge arrest for knocking up an under-age girl. Seems like I was right about the headmaster's connections, he managed to completely get the guy off for that.

September 9, 20XX

That pedophile poked his nose into my office today. It was infuriating, he mistook me for a student. I bet he was just licking his chops thinking about sticking his dick in me.

This actually turned into an unexpected stroke of good fortune. I never thought I would get to actually test the new formula I synthesized, but all that had to happen was for the pedophile to talk to the headmaster and all of a sudden I have access to all the elementary aged kids in the school to attempt to trigger precocious puberty in. It's too bad I haven't gotten any control data on whether or not they have already reached puberty, but if the numbers for mean age of menarche lower farther than the previous study then I can likely count that as conclusive. As for how to measure said data, well, I am sure that pedophile wants to get his dick in all of the little girls, even the really little ones. I am sure it will be pretty obvious when the girls at least have hit puberty by when they show up pregnant.

Oh god! What the hell has happened to my ethics since arriving in this town!? Am I really considering this!? But... there's no way I would ever get another opportunity like this.


(More to come as the story progresses)