Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Quarter/Sonia Cheating/Wait/Banko/No-homo/Negotiate/Complete/Mood/Maria/Brothel/Buzzed/Alone/Bed/Sleep/Hangover/Together/Touching/couch/Keep on

From All The Fallen Stories
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"Well, I'm pretty sure you can get some idea if we keep going all night." You tell her, cuddling up over her.

"Huh? Really?" She responds. "I... I don't know. I need to get some sleep before work tomorrow."

"I can just tell them you're cooperating with your sister's punishment and will have to get in late." You tell her. "You having sex as well WAS part of her punishment after all. It's left to my interpretation, so we can just tell them all of what we're doing now is part of the punishment."

"Hmm..." She groans and looks down over your shoulder. "I guess, but... can you even do it again? We've already done it twice, and then you also did it at work with other girls right? Y... you also need to do this for your job, so you can't use everything on me."

"Don't worry, I have my options even if I do tap out." You tell her. You can't mention Dr. Hartner's treatment, that could very easily reveal what is being done with the rest of the children.

"Hmm... I still don't know. I think I should probably go home." She replies. "Besides, we're going to get to do it again in front of Sonia anyway, right? How about we just pick this up again tomorrow evening?"

"Get to." Not "have to." Well, that's probably the best you could ask for under these conditions.

You reluctantly let her up. Your spunk is running out of her as you had recovered quite a bit in the few hours you had been asleep. This does not go unnoticed by Mary, but it does not slow her down much. She merely holds her hands over her crotch and makes a bee-line for the bathroom. Considering how little time she ultimately wound up spending in there though, she must have just shoved some toilet paper inside herself.

After this, she goes to your room in order to recover her clothes. You don't interfere at all. The rejection hurts a little, but she did agree to doing it tomorrow in a promising manner.