Talk:Gay Stories

From All The Fallen Stories
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                                                                                         Play time
  Sam is a 10 year old kid who hasn’t had the best life. His mom died when he was very young so he lives alone with his dad. He doesn’t see his father very much, he has to walk to school because his father works and he doesn’t want to take the bus because he wants to avoid the bullies he has to deal with at school as much as possible. It doesn’t help that he shares the same classes with them, and that school is very bad but it was the best one they could afford. It didn’t help that most of the teachers there encouraged bullying. PE was the worst. That was the time when they could really have their way with him. They beat him up and the teacher would purposefully leave the class from time to time, making excuses for why he had to leave. He would break it up if things got too far though. There was one teacher who was actually normal and he didn’t allow the bullies to pick on him when they were in his class. He didn’t allow any misbehavior in his classroom. It was the one time he felt safe. He thought about talking to his teacher about it but he didn’t want him to get in trouble or anything, and he didn’t want to get into any worse trouble then he was already in. It made him happy that there was at least one teacher he could go to that wasn’t a creep, and didn’t care about his well being. 
One day after class, Sam’s teacher Mr. Martin wanted to talk to him . Sam didn’t want to talk to him but he felt safe around him and he wished he could stay in his classroom the whole school day, but he took any extra time he could get.

“Sam?” Mr. Martin asked.

“Yes?” Sam asked softly.

“Is everything ok?”


“Yes, is there anything I can do for you?”

Sam was a bit worried. He wasn’t sure what to say, and none of his teachers had ever talked to him like this before. They just told him to do things, they never asked him about what he wanted to do before.

“Um, why do you want to do anything for me?” He asked.

“Well I notice that you’re sad whenever you walk in my classroom and you’re always the first one in here, also you like sitting right in front of me. Is everything ok?”

“I-I guess?” Sam said hesitantly.

“It’s ok, you can talk to me about anything, I’m not going to hurt you.”

“What do you want from me?” Sam asked thinking that it could be a trick of some kind.

“I just want to make sure you’re ok, you’re the youngest student in my class. It’s a bit unusual for someone so young to be in highschool?”

“There are other kids my age here too.”

“I know that, but you’re new here, and well, I haven’t had anyone so young in my class before.”

“Yeah, I, um heard about you from what I heard other kids say about you, they all wanted to be in your class too but the principle didn’t let them.”

“So you must have fought really hard to get into my class then huh?”

“Um, why are you asking me this?”

“I ask every kid I see these kinds of questions, they’re too scared to say anything to me. I can’t help them if they don’t talk to me about it. They're afraid of getting bullied more than usual.”

“I-I am too.” Sam admitted.

“Yes but you’re the first person that I've been able to get anywhere with. All the other boy’s shut down if I press them on the matter.”

“I-I don’t want to get in trouble.” Sam said with tears in his eyes. He knew that he could be late to class, he hated when he was late for PE. Mr. Brimwell made him do 100 push-ups while the teens beat him. Sometimes one of the teens would sit on him while he did his push-ups. He was never able to do 100, he couldn’t even do 10. After that, Mr Brimwell would punish him by tying him to the ceiling and letting the other teens beat him like a pinata until class was over.

He hated PE and he asked several times to be transferred to another class but the principal refused. He never told his dad about it cause he worked all day and he didn’t want him to worry about him, he had enough to worry about as it was, paying bills, buying enough food for them.

"You won't, this is just between you and me ok?"

"No, not that, I don't want to be late for PE."

"How about I walk you too class and explain everything to the teacher. Who's your PE teacher?"

"M-Mr. Brimwell."

"Oh, him huh? I hear he's very strict."

"Strict? More like crazy, everyone in this school seems crazy, except for you and the other kids around my age."

"I'm aware of that. How about this, you come see me after school and we can talk about it some more ok?"

"Um, alright." Sam said with a little excitement in his voice.

He was still scared, but at least he could now tell someone about the bad things he was going through.

Mr. Martin walked Sam to the gym where all the teens were waiting for him as usual. Sam gulped as one of the boys in front smiled at him. It wasn't a friendly smile. He knew he'd have to do more push-ups.

Mr. Brimwell was standing by the bleachers and he looked at Sam with an annoyed look on his face. Mr. Martin walked over to Mr. Brimwell and talked to him for a moment, Sam wasn't paying attention, he was focused on the teens who looked ready to pounce on their prey.

