Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Quarter/Diya purpose/Marriage/Both/Wedding night

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After the wedding, you take the two girls, your child brides, straight home. The entire time Diya is informing Mary about what comes next. "Now comes the part where we consummate our marriage" she says. "That means he's going to have sex with us in order to make a baby."

"What? Consummate? Sex? Umm... what does all that mean?" Mary asked.

"It's what they were talking about in our sex-ed class in the fourth grade." She told her. "The teacher just said the husband and wife lay together, like it says in the bible, but what that means is actually that you are both naked, he lays on top of you, and he sticks his penis inside your vagina."

"Wh... what!? How do you know about all this stuff!?" Mary asks.

"It's what my mom and... uhh... it's what the adults where I live do for their jobs. Guys like sticking their penis in a girl's vagina a whole lot, so they let guys do it even if they're not married." Diya seemed to be dancing around the subject of her lesbian mothers as well as some other stuff. "Ah! Anyway! A marriage is not real until you have sex with your husband, that's what consummate means. It means you make the marriage real by having sex."

"Really!?" Mary responded. "So, is all that true Mr. Gardner?"

"You can call me John now, Mrs. Gardner." You tell her. "Anyway, yeah, it's all real. I can't believe you two haven't talked about these things before though. I thought you two seemed like pretty good friends."

"Well," Diya spoke up. "My mother told me a lot about how I couldn't talk about this stuff with my friends at school because the town's rules and stuff, a lot of people would get very mad at me and I would be bullied a lot worse if I talked about sex to anyone. But, you're about to have sex with me and Mary now, right? So now I thought she needed to know."

"Well, yeah, that all works out I guess." You admitted.

"So, a penis is a boy's privates, right?" Mary asks, stunning you slightly that the conversation had gone on this long and she didn't know that the entire time.

"What? Umm... yeah, I told you about that before, right?" Diya said.

"Yeah, you told me it's a part that sticks up like a finger. I haven't ever seen one before though." She says.

"Actually, I haven't ever seen one before either." Diya admits. "I just know this stuff because my mom told me. But, it definitely goes inside your vagina."

You are at least relieved Mary doesn't ask what her vagina is. Well, she might have started having her periods, so it would have to have been explained to her then.

"Ummmm.... hey! You're next-door neighbors with Mary, right?" Diya asks as you are starting to get closer to your house. You notice she actually has a bit of nervousness in her voice. Actually, she has been talking quickly the entire time, maybe she was telling Mary all she knew about sex as a way of dealing with her own nervousness on the prospect?

"Sooo... who are you going to, ummm... consummate with first?" She asks. Yeah, she's definitely pretty nervous.