Talk:Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Quarter/Sonia/1st/Office/Contraceptive Punishment/Quick/Mitigate

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BTW: I do have a plan for how you can really take it easy on her within what has already been said so it doesn't make her suspicious. And I mean ludicrously easy on her. (No spoilers on specifics, but just thought I would float it since there has been some objection to doing too much with her this route.) Jemini (talk) 02:06, 20 December 2019 (UTC)

I was thinking of having Dr. Hartnell check her over, then sending Sonia to the Kindergarten class for the rest of the day under the pretence that "she needs to learn how to take care of kids", or "if she wants to throw a tantrum like a baby, then she can go to the baby class", but in reality, it's just to be nice to her. Doing this keeps us from having to give a note to Mr. Loso for the day.

Once she's out of the way, we can talk to Elias. Sonia is willing to take on his side of the punishment because she likes him; Elias has a choice, allow her to take the full punishment, but he has to become her official boyfriend. OR Elias can volunteer one of his sisters, but Sonia MUST NOT find out. --MrPib (talk) 04:18, 20 December 2019 (UTC)

I just thought of something, if Sonia cheats for Catrina with the intention of Catrina being punished, would Catrina's punishment be reduced?

  • Cheating- severe (benefits another, Catrina's punishment is reduced)
  • Intentionally cheating so that you can get Catrina pregnant (displaced fault, Sonia gets Catrina's punishment too, Catrina's is reduced even further).

I also assume that after we speak with Elias, his will be reduced via the displaced fault clause. --MrPib (talk) 20:18, 20 December 2019 (UTC)

I kinda like giving Elias a choice. 38 times and he's the official daddy, or 19 and his sister takes just as many chances. Not sure how that works though; surely there's an equivalent punishment for Elias. How can he offer up a sister instead? If John really wants to be dirty about it, let Sonia take the 38 chances while Elias' punishment is "reduced" to whatever it would have been anyway. Maybe his mother protests her "darling boy" taking a risk to be bound to this lower class girl because of this, and she has the idea to offer both of her daughters. By splitting the risk between them, it lowers the risk for both of them. --Notsooldpervert (talk) 02:55, 21 December 2019 (UTC)