Sam saw Mr. Martin leaving. He didn't want him to, but it wasn't like he could do much about this. Sam watched Mr. Martin walk out of the gym then he heard Mr. Brimwell.


Sam turned his head to him sharply, a look of fear in his eyes.

"You weren't late this time, good."

Sam looked at the time and the bell rang.

"See? Now go get dressed quickly or I'll count you holding everybody up as you being late. You should have gotten here sooner to give yourself enough time."

Sam ran to the locker room and got his gym clothes on. Which were a white tank top and bright blue shorts. When he returned he stood as far away from the teens as he could.

"Ok now then, everybody needs a partner."

Sam didn't like the sound of that, he looked over at the rest of the class, hoping that Jack, (who was the head honcho of bullies) would stay away from him.

A few boys started walking over to him but they stopped when they saw Jack doing the same, smiling as he walked past them. Sam started trembling in fear as Jack got closer to him, he'd been eyeing Sam for weeks, but he never actually got the chance to "meet" him.

"So you're Sam right?" Jack said.

Sam nodded his head slightly. He heard terrible things about Jack from the other boy's his age, the advice they gave him was to stay away from him at all costs.

"I'm Jack, nice to finally meet you, I've been waiting for the chance to get to know you." He said, putting an arm around Sam's shoulder.

Sam tried to pull away from him since Jack was uncomfortably close, but Jack kept a firm hold on him. Everybody else partnered up too, they all looked at Sam and smiled.
"Now then, today we're going to do something special for Sam, since this is the first time he's actually been on time so everybody on the baseline." Mr. Brimwell said.

Sam hoped he would have a better day today since he wasn't late. Everybody lined up.

"Today we'll be playing capture the flag, your partner will be on the other team. If you get tagged by your partner, you go to the bleachers with them till the match is done, if you get tagged by anyone else, you go back to your own side and try again. Everyone get on your sides."

Jack moved to the other side. Sam had a plan to stay on his side and avoid Jack as much as he could. He hoped that wouldn't be too hard. Jack stared at him from the other end of the gym. 

"The team that loses has to pick one person from their team to do 100 pushups." Mr. Brimwell said.

Sam got worried and it made him want to go for the other team's flag. He was 100% certain they were going to pick him if they lost, and it wouldn't surprise him if they tried to lose on purpose. Whether they were in teams or not it was always him vs the whole class. The best outcome he could hope for was that his team won and that Jack never tagged him or vice versa. The whistle blew and everybody ran to each other's sides, Sam didn’t know what to do, he wanted to stay away from them but he saw Jack starting to walk towards him. He stopped at the line dividing his side from Sam’s. Sam knew he couldn’t tag Jack or let Jack tag him. He wasn't sure what to do.

He soon decided to try and go for the other team's flag. He tried to get out of Jack's line of sight and eventually he was successful. Being the smallest kid in class had at it’s advantages sometimes, but not very often. Jack eventually found Sam and bolted straight towards him. He made it inside the circle but now there was nothing he could do. There was no one else around and no one was going to help him out. It was just him and Jack. Sam didn’t know how he was going to get out of this, or even if he could. He looked at Mr. Brimwell who looked at the clock.

“You lose if you don’t get out of that circle by the time the bell rings.”

Sam looked at the clock and saw that they had twenty minutes left. He had to risk it if he wanted to win.

“I’ll give you a head start.” Jack said as he moved behind the circle.

“A five second head start to be exact.” he added.

Sam didn’t feel good about this, Jack wouldn’t do this if he wasn’t confident in his speed. He had to try though. Taking a deep breath he took one step forward, Jack was keeping an eye on Sam’s feet, he would start counting as soon as a tow stepped outside the circle. Sam looked at Mr. Brimwell, then he looked back at Jack, who was casually leaning against the wall. He waited a couple more seconds then took off as fast as he could.

“FIVE!” Jack shouted, still relaxing against the wall.



“TWO!” Jack got ready to run now.

“One.” He said quietly to himself as he dashed forward.

Sam was shocked at how quickly he was catching up to him, he was half way there when Jack started to chase him. He almost made it across the line but Jack slapped his back and he fell down. Jack climbed on top of him and wrapped his hands tightly around the back of his neck. Sam started crying out in pain.

“PUSH-UPS NOW! WHO’S DOING THEM?!” Mr. Brimwell hallored.

