Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Quarter/Sonia Cheating/Wait/Banko/No-homo

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"For something this severe, I really do not see how that could be avoided. The guidelines pretty much require the most severe item on the list, which for boys would be homosexual activity." You tell her.

"Surely there must be another option to consider." Mrs. Banko keeps pushing on. "I have read the guidelines myself, Mr. Gardner. There are other options at the most severe end besides homosexual activity. In fact, it could even be said it is considered a rank above homosexual punishments in terms of what the guidelines allow for. In the most severe cases, the rest of the offender's family or their classmates can be brought into the punishment. Perhaps his sisters can take the punishment in his place."

"You would volunteer your own daughters who have not committed any violations to take your son's place for this punishment? You do realize the punishment for this extreme a violation would be to take a fairly large number of pregnancy risks, right? That would taint their purity quite severely."

"Yes, but at the very least it is natural and not considered vulgar before god's eyes. And besides, I have heard of a medication they have now days that makes it so a woman does not remember having sex. This ought to leave a larger portion of their purity intact."

"I'm sorry, what are you talking about?" You ask in confusion in regards to this crazy drug she's talking about.

"Ohh... I forget the name of it, but my husband mentioned women fearing it in college since some unscrupulous men would sneak it into their drinks. It makes them fall asleep, and they also can't remember anything that happens between the time they take the drug and when they fall asleep."

"Are you talking about roofies? You want me to roofie your daughters!?" You quirk an eyebrow curiously at her.

"Yes! I believe that was the name my husband called it! Although, he said that was not it's real name, but it's what people call it outside of medical practice."

"So, you are seriously saying you want me to have sex with your daughters while they are on roofies?"

"Well, it is better than them knowing about... THAT kind of activity before they are married, and it is far better than making me commit adultery, Elias committing incest, and it is DEFINITELY better than Elias performing homosexual acts."

Yeah, she really is serious about this. She seems totally all for the idea, and she just volunteered her daughters for sex with you so casually but with that slight air of professionalism at the same time.