Talk:Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Quarter/Sonia Cheating/Wait/Banko/No-homo/Negotiate/Complete/Mood/Maria/Brothel/Buzzed/Alone

From All The Fallen Stories
Revision as of 06:55, 2 January 2020 by Jemini (talk | contribs)
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Definitely not into toilet sex. Here's a question: is her lack of hair natural, or does she shave it? Dr. Hartell might want that for her file, too. --Notsooldpervert (talk) 23:43, 1 January 2020 (UTC)

Fourth wall stuff: all the females have a higher than normal estrogen level, and none of them have periods (Julia might).

Maria and Gemma have too much estrogen and not enough Testosterone. (Testosterone is needed for body hair)

Gemma's case _might_ be different, she doesn't get periods, she has no body hair and her vaginal canal is underdeveloped. These (combined with no testosterone) are clear indications of "complete Androgen insensitivity Syndrome"

(looks like a girl, will begin to have cramps which when an x-ray or Ultrasound is performed, they will discover Testicles where the ovaries and fallopian tubes should be)

(Testosterone is Androgen, so "insensitivity" means that the body can't use it.) --MrPib (talk) 03:29, 2 January 2020 (UTC)

I haven't looked up the condition, but wouldn't androgen insensitivity imply Gemma would have testostrone, but it's just not being utilized? Jemini (talk) 04:58, 2 January 2020 (UTC)

Yes, she would still have testosterone, however, due to her other condition (basically converting all the testosterone to estrogen, which causes the body to think "ok, I've produced enough testos, I need to produce more estrogen now."), her testosterone would be gone, but that's if you wanted to go down the route of Gemma being intersex.

Tldr, she would normally still have Testosterone, but her other condition converts it to estrogen. --MrPib (talk) 05:33, 2 January 2020 (UTC)

Everyone has testosterone, it's just that people with XY chromosomes have more of it. Otherwise, women wouldn't have pubic hair. (Maria might also have CAIS too, but she's a female)

The only way to tell the difference between a woman with too much estrogen, and a man who has CAIS, would be the smaller vaginal canal.

You don't have to make it too realistic, this is a fictional story

--MrPib (talk) 05:44, 2 January 2020 (UTC)

It's a quirk of mine, one which is the reason I am as good as I am at writing, I like my writing to be realistic. Especially in cases where I can make that realism interesting. As for whether or not I go with the intersex thing, I have not committed to the idea but I do like the concept that the same genetic abnormality that's causing the rabit-like reproductive system would also cause males to never manifest male sex characteristics. Of course, no real genetic disorder of that type exists, and I have yet to think of the mechanic behind what would cause such a thing either. (I can't even think of the one for the female half, and adding the male half thing would be stretching things even farther than I'm comfortable with.

Also, FYI for NSOP's comment, the female members of the Guerra family have a reproductive system similar in function to that of rabbits and rodents. This means they experience no menstration, and they keep ovulating almost as soon as the previous egg clears the falopian tubes. (This would also make the rate of non-identical twins high, and there are already non-identical twins in the family in the form of Gemma and Daniela. Normally, identical twins are more common than non-identical twins which are somewhat rare.) This means that they have minimal to no "safe days" and almost any time they have sex they have a very very high chance of becoming pregnant from just that one time. Also, because they're always ovulating, they're also always horny as hell.

As for Dr. Hartell's notes, estrogen levels are high in the ovulation phase. She would have assumed they are in the ovulation phase the first time she took a urine sample, but upon seeing that every sample had the same high estrogen levels she would not be so sure they're really ovulating and instead just note down that their estrogen levels are high.

Anyway, I am somewhat leaning away from the androgen insensitivity route with Gemma mostly because that would be a "lightning strikes twice" sort of scenario with two super super rare completely unrelated genetic disorders in the same family. So, I would only do it if somehow the intersex conditions were being caused by the same conditions that are causing the rabbit reproductive systems, but again, I'm having trouble coming up with a justification for that. Jemini (talk) 06:52, 2 January 2020 (UTC)