They all pointed at Sam. Jack loosened the hold on Sam’s neck but he didn’t get off of him.

“You heard him.” Jack whispered into Sam’s ear.

Sam let go of the flag and tried his best to get into position. His whole body was shaking, he was tired and hurting all over. Sam tried to go up, his arms shook violently as he used all the strength he could to get his body up. He didn’t get very far and his arms gave out, his body hit the wooden floor hard and he yelped in pain.

“Jack, that’s enough!” Mr. Brimwell said.

Jack got off of him and looked down at him. He kicked him in the side hard before walking away. Sam grunted and rolled over onto his back holding his side as he winced in pain. Mr. Brimwell gave the class something else to do and walked over to Sam.

“Now then, give me 100 push-ups.” he said looking down at him.

“But I…”


Sam got on his hands and knees and started doing his push-ups, his arms were shaking so much, he wasn’t sure if he could even do ten this time.

“I’ll let you go get dressed early if you can do 10.” Mr. Brimwell said.

“You got 9 left.” He added as Sam went back up.

He tried to breathe in deep but it hurt his side and he started going back down again as he cried out in pain. Each push-up that came after it was harder to do than the previous one and his arms were shaking a lot by the time Mr. Brimwell got down to 3.

“Come on only two more.”

“I-I can’t.” Sam said getting ready to give up.


Sam went down and up again but after that he couldn’t do it anymore and he fell flat on his stomach. Mr. Brimwell picked him up by the back of his neck and set him down gently on his feet.

“Good, I’m impressed that you were able to do eight, and you weren’t late this time so I’ll give you a reward. Go rest on the bench for the rest of class.”

Sam walked over and laid down on the bench with his back to everybody and quickly fell asleep. The sound of the bell woke him up and he sat up looking around. Everyone was heading to the lockers. Sam waited for all of them to get done as he usually did. He lifted his shirt up and saw a big black bruise on his side, it was still hurting a bit. Sam started shaking and he gritted his teeth in frustration. He dreaded P.E because not only was it the worst class for him, but it was also the last one before school was out. He could hide the bruise from his dad easily but hiding the pain was the hard part. When everyone else went out of the locker room, he went in. He opened his locker and was about to take his clothes out but he heard the door open. 

“Hello?” Sam asked.

“Hey there.” Jack said, turning the corner.

“No, leave me alone please.” Sam begged.

“Relax, Mr. Brimwell said you’d get your reward. You didn’t think that little nap was it did you?”

“Please I want to go home Jack.”

“You never turn down a reward from Mr. Brimwell, now take off your shirt.”

“M-my shirt?” Sam asked.

“Yeah take it off.”

Sam hesitated.

“You can do it or I can.”

“I-I just want to go home.”

“You will, after you get your reward. Now take off your shirt.”

“No! I want to go home, I don’t want a reward!”

“Well too bad.”

He started walking towards Sam, who started backing up. Two other teens came in and grabbed him. Sam struggled as the boys raised his arms up and Jack removed his shirt and then his shorts. Sam gasped, as he looked menacingly at Sam’s underwear.

“Wait no stop, don’t take them off too, please!” Sam shouted.

“Trust me, this’ll feel great I promise.” Jack assured him, removing his underwear.

Sam started blushing and he crossed his legs to try and hide his penis from them.

The teens moved him to the bench and pinned his hands down on it. Jack walked up to him and wrapped an arm around his body. He grabbed Sam’s shaft, the pleasure he felt both scared and shocked him at the same time. Sam gasped but he didn’t stop struggling.

“It feels good doesn’t it?” Jack asked.

“N-no, stop it I want to, Ahh.”

Sam moaned when Jack started moving his hand up and down his shaft.

“You can lie all you want, but it feels good, I know it does, playtime’s always fun when you want it. Do you want to play Sam?”

“No I Ahh, I want to go home!” Sam cried as he continued to struggle.

“If you don’t relax your gonna have a bad time here, this is supposed to be a reward.”

“I said, ugh, I don’t want a reward!”

“And I said that’s too bad.”Jack said as he started moving his hand faster.

Sam felt his penis get hard and soon he felt something else too. It made him struggle and fight even more and he tried to pull his waist away from Jack.

“I-I have to pee, please let go!” Sam pleaded.

“That’s a good thing, just let it happen.”

“No, stop! Let me go!” He screamed.

Jack put his free hand over Sam’s mouth. Sam tried to hold it in.

