Sortie / Day One / Hallway Cold War

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You choose to let this play out without your interference. The sibling rivalry seems heated but also kind of pedestrian.

She snaps a few insults at him, he snaps a few back. He is apparently an older sibling, but not by much. He is probably around thirteen. The argument comes to a head when she tells him to shut up and go take a shower because he smells, causing him to lunge for her. She dances back out of his reach, but loses her towel in the process. This causes her to squeal and begin to cover herself as Karl winds up to grab at her again, but he stops short when a masculine, adult voice booms out: "Karl! Sara! Cut that out right now!"

A blond man in his forties, who can only be the children's father, takes a few strides up the hall and pries the fighting siblings apart.

Mr. Penrose is a respectable-seeming man in his forties, rarely without a suit. His blond hair and moderate complexion lack the fragile quality that tends to show up in his children’s features. Those must have come from his wife.

He has the beginnings of mid-life paunch across his middle, and his hairline has lost a few battles, though not the war. Yet, there is strength in his arms and a sureness in his movements that makes it hard to call him anything other than handsome.

"Karl, go take a shower and get ready for school!"

Karl whines, "But da-ad, she…"

"I don't want to hear it, Karl. Go."

As her father's attention was on her brother, the naked Sara attempted to wriggle from her father's grasp, but found his grip on her arm to be iron.

"As, for you, little miss. We have a guest in the house, Derek’s dorm mate, so there can be no running around the house naked."

"Dad, I wasn't. Karl…"

"Shush, Sara. Go get dressed. Pancakes for breakfast if you are quick enough. You are taking the bus today."

"The bus, but I hate…"

Her father ignores her plea, manhandling her around to point her toward her bedroom door before slapping her playfully but soundly on her bare buttocks. "Scoot!"
