Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Quarter/Sonia Cheating/Wait/Banko/No-homo/Negotiate/Complete/Mood/Maria/Brothel/Buzzed/Alone/Bed/Sleep/Hangover

From All The Fallen Stories
Revision as of 05:05, 6 January 2020 by Jemini (talk | contribs)
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You can't just leave things like this, and while the few hours you've been asleep is likely enough for your balls to have recharged you are really not that interested in doing it with someone passed out from drunkenness. Besides, if you wake her up while you're at it, she would likely be in quite a bit of pain. Or, even if she doesn't, she might wind up peeing the bed.

You scrape yourself out of bed, and out of her while you are at it. You can see the evidence of your activity last night leaking from her perfect hairless snatch. You are used to this site by now, so you merely give it a slight smile of satisfaction before shuffling off toward your kitchen to find something that will fix your mild hangover. But first, you've gotta pee. That would be the influence of the alcohol yet again.

You have learned from the internet that a hangover is really just a dehydration-triggered headache. Alcohol is a diuretic, meaning it makes you pee a lot. When all that fluid clears your system, you wind up dehydrated. So, the best solution is a beverage that hydrates you quickly. The best remedies, regardless of what other sources might say, are either gatorade or distilled water. Actually, the very best is a pediatric beverage, one of those things like pediasure or something of the sort. You don't have that just laying around your house though. A cola drink would likely help for a little while, but in the long run it would make the issue worse. Apparently there is just too much salt in those fizzy drinks.

You actually don't keep any of those things on hand. So, when you flush the toilet and slink your way into the kitchen, you settle for just a glass of tap water. The next best thing lacking all of that. You could likely go down to the corner store and buy something better, but in this small puritan town the only place open at this hour would be the exact establishment you just left a few hours ago. Even the bar would be closed by 9 o-clock.

"Where's the bathroom?" You hear a groggy female voice ask. You turn to see Maria, dressed again in her top but still leaking your stuff down her bare legs, holding her hand over her eyes. You point her in the right direction and she shuffles down the hall. You prepare a glass of water for her as well, and offer it when she comes out. She gladly accepts and gulps it straight down. She seems to have found her skirt and underwear in the bathroom and put them back on. She shuffles over to your dinning room table and sits down heavily. "I... don't remember last night at all." She says. "I still feel pretty off."

"It's still night actually." You tell her. She looks up at the clock and heaves a disgusted sigh.

"What am I doing!?" She asks herself. "Can I... borrow your shower?"