“Don’t fight it, you want to let it out don’t you?”

Sam started crying. He was hoping that this was a bad dream and that he’d wake up on the bench, or somewhere other than here.

“Ok then, since you won’t behave, how about this?”

Jack let go of Sam for a moment and grabbed his shirt from his locker and laid it on the ground. Then he started stroking him again.

“The more you hold it in the more will come out and the bigger the mess it’ll make on your shirt.”

“No, stop it, let mmmh!”

Jack covered his mouth again and resumed stroking him, it didn’t take long for the urge to explode to come back. He tried to move his waist so he would miss his shirt but Jack moved his penis back towards it.

“You’ll like it eventually, you need to relax, trust me, it helps.”

Sam started screaming and crying, tears were streaming down his face, he hoped someone would hear him and put an end to this nightmare. Mr. Martin was walking out of the school when he heard Sam’s muffled screams and ran to see what was wrong.

Sam struggled with all his might to hold back the impending explosion but he couldn’t and the fluid splattered all over his shirt. Sam didn’t know what it was but he knew it wasn’t pee. He looked at his cum stained shirt with shock and embarrassment.

Mr. Martin saw this, ran over and grabbed Jack, slamming him against a locker. The other two boys let Sam go and ran out of the locker room.

“If I EVER catch you doing anything like this again I will break you! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!” Mr. Martin threatened.

Jack nodded his head and mr. Martin pushed him. Jack stumbled a little and ran out of the locker room. He went over to Sam who was still bent over and sobbing and helped him up. He was trembling and he hugged his teacher, burying his face into his shirt. Mr. Martin looked down at Sam’s messy cum stained shirt for a moment and then he pulled away from Sam and grabbed his jeans from his locker.

“Where’s your underwear?” mr. Martin asked.

“O-over there.” Sam said, pointing to the shorts and underwear on the floor.

Mr. Martin picked them up and handed them to Sam.

“Don’t put those on yet, I’ll get you something so you can clean yourself up first ok?”

Sam nodded and waited for mr. Martin to come back. He grabbed some paper towels from the restroom and came back, handing them to him. Sam started to clean himself up, he hesitated because his penis felt very sensitive.
“Um, could you help me please? It feels too weird.” Sam said still not sure why he was feeling this way.

“You, haven’t experienced anything like this before have you?” Mr. Martin said.

Sam shook his head.

“Have you heard about sex before?”

“Yeah, but no one ever explained anything to me though, I didn’t ask about it either, I only heard about it a little bit.”

“Was it that it’s how babies are made?” Mr. Martin said with a smile.

Sam nodded and smiled back at him.

“Ok just try and relax while I clean you up.”

“Ok.” Sam said feeling calmer than before.

Mr. Mertin started wiping the cum gently off his penis and Sam made a small noise.

“It feels good, but I still don’t like it.” Sam said.

“It’s normal for this kind of thing to feel good but it’s wrong for someone to force you to feel this way when you don’t want them too.”

“What if I did?”

“You’re too young to be experiencing something like this, when this kind of thing happens it’s called rape.”

“That good feeling scares me, they said I would get used to it eventually.”

“Don’t listen to those kids. It’s not something you should be afraid of, but it’s also not something you should experience until you’re their age, I’m sorry they did this to you.”

“Thank you.”

“Don’t mention it. I can’t do anything for you as far as the school system is concerned but there is someone I can get in touch with, but I'll need permission from a parent.”

“No, I-I don’t want my dad to know about this, he’s got a lot of things to worry about right now, I don’t want my safety to be one of them.”

“Ok, that’s not a problem, I’ll let them know.”

“Who?” Sam asked.

“The B.G.U.”


“The Bodyguard Unit. They help all kinds of people, from the president to people like you. There’s one guy in the B.G.U that deals with kids in particular. He helped my son once.”

“Is he nice like you?” Sam asked.

“Very nice, he helped my son with his abusive mother. She got custody of him and he called me every night until I got a hold of the B.G.U, everyone else I talked to said they couldn’t help.”

“How come I haven’t heard about them?”

“They’re not very well known, they only get called when there are no other options available, but for kids, you can call them right away. They have different numbers for different people. Your case isn’t a very high priority one unfortunately so if he’s busy, it might take him a while to get here. I won’t do this again but I’ll wait a while longer after school so we can talk ok?”


