Disciplinary Action/Town Overview

From All The Fallen Stories
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Mahogany Hills is a tiny town out in the rural regions of the north-eastern US. It is around 50 miles from the next nearest town, but it is built in a convenient place for a certain shipping company to pick up supplies from the local factory which is the cornerstone of the town's industry. The factory is one which produces medicines and feed for agricultural needs and animal husbandry. Unknown to the towns folks, the hormones used in the animal feed have run off into the town's water supply. This is triggering an increase in fertility and sex drive in all the towns people, and also early puberty in girls.

Aside from that, the local businesses are mostly dependent industries designed to serve the needs of the town and factory workers. There are some restaurants, and a single corner shop which has groceries, clothing, and all the basic needs that the people of the town should need, although diversity of clothing options is a little limited. Second to the factory, the biggest employer in town is the local school. Farming used to be profitable, but the factory pays far better for less work. As such, farming has become completely obsolete as an industry in the town.

Morality has been a corner-stone of the town for a long time, but recently it has taken a reactionary turn for the extreme due to the advent of television and then the internet. They could not stop these "negative influences" from coming into the town, but they sure could moralize to each other about how corrupting some of the programming is. They used to be about at the same level of conservatism as a Mormon in regards to matters like sexuality and other related things. However, after the TV arrived on the scene, they had a big scare about children learning about sex earlier, and began closely regulating what their children were exposed to. Children of this generation had the notion of sex completely hidden from them as long as the adults could manage it, and were only told about it upon turning 16 for boys, or mothers would tell their daughters about it after they had become engaged.

In the current generation, things have become even more strict due to the reactionary nature of the towns people only getting worse with the internet, and in the past four years it has been even worse still due to the government coming down and insisting they have to teach about sex in school.

Breakdown on sexual awareness in town

Elder generation (age 60+)

Members of this generation learned about sex from watching the animals back in the day where the town still had a farming industry. It was during their generation that this industry died. It was also this generation that started on the hyper-morality of the evils of exposure to this sort of material as the television came in, thinking they were protecting their children by reducing talk about this subject.

Of those in this generation...

  • 0% have no knowledge of sex
  • 0% have any doubt as to whether or not sex is what makes babies
  • 20% know sex makes babies, but there is some other crucial gap in their sexual knowledge. (some overlap in the sub-categories)
    • 5% don't know mensturation signals a girl is ready to have babies
    • 5% don't know what the role of semen is, and think it's just sticking the penis in that causes pregnancy
    • 15% think God just causes a girl to become pregnant after sex happens
  • 75% know the same amount as the average person about sex
  • 5% know about genetic heritability and breeding from the days of raising animals.

Middle generation (40-60)

This was the first generation to begin experiencing this town's decline into beyond standard anti-sex messaging. They have developed a strong paranoia on the subject of how sex should or shouldn't be discussed with children, but for the most part they were educated enough to get by on the subject by their parents.

Of those in this generation...

  • 0% have no knowledge of sex
  • 3% have some doubt as to whether or not sex is what makes babies
  • 30% know sex makes babies, but there is some other crucial gap in their sexual knowledge. (some overlap in the sub-categories)
    • 7% don't know mensturation signals a girl is ready to have babies
    • 5% don't know what the role of semen is, and think it's just sticking the penis in that causes pregnancy
    • 15% think God just causes a girl to become pregnant after sex happens
  • 66% know the same amount as the average person about sex
  • 1% know some medical level knowledge about sex and reproduction.

Young adult generation (18-40)

This was the generation that was taught somewhat poorly by their parents in regards to sex, especially due to the increasing popularity of the internet in the 90s. but still know enough about it to realize what it is they are sheilding their children from finding out about. Most of them are aware of what sex is, the insertion of the penis into the vagina. However, most of what they heard is that it's immoral, and an alarmingly high rate of them do not realize the connection between sex and pregnancy.

Of those in this generation...

  • 2% have no knowledge of sex
  • 10% have some doubt as to whether or not sex is what makes babies
  • 80% know sex makes babies, but there is some other crucial gap in their sexual knowledge. (some overlap in the sub-categories)
    • 75% don't know mensturation signals a girl is ready to have babies
    • 40% don't know what the role of semen is, and think it's just sticking the penis in that causes pregnancy
    • 39% think God just causes a girl to become pregnant after sex happens
  • 9% know the same amount as the average person about sex
  • 1% know some medical level knowledge about sex and reproduction.

Young generation

This generation is made up of students who were below the age they would be taught about sex by their parents at the time the sex-ed program was put into place. It is also further sub-divided according to age group/grade level.

High-school age, 14-18


Middle-school age, 5th-8th grade/11-14


Primary school age, 1st-4th grade/6-11


Kinder and pre-school age, 4-6


Too young for school, age 3 and under, and some 4