Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Quarter/Sonia Cheating/Wait

From All The Fallen Stories
Revision as of 17:21, 25 December 2019 by Jemini (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Sonia's was definitely a severe violation, every punishment on this level is sexual in nature and actually ejaculating right up inside the student is an option. Plus, for this...")
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Sonia's was definitely a severe violation, every punishment on this level is sexual in nature and actually ejaculating right up inside the student is an option. Plus, for this many repetitions, pregnancy risk is almost certainly going to be required. However, given how complicated this entire thing has become, you decided not to fill her belly with semen, at least not yet. Before you figure out what you are going to do with this, you are going to have to call in all sorts of people.

For one, you need to call in her parents. Or rather, her parental contact, which is actually her older sister beings her parents don't actually speak English. As a result, her older sister is regarded as her parent by the school for all intents and purposes. Second, you need to call in parents for Elias Blanko, the student who benefited from her cheating. Third, you need to call in some of the teaching staff, at bare minimum her brother-in-law who filed the papers she completed for Elias.