Mr. Martin finished wiping him off and told him to get dressed.

“I’ll take this shirt home with me and wash it. You can get it from me tomorrow before school. I’m always in my classroom. Would you like a ride home?”

“No thanks, I’ll walk. I like walking, it helps me forget about the bad things that happen at school for a while, before I get home and have to talk to my dad.”

“He’s either going to come to your house or to the school first.”

“My house?” Sam asked.

“Yes, I’ll tell him about you not wanting your dad to know about this, ok?”


Sam finished getting dressed and mr. Martin walked him outside. As Sam walked home he hoped that whoever this person was showed up asap, he didn't want to get raped anymore, but it was better than getting beat up though.

When Sam got home he looked for his dad and saw that he wasn't home, he checked the answering machine and his dad left him a message saying he was going to be home a little later than usual.

So he went upstairs to his bedroom and laid on his bed. He cried himself to sleep, he couldn't help but hear those words Jack said. When Sam heard the door open and his dad announced his presence he got up and ran downstairs, hugging his father.

“Whoa, hey there bud. Everything ok?” Sam’s dad Ben asked.

“Yeah, I’m ok now.”

“Did you have a good day at school?”

“Better than usual.”

“Anything in particular that made it better than other days?”

“Just my teacher mr. Martin.”

“Sam, I got a call from someone letting me know they’d either be coming to talk to you here or at the school.”

“Oh, really?”

“Yep. he told me I didn’t have to be concerned about anything and if I ever did he’d let me know. Are you sure everything’s ok?”

Sam looked at his dad and nodded then asked, “When are they coming?”

“He said depending on how everything goes he’d be arriving anywhere from tomorrow to next week.”


“Sam, is there something I should know?”

“I-I don’t think so.” Sam said, trying to stay calm.

“Ok, you know that if you have any concerns you can talk to me right?”

“Yeah, I know, but it’s just that you’re so busy with work and stuff and I don’t want you to be worrying about me that much.”

“Alright, I hope that whatever this is isn’t serious.”

“Thanks.” Sam said with a smile.

“So, are you hungry? We can go to Burger king if you want?”

“Um, I kind of want to rest for a little bit longer, I had a long day at school.”

“Ok, I’ll go pick us up some burger king and bring it home. You want anything other than a burger with fries?”


“I’ll be back soon, ok?”

“Ok bye.”

“Goodbye, I love you!”

“Love you too!”

When Sam heard the door open and close he felt the urge to pee and went to the restroom. He sat down and pulled down his pants but he impulsively held it in, remembering what Jack did to him. He tried to relax but he couldn’t help but relive that embarrassing moment. He knew that he might have to go through that again and that thought terrified him. So he got undressed and decided to take a shower. As Sam started to undress starting by removing his shirt. He remembered the two boys that held him while Jack took his shirt off him by force. He looked at the black bruise on his side and it concerned him even more. He had gotten bruises on his body before, but not like this, this one took up a lot of space on his side. His stomach started growling and it made his side hurt. He hoped his dad was coming home with dinner soon.
He took off his shorts next and again the memory of Jack removing them played in his mind. Sam tried to take off his undies next but his hands were shaking too much. He screamed and walked over to the shower and turned it on. He made the water hot and warmed up the bathroom to try and let himself relax. It helped, but he knew that the same thing might happen tomorrow, it might not happen if he was late to P.E. again but the huge black bruise on his body made him want to be on time. He didn’t want to go to school tomorrow, but he didn’t want to fake being sick and lie to his dad more than he already was.

He screamed again as tears started streaming down his face and he started crying.

Ben was on his way into the house when he heard his son scream and he called out to him as he quickly went to the kitchen and set the food down on the table. Then went upstairs to the bathroom where he heard the shower running.

“Sam? Are you ok?” Ben asked.

Sam calmed himself down and wiped the tears from his eyes.

“Y-yeah, I’m ok now that you’re home, I‘ll be out in a second, the food smells really good.”

“Ok, I’ll wait for you down at the Kitchen table.”

Ben went downstairs, and got the food ready. Sam turned off the shower, got dressed, went down to the kitchen table and sat across from Ben. His stomach growled again and he tried not to show the pain he was feeling in his side but he winced ever so slightly.

“Is this why that guy is coming to talk to you?” Ben asked.

Sam nodded.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, I just didn’t want you to worry about me on top of your work.”

