Mother's Helping Hand/Start/Virgin/Older elementary

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You are feeling a little pathetic, you are actually sorta considering telling her you want an elementary school girl. In part, you probably just want to see if you can freak your mother out. As horny as you are, you are also intimidated by the idea of doing anything sexual with an actual girl. If you just freak your mother out by saying you want a little elementary school girl, she will probably freak out and say "no," and then this whole thing will be behind you.

But... what if she actually gets a little elementary school girl for you? Well, they should be easier to deal with maybe since they are so young and not as intimidating.

You look out the window. You can see some girls from up here. Which one catches your eye?

A girl wearing a cat-ear hood and reading manga (Magic Girl or Cat Girl fury elements suggested.)