Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Week/Tihana/Office/Punishment/Impregnate/Parents/Take Home

From All The Fallen Stories
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"Alright, I can accept that deal." You tell her.

"Great! Thank you so much Mr. Gardner! I'll go have a talk with my daughter and make her understand." The woman marched straight up to the bathroom door. "Umm... is this locked?" She asks.

"That door does not have a lock on it." You tell her. After this, you hear hurried footsteps from inside, and something colliding with the door.

"Great." The mother sighs. "Tihana, I am going to count to three, and then I'm coming through this door whether you are standing in the way or not! Move!" After saying this, she tries the door and it is clear the girl is still blocking the door. "One! Two! Three!" Right after saying three, the mother grabs the door knob, turns it, and then throws her shoulder hard against the door. It bounces a little, but it seems Tihana managed to keep it closed. Mrs. Morandi does not give up though, and immediately throws her weight back into the effort. This time, she manages to push the door open until she successfully uses her body as a wedge to keep the door open. From there, using the door-jam as a brace, she's able to push the door the rest of the way open and sends her daughter sprawling across the bathroom.

The mother immediately rounds on her daughter like she's going to hit the sobbing little girl, towering over her with an angry expression. "Alright Tihana, this is how it's going to go. I am going to leave you here with Mr. Gardner, and he is going to take you home to his house. He is going to do the same thing to your privates that he did before, and you have to let him do it whenever he wants to."

"But MOM!!! The bible said that stuff is sinful!" She protests.

"And stealing isn't?" Her mother demands. "This is your punishment for living in the life of sin and disregard for your parents. Your punishment is that Mr. Gardner will force you to keep sinning until your body understands exactly how vile your actions have been. Your father and I do not want anything to do with you anymore, but if you finish being punished by Mr. Gardner, we will let you come back home when he is done. That's not going to be until Christmas at least. Until then, your father and I do not want to see you anywhere near our house!" She says in the harshest manner possible. That was somewhat more extreme than you thought it was going to be, but going by the situation you suppose it is the only way to get the message through to the little girl. But still... that's... REALLY harsh.

Mrs. Morandi decides to take advantage of the stunned state her words left her daughter in to leave. "I will not need a note." Mrs. Morandi says. "I would say you can send it home with one of my sons, but I don't want them seeing it as it was written and get any ideas in regards to other girls." You are a little baffled at her words. What's wrong with the note, other than the part she already brought up? Wait! Is it the fact that it mentions pregnancy at all!? That's just this town, you suppose.

"Wait, mom!" Tihana finally gets her senses about her and chases after her mother, only to get your office door slammed in her face. Because it locks automatically when closed and doesn't open unless the buzzer is used, she is left only trying futilely at the door knob before she breaks down crying.

Well, it seems things have escalated out of even your control.