“It’s fine you don’t have to explain anything to me right now, but if you ever want to talk about what happened to you, just let me know ok?”

“I hope the guy gets here tomorrow.”

“I’m glad you're at least getting some help with this problem you’re having. I didn’t recognize the number but it said emergency on the caller ID so I thought it might be important.”

“Dad, um, do you know how to hold your pee in for a long time?”

Ben put his sandwich down and looked at Sam in confusion.

“Hold your pee in?”

“Y-yeah.” Sam said starting to blush.


“I don’t want to let it come out.”

“Have you been having issues making it to the restroom on time at school?”

“You could say that.”

“Well it’s going to come out eventually, there’s no stopping it from happening, but you can do things to help hold it in, have you ever had an emergency before?”

“No, not like this.”

“Well, crossing your legs helps, you could also hold onto it with your hand too.”

Sam didn’t like the sound of holding his penis.

“Um anything else?”

“Drinking less fluids makes you have to pee less, but you don’t want to get dehydrated.”

“What if someone tries to make you pee?”

“Do we need to wash some clothes?”

“No, at least not because of that?”

“Sam, what’s going on?”

“Um, someone made me pee on my shirt after school today, my teacher took it home with him and he’s washing it for me.”

“Sam I understand if you don’t want to talk with me about this stuff, but if you’re going to, you have to be honest with me and tell me what happened.”

“I-I don’t know if I’m ready right now, I’m still confused.”

“Ok, thanks for letting me know about what’s bothering you at least.”

Sam nodded. They both sat in silence for a while, then Sam asked his dad if he could sleep in his room with him tonight.

“Sure, if it’ll help you sleep better.” Ben said as he hugged him.

Sam snuggled up next to Ben and Ben hugged Sam holding him close to try and help him feel safe. He waited for Sam to fall asleep then he went to  sleep shortly after. Sam had a nightmare about Jack drowning him in his own cum, Laughter rang all around him as he was held under by Jack and Mr. Brimwell. 
“It’s not so bad if you just relax.” Jack said, with a loud, deep, monstrously booming voice.

Ben woke up when Sam started struggling and squirming in his arms. Ben held Sam tight and shouted at him, trying to wake him up.

“Sam, Sam it’s ok, wake up! Sam?! SAM WAKE UP! Ben shouted.

Sam opened his eyes and tears began streaming down his face.

“Sam, did this Jack kid make you pee by touching your penis?”

Sam nodded.

“I thought that might have been why you were confused, it felt good but you still didn’t like what he was doing to you is that it?”

“Y-yeah.” Sam admitted as he blushed.

“Oh, Sam, you should have just told me, it’s ok. I won’t drive you to school or anything if you don’t want me too. This kind of thing is hard to deal with at a regular school, but at a school like this one.”

“You know about how bad that place is?”

“No, but if something like this is happening to you then it must be a worse school then they make it seem to be, I thought it was the best bad school, but it’s one of those really bad ones isn’t it?”

“The worst.”

“I’ll try and find a better school for you if I can.”

“No, it’s ok, I-I like mr. Martin, he’s the only nice teacher at the school, or the only nice one I’ve met at least.”

“Call me if you need anything, Ok?”

“I will, but please don’t be too worried about me?”

“I won’t say another word about this unless you want to talk.”


“Do you feel better enough to sleep in your own bed or do you still want to sleep with me?”

“I wanna stay here.”

“Ok, goodnight Sam.” Ben said kissing Sam’s head afterwards.

“Goodnight Dad.” Sam said as he closed his eyes.

The next day Sam was wakened by his dad’s alarm clock Ben reached over and turned it off.

“If you want to stay home, you can.” Ben said.

“No, that guy could be coming today. I hope he does.”

“I hope so too, try to stay out of trouble ok?”

“I do, but it’s really hard to do.”

“Go get ready and I’ll wash your gym clothes for you real quick ok?”


“Can you take a shower? You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to, maybe you can keep Jack away with your stinky body?”

Sam giggled a little as he got up and went to his room to pick out some clothes to wear. He thought he might take his dad's joke seriously and try to use his body odor to keep Jack and anyone else from hurting him, but he decided to shower anyways. He figured Mr. Brimwell would make him shower anyways.
“Sam? Are you ok with walking to school today?”
“Well whoever this guy is said you’re supposed to meet. He’s waiting for you at the school.”
“He’s here already?!”

“Apparently so.”

