Talk:Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Quarter/Sonia Cheating/Wait/Banko/No-homo/Negotiate/Complete/Mood/Maria/Brothel/Buzzed/Alone/Back off/Get her to bed

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Here's how I'd like this to go from here:

In the morning, both call in to work saying that they are dealing with a punishment and will be a little late. Round 2 sober sex and possibly round 3 in the shower.

Because Maria didn't make it home, Sonia wasn't informed that she's not going to return to Mr. Loso's class and later that day, Sonia is back in the office.

We ask her if she has any idea as to why Mr. Loso is sending her in. Then we ask her to tell us what happened between Daniela and Mr. Loso. She tells the truth.

Next, we call Daniela in and ask her what Mr. Loso did to her last year. She lies out her ass making it seem like she was Mr. Loso's victim.

Finally we call Maria in and ask for her side of the story. (We're looking for discrepancies between the stories.)

We get all 3 of them in, and say that something didn't add up. Either Sonia is lying, which would escalate her punishment. Or Maria and Dani are lying, which means Maria might lose her job and both Gemma and Dani get pregnancy risks for each day that Gemma missed and Daniela kept her mouth shut.

Maria is pretty much going to beg you to fuck her too, and because she's going to now be assisting in two separate punishments, we should have her permanently stationed at the school as a resource officer. (She'd patrol for any trouble makers and just ignore any "light" infractions by the K-2 age group)

She would immediately target both Shantae and Luana because of their dyed hair.

--MrPib (talk) 01:53, 3 January 2020 (UTC)

Maria never said which sister Mr. Loso tried to rape. You'd be better off asking Sonia about why he was sending her to the office, and then asking what happened between him and her sister. MC wouldn't know it was Daniela. Does he even know Gemma exists? This is assuming it wasn't kept secret from Sonia in the first place, so she even knows. Another way to find out would be to Ask Mrs. Varanno. It happened at the school (or two teachers wouldn't have caught him), so she'll know the scoop, at which point you can ask for Gemma to be sent to your office, thus finding out that she no longer attends school. Then you can ask for Daniella and ask what happened with Mr. Loso and see if she lies about it, to cover for her sister. Maybe she'll even lie about where Gemma is. Who's turning in her homework if she's still registered as a student? Is Daniela helping her sister cheat? Ask Sonia about Gemma's attendance and find out her parent's view on her disobedience. Pregnancies all around! Complicit in helping her sister's truancy (and possibly helping cheat for her) does it for Daniela. Truancy for Gemma (and equal share of the cheating). Mmmmm.... and Daniela is horny all the time, so do it well enough, and she'll come back for more on her own. --Notsooldpervert (talk) 02:20, 3 January 2020 (UTC)

It doesn't matter how we get there, just that we get all 4 knocked up and Maria permanently at the school.

Maria, in fear of losing her job and because she's super horny, will beg to be fucked.

I'm trying to get Maria employed at the dchool, so that we can add her to the "Diya + Mary (family abuse)" branch. --MrPib (talk) 02:38, 3 January 2020 (UTC)

The town is too small for a dedicated "school resource officer". Get her added to the family how? As a third wife? Hmmm suddenly had a thought of years from now, he's tied to this town permanently because they have so much shit on him, he's still the Disciplinary Specialist for the school, and he's starting to see his kids from former punishments show back up and sent to his office. Everyone knows they're his kids, even though officially they're someone else's (usually the parent of the original trouble maker, though some of the girls who liked it and are raising their own kids might encourage theirs to get in trouble). So even though the whole town knows it's his kids, they all pretend otherwise as he knocks up one after another. --Notsooldpervert (talk) 02:51, 3 January 2020 (UTC)

I meant, she's a police officer and Mary's mom is abusing her. That's how I'd add her to the story.--MrPib (talk) 02:56, 3 January 2020 (UTC)

A town like this, with the whole "Spare the rod, you spoil the child" attitude? No charges would stick, so it's a waste of time to try (and probably only get Maria, a non-white female, in trouble. If the Guerra Fuentes girls start aching for his cock enough, he'd have a good enough relationship to tell her about it, regardless if she's in school. That reminds me, once you're married to those two, how are they going to handle you fucking all these other girls (and a few adults like Maria)? --Notsooldpervert (talk) 03:03, 3 January 2020 (UTC)

Idk. I think Diya would be fine with it, not sure about Mary. Tihana, regardless of her relationship with MC would probably be happy he's not fucking her. --MrPib (talk) 03:46, 3 January 2020 (UTC)

You might note, even the end options have a drunken mind-set to them. Don't expect either of them to have quite the outcome you intend when you choose them. Jemini (talk) 06:17, 3 January 2020 (UTC)