Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Quarter/Sonia Cheating/Wait/Banko/No-homo/Negotiate/Complete/Mood/Maria/Brothel/Buzzed/Preg/Birth control Fake out

From All The Fallen Stories
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You let out a sigh. "I think it's getting close to these girl's business hours." You say, turning to look at the prostitutes. "Say, can we get that ride back home I asked for?"

"Hmm... sure thing." One of the prostitutes say, walking up to you with a huge grin. "Are you both going to the same place? His place or hers?" She asks with a strange smile.

"His!" Maria suddenly blurts out, and then looks down with a very deep blush. "Umm... oh shit! Uhh... yeah, Ok, I fucking need this." She starts mumbling to herself loud enough to easily be heard, after which she staggers over and attaches herself to your arm, getting a giggle from the prostitute you are talking to as she covers her mouth with her hand.

"Alright, here you go big boy." She says, holding out her hand.

"Huh?" You respond. "Oh! Keys!" After which you fish through your pockets and pull out your keys. She starts giggling again, even harder.

"Not really what I was after." She says, and takes the keys with the hand opposite the one she was holding out. This is when it occurs to you that her hand is curled downward in a way that suggests she's holding something with her fingers. You hold out your hand for whatever she's offering, and then see a familiar diamond-shaped blue pill. You have an entire bottle of these in your desk at work as "office supplies," but you realize upon seeing it that you didn't really think you would need some at home.

"Figured you might need that." She says, and then winks.

"Uhhh..." You stand with your mouth open a little and look down at Maria clinging to your arm. Then, another thought occurs to you. "Uhh... actually, I think I would like to ask for another kind of pills. Umm... I guess you were listening, about her little sister Sonia..." She quirks an eyebrow.

"Are you asking for some birth control?" She asks. "Well, we COULD give you some, but... you DO realize you have to be taking them for an entire cycle for them to work, right? And also, she said her sister hadn't started yet, first cycle pregnancies are rare to the point of basically not happening, the uterus and hormone levels are basically so out of wack that they act like natural birth control. All birth control pills really are is twice the normal amount of female hormones. It keeps the egg from implanting properly. The same thing normally happens on a girl's first few cycles. If the girl hasn't even started yet, she shouldn't be able to get pregnant even if she starts during her punishment. I would say your best bet to avoid her getting in trouble is to just finish with her as quickly as you can."

"Oh, uhh... Ok." You respond.

"Hmm... this is probably not going to be the last girl you have this problem with though. How about we send you home with a couple batches. Just remember, it takes a full cycle to really be effective."

After she finishes telling you all that, she talks to someone else who runs upstairs, and then leads the two of you out. She has you both get into the back seat of your car, Maria piles in after you from the same door as she's still attached to your arm with her face buried in your shoulder. "I can't believe I'm going to do this." She mutters. "Oh well, I mean, we're going to be doing it anyway, right? I fucking need this! And, he's great, so... yeah, better to have done it so I'm ready when..." She just keeps going on, justifying it to herself. You wind up looking down at the pill they gave you, and shrug your shoulders and pop it back. You already did it with Tihana, Charity, and Bevvy today, so you are certainly going to need it in order to keep performing.

You notice the other girl from before coming out, but she's going to another car. "She's going to follow us, she's my ride back." The prostitute in the driver's seat explains, and then starts up the engine and pulls out. She looks in the rear-view until her friend is ready to go as well, and then starts driving back toward town. "By the way, Mr. Gardner. We still don't approve of you raping children, but a lot of us understand that's not really your thing. It's this program. We still appreciate how you let our little girls off easy. You know, in a way your job is really a lot like ours. We're probably about the only people in town who can understand what you're going through. Prostitutes are good for more than just fucking, you know? There are a lot of men who come to us just for a little companionship and a shoulder to cry on. Counseling is kinda part of our job too in a way. You can come down sometime if everything's getting to be too much for you."

"Is that for a price?" You ask.

"Of course, a counselor takes their fees as well, right? We can probably work out a good price for you if you aren't actually going for sex though." She says with a smirk.

"I'll think about it." Yeah, you might really need some services like that with the way things are going.

You occasionally give instructions like "left, right, straight" at the appropriate intersections, and before you know it you have arrived at your home. You and Maria climb out, and the prostitute's friend comes to give you three boxes that say "female contraceptive" on them. "We can give you as many of these as you need." She says. "I don't know how you can manage it, but if you can successfully pull it off where one of those girls is on these and it prevents her from getting pregnant from her punishment, that's going to make us all feel good at least one girl was helped out from this whole screwed up situation."

After telling you that, the two of them drive off, leaving you on your front lawn with Maria staring up at you with nervous virgin eyes. Well, guess it's time to bring her inside and get this all over and done with.

Fortunately, you live alone.

You live with Tihana (establishing scenes needed first)