Talk:Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Quarter/Letter/window/Parents/School/front/partial/Julie/past

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While asking Kellie about what happened didn't change much, knowing that Julie has incredibly poor sexual knowledge despite being a mother of three is something that actually could change future scenes. So, this actually changes things. Jemini (talk) 00:18, 26 February 2020 (CET)

It wouldn't change Kellie's side of what happened, would it? Why not link that path back to this page as well? --Notsooldpervert (talk) 00:24, 26 February 2020 (CET)

I recommend making two ask Julie what happened, as one of the links that go to this page comes from where you asked Kellie her side already, and thus creates a logic loop of ask Kellie/ask Julie. Telgar (talk) 17:46, February 25 2020 (PST)

@NSP, it doesn't change what she says, but it DOES change what happens after you ask her about her side. Jemini (talk) 05:14, 26 February 2020 (CET)

@Telgar, I just tried eliminating the logic loop like you said, but there's still a short extra version of one of the two scenes in the mix somewhere and every time I try to correct it I wind up somehow eliminating the 2nd link from the wrong page. I have absolutely no idea how that keeps screwing up. Jemini (talk) 18:27, 26 February 2020 (CET)