A Loli's ENF Adventure/Sally/School/A sleeping area

From All The Fallen Stories
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"What's with all the beds?"

"Good question."

From what the two could see the room was filled with bunk beds. Stepping inside Vice turned and flipped a switch on the wall, the room slowly being filled with light as several in the ceiling flickered to life.

It was a medium sized room, a little larger in size than the classrooms back in the school. Bunk beds were sticking out from the walls around the boarder of the room and a cluster of bunk beds pressed together were in the center. Between all the bunks were very tall wardrobes and underneath each bunk was a built-in drawer. The two began walking through the room.

"If I had to guess," said Vice, "It's a remnant from when the government owned large plots of land in this town, long before you were born Sally. These were likely the sleeping quarters for the employees."

"But why underground?"

"Well my dear, back then everyone was on edge, afraid that the biggest nations in the world were seconds away from blowing each other to hel-, ah, to bits. So most government properties and military bases had facilities built underground so they could be safe if worst came to worst. Obviously, that didn't happen, and eventually most of these places were left forgotten, just as they were, complete with things left behind from the former employees."

Vice walked up to one of the wardrobes and opened the two large doors, only to be met with several small children dresses on hangers.

"And apparently from their families too."

"Ooh! Let me see!"

Sally ran up to the dresser wide-eyed with amazement at the pretty dresses. Vice took a step back, taking a small stool he noticed tucked against the side of the dresser and scooting it over to the front so Sally could reach the dresses. He couldn't help but smile as she examined the old clothes with awe.

Vice turned around and looked over the rest of the room, eyes landing on the door.

"If children were down here," he began thinking aloud, "the chances are the other rooms are normal facilities like a kitchen, eating area, daycare maybe. It'd be really interesting to explore them all but even with the delay we'd be better of finishing unlocking the gym and returning to class."

He turned back to Sally.

"What do you say..."

However the moment Vice turned around he was at a loss for what he saw.

What is Sally doing?