Amberton Portal 1/Jack/Get out of there and catch the bus to school

From All The Fallen Stories
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Holy fuck, this is so wrong. Jack felt like he couldn't breathe, his heart was hammering, his hands were shaking with adrenaline and that huge orgasm, yet he actually felt almost worse, not better. It was like the dirtiness of his gay-ass deed, in front of his little brother even, was just weighing on him.

Jack hastily said, "Yeah, maybe twerp, maybe you'll get big when you're older, but right now, I got to go!" His little brother Franky, his little stiffy still in his hand on the floor, kept his green eyes glued on his big brother's cock as it swayed heavily in mid-air as the tall, lean teen grabbed his clothes and bolted back into his room.

"Fuck, fuck, what the fuck, what the hell, why....," Jack muttered to himself, confusion whipping him as he grabbed a jersey and hauled on his jeans. His dick felt HUGE, no doubt because the utterly taboo shit he was just doing with his little bother had him so excited he couldn't even breathe. Getting his massive boner into his pants was a nightmare, and he finally had to lay his aching rod across his hip and wrestle the buttons closed...and that was when he realized he'd forgotten his flippin' underwear!

"Fuck it, I'm gone, I'm out...." Jack grabbed his book-bag and phone and bailed out of the house, his aching dick nearly crippling him as it rode commando in his pants, fat and smug about its despicable behavior. Everything about himself felt weird, and his dick and balls were fucking aching, like he hadn't ever managed to get his nut busted this morning.

Jack hustled to the corner, guiltily pulling his jersey over the huge lump in his tight jeans, and just in time, as the school bus was pulling out. Jack waved and ran like the athlete he was, and luckily, the bus driver stopped for him.

Jack bolted into the bus and looked around for a seat.

The school he went to was one of those big metro places, "Amberton National School", which billed itself proudly as 'an endowed public school'. It was the magnet school for the entire Amberton Metro Area, associated with the biggest college in town 'predictably named Amberton National University. Amberton was located next to the main university campus, and boasted top-end curricula for all grades, K through 12, as well as a daycare center. The powers that be made sure the university students and the high-school kids were in a separate wing from the middle schoolers and the elementary kids, but all the non-college kids rode the same buses, so there was quite a variety of seats to choose from.

Jack looked around, and then headed for a seat.

Okay, given all that gay stuff you have going on this morning, you should stick with the pussy, its the only way to be safe.

Seriously, are you gonna sit down with a guy? After this morning? It's like you WANT the gay....

On THIS morning, you walk up and sit down next to two cute boys? Okay, but hard gay sex is IN YOUR FUTURE