Sam smiled a little, he hoped he’d have a better day at school today. He went downstairs and ate some cereal before heading out the door. 
“You forgot your phone, he’s been trying to reach you on it.”
“Oh, oops.”
“That’s probably why you didn’t call me yesterday huh?”
“Yeah. Heh heh.”
Sam headed on his way again after hugging Ben and he got a call.
“That’s me.”
“Look for a man in a suit when you arrive at the school. I’ll be waiting for you.”
“Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me yet, we need to talk in person.”
“Oh, ok, see you at the school.”
“Yep, see ya there.”
Sam got to the school and started looking for a man in a suit, he saw Jack walking towards him, and started shaking. He thought about running, but he didn’t know where to go.
“Hey, Sam! Are you ready to play today?”
“Please, I don’t want to play anymore.”
“Awww, but it’s so much fun though?”
“Not for me.”
“Come on now, don’t be like that, I know you felt good, you can’t help it, it’s natural.”
“I don’t want to play!”
“Ok, that’s fine.”
Jack pushed Sam to the ground and started kicking him. Sam looked everywhere for a man in a suit, he saw him standing by the flag poll, looking at him. He wondered why he wasn’t trying to help, wasn’t that his job?
“We’ll play again today.” Jack said as he started making his way towards the building.
The man pulled out his phone and called him.
“We need to talk, come over here.”
He hung up before Sam could say anything. Sam struggled to his feet and walked over to him.
“Why were you just standing there watching him beat me up?”
“Right now, I’m just observing what a normal day is like for you. I’m sorry but it’s important for me to figure out the best way to help you. For now I’ll be a silent observer, once I see what a normal day is like I’ll ask you some questions, then I’ll be we’ll start hanging out more, ok?”
“Oh.” Sam felt sad.
“Hey, it’ll be alright, I’m here for you, and a situation like this isn’t solved in a day. It never is. If you’re lucky this’ll take two days, if not it’ll be longer.”
“How much longer?”
“Hard to say, depends on how bad you have it.”
“It’s really bad.”
“Then this’ll probably take more than two days. I know we just met, but trust me ok, I’ve dealt with situations like this before. Not as bad as yours, but I know what I'm doing for the most part. There are always complications. I want to make sure that they don’t happen too often. If things get life threatening I’ll step in.”
“Life threatening?”
“I want to avoid situations like that. Normally when a school like this meets someone like me things can get very tricky. I’m not saying it will happen, but it’s been my experience that people like that will do anything to make sure you don’t have a good day.”
Sam started shaking.
“It’ll be ok, I’m good at my job.You’re Sam right?”
“My names David, nice to meet you.”
Sam hugged David instead of shaking his hand.
“I-I don’t want to play with him.”
“Well, you might have to for today. I’ll be watching you very closely, you probably won’t see me, but I’ll see you. We’ll talk again when you get out of school, Meet me back here. One of your teachers is Mr. Martin isn’t it?”
“Yeah, he said you helped him.”
“I did, that situation was more serious, I want to avoid this turning into a more serious situation if possible. You probably don’t want to be late for class.”
“You’ll help if things get really bad?”
“If your life is in danger I’ll intervene.”
“Thank you.”
“Like I said, don’t thank me yet.”
Sam headed to class, feeling a little better than usual now. His first few classes were typical, he’d be trying his best to do his work but there was always something someone did to make him distracted or hurt. It was the same at mr. Martins class, but him sitting in front of his teacher made things a lot better. He was dreading P.E more so than before, he wanted to skip P.E entirely but it wouldn’t be a normal day if he did that, so he bared with it. He thought about showing up late to class this time, but as much as he hated to admit it he’d rather “play” with Jack then get beaten senseless by him. Of course, there was always a chance that both could happen, that was a chance he wanted to avoid if he could.
Mr. Martin assured him that everything would be ok and that the bodyguard was watching him, but Sam was eager for him to help him when it came to P.E though. 
“He will, trust me. He’s good at what he does, you can trust him.”
“Ok. I still don’t want to go to P.E. I don’t want another reward.”
“If you want him to help you, he’s got to have as much information as he can. You could show up late today, and then be on time tomorrow, to show him the difference?”
“But, what if he plays with me anyways?”
“Then it'll give him more information about your situation. Trust me, everything you’re going through right now helps him do his job well.”
Sam nodded then headed to P.E.
His phone rang, as he was heading to class, he wasn’t going to be on time today.
“Hey, so P.E’s a real bad time for you huh?”
“Yeah, if I’m on time, Mr. Brimwell will have Jack play with me, but if I’m late, Jack will beat me up. He beats me up during class anyways, most of the time, but now, I-I don’t know which is worse.”
“Play with you?”
“Mr. Martin said that it’s called rape if someone makes you play when you don’t want to.”
“I see, where do you play at?”
“In the locker room.”
“Ok, well I can’t help with that unless you can get out of the locker room.”
“These kinds of things have to be handled carefully and I can’t go into those kinds of areas unless your life's in danger. Restrooms are another story cause there’s a door between you and the public. It’s a safety precaution, not only for you, but for us as well. Let’s just say, we’ve had some playful agents in the past and we try to avoid that happening. I’m not like that, but again it’s for your protection.”
“I don’t know if I can though, he brought 2 other guy’s with him last time, and he’s a lot faster than me.”
“Well, if you can’t outrun him, then outsmart him.”
“You’re smaller than him, use that to your advantage.”
“You can slip past him if he gives you an opening, usually happens when things don’t go smoothly. I can ruff up his plans a bit.”
The bell rang.
“I hope we won’t play today, but he’ll beat me up again though, Mr. Brimwell has the class punish me for being late, and he makes me do 100 push-ups, but I can’t do 100.”
“How many can you do normally?”
“I can barely do 10.”
“You’ll get better the more you do them.”
“I have done them with my therapist this last summer. 10 is the best I can do.”
“That recent?”
“Yeah,  she had me try and do 15, I tried everyday for the whole summer but I couldn’t get past 10.”
“Is it a condition you have?”
“I don’t know, but I can’t seem to get any stronger then this.”
“As you get older you might naturally get stronger?”
“I’m almost at the gym, will I see you there?”
“Possibly. It’ll be a surprise.”
“It’d be a nice one. Bye.”
“See ya.”
Sam took a breath before walking into class.
"Ah, there you are, you're late. Go get changed." Mr. Brimwell said.
Sam looked around, he didn't see Jack anywhere, and that scared him. He cautiously went to the locker room and looked everywhere for Jack, but again nothing. He wondered what could be going on. Sam got into his P.E clothes and headed out to another painful day of P.E.
Mr. Brimwell went to the closet and poured out a bunch of basketballs. He tossed them on one side of the gym. 
 Sam ran back as far as he could so that he'd hopefully have a better chance of dodging the basketballs. Lots of balls came speeding at him, he somehow dodged all but one which hit him in his stomach. Sam slammed into the wall and dropped to one knee. Another ball came at his head and he ducked. When he looked up again another ball was heading for his face, he put his arms up cause he didn't have time to dodge it, but it didn't hit him. Sam looked up and saw his bodyguard standing in front of him. 
"WHO THE HECK ARE YOU?!" Mr. Brimwell asked.
They grabbed more balls and threw them at Sam, aiming between David's legs, and at an angle Sam was exposed at. 
"MOVE!" He shouted at Sam.
Sam got up and ran. David followed blocking the shots that were going for his head. Sam tripped on one and fell. A ball came rolling at Sam's head. David stopped the ball with his foot, inches away from Sam's face. He chucked the ball he was holding at someone, they dodged it but it hit someone behind them. Then he kicked the other one to the side so it wouldn't go on the other end. Sam was facing the corner trying to shield his head as best he could. Jack walked into P.E with a bowl. He saw David, but not Sam. He knew Sam was over on the other side though.
Jack went to the locker room. David saw him. Another ball came at Sam and David caught it. Mr. Brimwell stopped the game, and moved on to something else. 
"PUSH-UPS, 100 NOW!"
David turned to Sam.
"You ok?"
"Yeah, thanks to you. Um, I can't do 100 push-ups. I can't go past 10."
"How 'bout we go have a seat then?"
San nodded and David helped him to his feet and sat with him on the bleachers.
"No problem. This normal for you?"
David stood up and walked over to Mr. Brimwell.
"Do not test me. This may be your class but he is my client."
"Who are you?" 
"I told you, I'm Sam's bodyguard. If you interfere with my job, I will use force."
"You a cop or something?"
"Something. Sam is my client, it's my job to protect him from any potentially lethal threats. You can talk to my boss if you like?"
"Yes I would like to do that."